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Saturday, December 29, 2007

Minutes; Dean Youth Center: October 2007

Evansville Youth Center Advisory Board
Meeting Minutes
October 25, 2007

1. Call to order by President Dave Rossmiller at 5:36pm
2. Roll call Present—Dave Rossmiller, Tina Rossmiller, Sandi Konkel, Rob Savaske, Tracy Schroeder (EYC Director) and Don Clark (YMCA of Northern Rock County COO) Absent—Chris Ehle and Erin Savaske
3. Approval of minutes as written
4. Director’s report by Tracy Schroeder—September was a GREAT month for the center. Back to school day the center had an attendance of 35 kids. With a few exceptions, the center is seeing higher numbers on a daily basis than last school year. Wednesdays continue to be our highest attendance day due to no after school sports. The center is still frequented every day by 9th grade kids who stop by to talk and check in with Tracy. But, since they are in 9th grade they can not stay due to being too old to attend the center. This has prompted Tracy to accelerate our plan in offering something for the 9th and 10th grade kids. Tracy will schedule a staff to be here on one late night (6pm-8pm) a month so we can offer something for the older kids. We will see how this goes and then decide how we want to proceed. Our first night for 9th and 10th grade kids will be November 9. Our late night for the 5th-8th grade kids went very well and was attended by 23 kids. We formed our new youth board for this school year. The new youth board members are Nikki H, Justin H, Quinn B, Jasmine, Tasia Z, Kyl K, Josh C and Jessica P. There first meeting will be Tues Oct 30th. They will elect officers, go over board duties and sign job descriptions. Note that the center will be closed Thanksgiving and the day after.
5. Financials by Don Clark—September saw very little activity with the exception of the usual expenditures. Don did point out that the electrician has not billed us for the new lights yet because he will be coming back to do a few more things in the center.
6. Funding letters—Tracy Schroeder updated the board on the funding letters. Tracy was informed that the letters can not be sent in the water and light bills due to a Wisconsin state statute. We were not prepared for this, since we have done it in the past. Tina Rossmiller had suggested that we do an insert in The Review. Tracy did some research on this and found that this would a feasible solution. The cost will be approx $260. This was an unexpected expense, but the hope is that the return we get will be a greater benefit. Tracy will work on a bulletin list of information for the board.
7. Kringle fundraiser—Chris Ehle was not present at the meeting, but he had given info to Tracy Schroeder prior to the meeting. Tracy handed out order forms to the board members. Orders WITH money are due back to Tracy by November 5th. The order will be in on November 20th and can be picked up at the center after 3pm. Chris is offering 2 all day lift tickets to Devil’s Head for the youth that sells the most. Tracy will send PR to The Review and The Evansville Observer.
8. Any other business—Tracy Schroeder is helping out with kids’ activities at the Chili cook off this year. Tracy provided info to the board and asked for volunteers to help. Tina and Dave volunteered to help that night. Rob Savaske brought up the idea of creating an ‘alumni list’ of the past center kids. So we can keep track of the kids and where they go after they can no longer use the center. Don Clark said that December 26th, 27th or 28th will work well for the youth center day at the YMCA. We will plan to have a pizza party for the kids that day in Parker Hall at the Y, let the kids use the gym and use the brand new aquatic center! Tracy will get with Y staff to coordinate the day and then reserve a bus, do PR etc. The board voted to move it’s meeting next month to November 29, because the usual meeting day falls on Thanksgiving Day.
9. Adjournment by Dave Rossmiller at 06:45pm.


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