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Sunday, April 2, 2006

Minutes: Redevelopment Authority: December 2006

Evansville Redevelopment Authority
Board of Commissioners

Regular Meeting
Wednesday, December 6, 2006, 7:30 p.m.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin


I. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairperson Eager. Present: John Decker, Chris Eager, Bill Hammann, Roger Roth (arrived 8:03 p.m.), Tony Wyse. Absent: Betsy Ahner, Tom Calley. Also present: Jeff Farnsworth, Mayor Sandy Decker (arrived 7:50 p.m.).

II. Declare Quorum. There being a majority of the Commissioners present at call to order, a quorum was declared by the Chair.

III. Approve Agenda. The agenda, as distributed, was approved without objection.

IV. Approve Minutes of November 21, 2006 Meeting. Motion by Decker, second by Wyse, to approve the November 21 minutes, as distributed. A suggestion to correct the minutes to reference the "Redevelopment Authority" rather than the "Economic Development Authority" in one location was agreed to by all Commissioners present. The minutes, as corrected, were approved by voice vote.

V. Old Business.
A. Approval of $6,000 grant reimbursement to Lewis B. Farnsworth for 12-14 East Main Street restoration based on submitted documentation of costs.

Jeff Farnsworth appeared on behalf of Lewis Farnsworth. Mr. Decker distributed copies of minutes of the Common Council's approval of reimbursement of 20% of project costs, or $6,000, whichever was less, in connection with facade restoration at the subject premises. He also distributed a listing of project expenditures (by contractor or vendor) totalling more than $34,000, and copies of e-mail correspondence between City Assessor Hallie Wendorf and former City Administrator Bill Connors reflecting Ms. Wendorff's view that the interior work done in the restoration would have a significant positive effect on assessment of the property. Mr. Farnsworth explained that work of mechanical contractors was necessary to provide new air conditioning to replace former window air conditioning units on the front facade, and that modifications to interiors at the front of the businesses was needed because of enlargement of the first floor windows to historical dimensions.

Motion by Wyse, second by Hamman, to approve reimbursement of expenses in the amount of $6,000, based upon submitted documentation.
Approved by voice vote.

B. Discuss rough draft of development agreement for 7 East Main Street (Eager Building).

Jeff Farnsworth appeared on behalf of the developers of the project. Mayor Decker distributed an initial discussion draft of a proposed Developers Agreement, based upon the Grange Store Developers Agreement, as suggested by the Commissioners at a prior meeting. She said that she and City Attorney Kopp sought the Commission's guidance on additions and refinements to the draft, and noted that a Developers Agreement acceptable to the City was among the five conditions imposed by the Common Council for TIF financing for the subject project.

Commissioners expressed strong continuing support of the project in principle, but observed that the developers had not yet furnished the Redevelopment Authority a budget, listing of projected costs, nor any other documentation subsequent to presentation of the architect's construction drawings and specifications. Concern also was expressed by Commissioners that work has progressed beyond demolition and into reconstruction without fulfillment of all of the conditions imposed by the Common Council, and before an understanding has been reached between the Redevelopment Authority and the developers as to which categories of work will be eligible for TIF reimbursement, or as to which standards must be met to provide assurance that costs to be reimbursed are competitive.

Chairperson Eager observed that the Commissioners could not judge how the currently-estimated costs (of slightly over $2,001,000, as furnished to the City by the Wisconsin Department of Commerce) compare with the developers' previous estimate of $1,900,000, absent any cost documentation from the developers. Mr. Farnsworth confirmed the developers' understanding that the purchase price of the premises, in the amount of $330,000, will not be included in project costs for which partial reimbursement will be sought from the TID, and agreed to furnish the current budget and related documents at an early date.

Regarding paragraph #2 of the draft agreement, Commissioners suggested that refinement and elaboration were needed, especially as to the definition of "improvement", and as to the effect of the anticipated $280,000 loan from the City to the developers, which has been facilitated by the expected Department of Commerce Community Development Block Grant.

As to paragraph #3, Commissioners recommended that a further definition of "project cost" was needed, including an expression that the acquisition cost of the premises is not to be included. A breakdown of project costs should be called for.

At an appropriate point in the Agreement, it should be specified that disbursement of funds is to be made by the title insurance company handling the construction draw account, in response to periodic draw requests of the contractors, and subject to an approval mechanism acceptable to the City.

The developers' requests for reimbursement for particular items of work exceeding a threshhold amount of perhaps $1,000 to $5,000 should be subject to a requirement that the cost be supported by 2 competitive bids. It may be appropriate to include a specific waiver provision for this requirement in some instances.

VI. New Bussiness.
C. Motion to recommend to Common Council Resolution 2006-49, authorizing submission of a Community Development Block Grant - Facilities application for the Eager Building conversion. So moved by Hammann, second by Wyse.

Mayor Decker explained that an authorizing resolution from the Common Council is a formal requirement of a CDBG grant application, although in this case the Commerce Department has advised the City that its application is successful, in advance of presentation of the authorizing resolution. The City is informed it will be awarded a grant of $300,000, of which up to $20,000 may be devoted to grant administration costs. The City's Housing Authority will administer the grant. The balance may be loaned by the City to the developers of the Eager Building for purposes of funding a portion of the costs of converting the second floor into residential space. Loan amounts repaid by the developers will be retained by the City for purposes of establishing a revolving loan fund to benefit other moderate- and low-income housing projects in the City.

Mr. Farnsworth pointed out that the legwork for the grant application had been performed by the developers themselves, and that it was their desire and expectation that the loan be made on an interest-free basis.

Commissioners noted that the loan to the Eager Building developers is subject to negotiation between the City and the developers as to term, interest rate (if any) and the like. Chairperson Eager said it would be in the public's interest to negotiate a shorter, rather than a longer, repayment period, so as to build up the revolving loan fund as soon as possible.

VII. Other business.

VIII. Adjournment. Roth moved, seconded by Hammann, to adjourn to the regular January meeting. Approved by voice vote at 9:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

John Decker, Acting Secretary

Please Note: Minutes of the Commission are not official until approved at a subsequent meeting.

Minutes; Evansville Redevelopment Authority: November 2006

Evansville Redevelopment Authority
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, November 21, 2006, 7:30 PM
City Hall, 31 S. Madison St., Evansville, WI


The meeting was called to order at 7:55 PM by Chairperson Eager. Present were Chairperson Eager, Ald. Wyse, Betsy Ahner, and John Decker. Mayor Sandra Decker and Jeff Farnsworth were also present. Absent: Ald. Hammann, Tom Calley, Roger Roth

The agenda was approved as printed.

Approval of Minutes
Motion by Ald. Wyse to approve the minutes of the October 17, 2006 meeting. Second by John Decker. Motion passed.

Citizen Appearances Other Than Agenda Items Listed None

Public Hearings None

Unfinished Business None

New Business
Motion by Ald. Wyse that the Evansville Economic Development Authority recommend to the Common Council that it provide a resolution in support of the Community Development Block Grant – Public Facilities for the purpose of obtaining additional funding for streetscape enhancements for next year’s Main Street Reconstruction project. Second by John Decker. Motion passed.
7 East Main Street- a vote could not be taken on this item because Chairman Eager removed himself from the voting and a quorum was not present. A discussion was held on what the agreement between the building owners and the RDA should include. Mayor Decker will contact the City Attorney about this. A special RDA meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, December 6, 2006 to discuss this issue further and to approve the TIF commitment to the project funding. It was suggested the Mayor arrange to send Roger Berg copies of all RDA meeting minutes in which the project was discussed.

A motion was made and seconded to adjourn. Motion passed.

The meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM.

Prepared by
Betsy Ahner

The Minutes of meetings of the Redevelopment Authority are not official until approved by the Authority.

Minutes: Evansville Redevelopment : October 2006

Evansville Redevelopment Authority
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, October 17, 2006, 7:30 PM
City Hall, 31 S. Madison St., Evansville, WI


The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM by Chairperson Eager. Present were Chairperson Eager, Ald. Hammann, Ald. Wyse, Betsy Ahner, John Decker, Tom Calley and Roger Roth. James Otterstein, Rock County Economic Development Manager, and Mayor Sandra Decker, were also present.

Members of WEBLOS Scout Pack 514 attended the meeting and were welcomed by Chairperson Eager.

The agenda was approved as printed.

Approval of Minutes
No minutes were available from the September meeting.

Citizen Appearances Other Than Agenda Items Listed None.

Public Hearings None.

Unfinished Business
Committee member Ahner asked for an update on the application of the Eager Building for a Commerce Department grant. They have received approval on their application from the Wisconsin State Historical Society and the US Park Service.

Ald. Hammann announced Evansville has been awarded a Wisconsin Department of Transportation Enhancement grant and will be able to restore the brick pavers on two blocks of Main Street (from Maple to First St) as well as bike paths and other downtown enhancements.

New Business
John Decker presented a proposed resolution to accompany an application for Preserve America designation. He explained that this designation would make Evansville eligible to apply for further grants for public-private historic preservation efforts. Staff at the Wisconsin State Historical Society will prepare the application on our behalf. Motion by Ald. Hammann to adopt the proposed resolution. Second by Roger Roth. Motion carried.

Mayor Decker spoke briefly to the WEBLOS and asked if they knew why it was so important for them to shop and do business in Evansville. Three of the scouts gave very good answers to the question. A scout also asked what the Eager Building project would include and Chairperson Eager explained plans for the restoration of the front of the building and remodeling of the interior to include retail and office space and apartments. He thanked the WEBLOS and their leaders for taking the time to attend the meeting and learn about their city government.

A motion was made and seconded to adjourn. Motion passed.

The meeting adjourned at 7:50 PM.

Prepared by
Betsy Ahner

The Minutes of meetings of the Redevelopment Authority are not official until approved by the Authority.

Minutes: Evansville Redevelopment: August 2006----Meeting not held due to LACK of QUOREM


The regular meeting of the Evansville Redevelopment Authority for the City of Evansville will be held on the 15th day of August, 2006, at 7:30 p.m., at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.

Evansville Redevelopment Authority
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, August 15, 2006, 7:30 PM
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin


No Meeting because no quorum
Call To Order

Declare Quorum

Approve Agenda

Approve Minutes of July 18, 2006, meeting

Old Business
A. Discussion of vacancy on Board

New business
B. Jan Davis’ applications for assistance for façade renovation

Other business


Christopher A. Eager, Chairman

Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.

Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.

Minutes: Evansville Redevelopment: July 2006

Evansville Redevelopment Authority
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 7:30 p.m.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin


I. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 7:32 p.m. by Chairperson Eager. Present: Ahner, Decker, Eager, Hammann, Wyse. Absent: Arnold, Roth. Also present: Mayor Sandy Decker.

II. Declare Quorum. There being a majority of the Commissioners present, a quorum was declared by the Chair.

III. Approve Agenda. The agenda, as distributed, was approved without objection.

IV. Approve Minutes of June 20, 2006 Meeting. Motion by Hammann, second by Wyse, to approve the June 20 minutes, as distributed. Approved by voice vote.

V. Old Business.
A. Discussion of marketing study for TIF 5. The Chair reported that the Finance Committee has declined a proposed budget amendment for a proposed marketing study, and has returned the proposal to the Commission, with the suggestion that it be further developed, and submitted first to the Plan Commission. Mayor Decker advised she will ask Ehlers & Associates to draft an amendment to the Project Plan for presentation to the Plan Commission.

B. Discussion of investor attraction study. The Chair reported that Mr. Otterstein has had discussions with Wendy Soucie of Sortis regarding a possible marketing plan, intended to reach investors who might be interested in developing property within the TID. Members of the Economic Development Committee reported in some detail on the presentation made earlier in the evening to that committee by Sortis. The Commission will await further input from Mr. Otterstein.

VI. New Bussiness.
A. Applications for assistance. None received.

VII. Other business.
A. Discussion of vacancy on Board. Mayor Decker advised that Dean Arnold has resigned from the Commission, and also from the Economic Development Committee, due to other time committments. Commissioners suggested that the Mayor seek to appoint a downtown businessperson as a replacement.

VIII. Adjournment. Hammann moved, seconded by Wyse, to adjourn to the regular August meeting. Approved by voice vote at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

John Decker, Acting Secretary

Please Note: Minutes of the Commission are not official until approved at a subsequent meeting.

Minutes: Evansville Redevelopment: July 2006

Evansville Redevelopment Authority
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 7:30 p.m.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin


I. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 7:32 p.m. by Chairperson Eager. Present: Ahner, Decker, Eager, Hammann, Wyse. Absent: Arnold, Roth. Also present: Mayor Sandy Decker.

II. Declare Quorum. There being a majority of the Commissioners present, a quorum was declared by the Chair.

III. Approve Agenda. The agenda, as distributed, was approved without objection.

IV. Approve Minutes of June 20, 2006 Meeting. Motion by Hammann, second by Wyse, to approve the June 20 minutes, as distributed. Approved by voice vote.

V. Old Business.
A. Discussion of marketing study for TIF 5. The Chair reported that the Finance Committee has declined a proposed budget amendment for a proposed marketing study, and has returned the proposal to the Commission, with the suggestion that it be further developed, and submitted first to the Plan Commission. Mayor Decker advised she will ask Ehlers & Associates to draft an amendment to the Project Plan for presentation to the Plan Commission.

B. Discussion of investor attraction study. The Chair reported that Mr. Otterstein has had discussions with Wendy Soucie of Sortis regarding a possible marketing plan, intended to reach investors who might be interested in developing property within the TID. Members of the Economic Development Committee reported in some detail on the presentation made earlier in the evening to that committee by Sortis. The Commission will await further input from Mr. Otterstein.

VI. New Bussiness.
A. Applications for assistance. None received.

VII. Other business.
A. Discussion of vacancy on Board. Mayor Decker advised that Dean Arnold has resigned from the Commission, and also from the Economic Development Committee, due to other time committments. Commissioners suggested that the Mayor seek to appoint a downtown businessperson as a replacement.

VIII. Adjournment. Hammann moved, seconded by Wyse, to adjourn to the regular August meeting. Approved by voice vote at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

John Decker, Acting Secretary

Please Note: Minutes of the Commission are not official until approved at a subsequent meeting.

Minutes; Redevelopment Authority: June 2006

Evansville Redevelopment Authority
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, June 20, 2006, 7:30 PM
City Hall, 31 S. Madison St., Evansville, WI


The meeting was called to order at 7:34 PM by Chairperson Eager. Present were Chairperson Eager, Ald. Hammann, Ald. Wyse, Betsy Ahner, John Decker, and Roger Roth. Vice-Chairperson Arnold was absent. James Otterstein, Rock County Economic Development Manager, and Bill Connors, Executive Director, also were present.

The agenda was approved as printed.

Approval of Minutes

Motion by Ahner, seconded by Wyse, to approve the minutes of the May 16, 2006, regular meeting as presented. Motion passed.

Citizen Appearances Other Than Agenda Items Listed None.

Public Hearings None.

Unfinished Business None.

New Business

Executive Director Connors reported that tax increment probably could be spent on studies and marketing, but this expenditure should be explicitly authorized in the project plan. He said the budget in TID No. 5’s project plan does not include a category of cost that clearly would include the cost of a study or marketing, and even though the budget is not intended to be exclusive, it would be prudent to amend the project plan budget to include an amount for such “soft” costs if the city wants to spend tax increment from TID No. 5 on them. Motion by Decker, seconded by Hammann, to ask the Plan Commission and Common Council to amend the project plan for TID No. 5 to include $40,000 for marketing, including, but not limited to, possibly paying part of the cost of a trade market analysis study. The commissioners instructed Mr. Connors to work with Ehlers & Associates to ensure that the project plan for TID No. 6 also contains a similar provision.

Executive Director Connors communicated a suggestion from Tim Schwecke, city planner, about a strategy for jump-starting redevelopment in TID No. 5. Mr. Schwecke suggested (1) assembling a redevelopment site through purchases, options to purchase, or asking owners of adjacent properties to list their properties as being for sale, (2) hiring an urban design firm to create a concept design for a redevelopment project on the assembled site, and (3) marketing the redevelopment concept design to developers. Mr. Schwecke focused his suggestion on properties along Union St., where redevelopment projects were anticipated to occur but so far have not occurred. Ald. Wyse suggested that if thought at the time TID No. 5 was created was that reconstructing the streets would encourage redevelopment, then we should wait until Main St. is reconstructed before we conclude that redevelopment is not happening. Several commissioners suggested that it would be cheaper to obtain some professional renderings of new or improved building facades and use those for marketing. The commissioners asked James Otterstein to investigate the cost of obtaining such renderings. Ald. Hammann noted there are some renderings of facades in the city’s Smart Growth Comprehensive Plan from OMNNI, so Mr. Otterstein should contact OMNNI as part of his investigation.

The commissioners discussed the starting time for future Redevelopment Authority meetings, and the consensus was to start meetings at 7:30 PM from now on.

Motion by Hammann, seconded by Decker, to adjourn. Motion passed.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.

Prepared by
William E. Connors, Executive Director

The Minutes of meetings of the Redevelopment Authority are not official until approved by the Authority.

Minutes; Evansville Redevelopment: May 2006

Evansville Redevelopment Authority
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, May 16, 2006, 7:00 PM
City Hall, 31 S. Madison St., Evansville, WI


The meeting was called to order at 7:07 PM by Ald. Hammann. Present were Ald. Hammann, Ald. Wyse, Betsy Ahner, and John Decker. Chairperson Hagen, Vice-Chairperson Eager, and Dean Arnold were absent. Bill Connors, Executive Director, also was present.

The agenda was approved as printed.

Election of Officers

Mr. Decker nominated Mr. Eager to be Chair. Ald. Hammann seconded the nomination. Mr. Eager was elected Chair on a voice vote.

Ald. Wyse nominated Mr. Arnold to be Vice-Chair. Ms. Ahner seconded the nomination. Mr. Arnold was elected Vice-Chair on a voice vote.

Ald. Hammann continued to serve as the temporary presiding officer in the absence of the Chair and Vice-Chair.

Approval of Minutes

Motion by Ahner, seconded by Wyse, to approve the minutes of the April 25, 2006, regular meeting as presented. Motion passed.

Citizen Appearances Other Than Agenda Items Listed None.

Public Hearings None.

Unfinished Business

Executive Director Connors reported that the adjustment the city assessor had made to the assessed value of the Badger Coach building was sufficient to produce the equalized value increase Triple B Investment LLC was require to produce under the redevelopment agreement, so no further action was needed. Roger Berg and Matt Brown of Triple B Investment LLC were present to hear this report. Richard Woulfe, 255 E. Main St., questioned whether the city assessor is equitably assessing commercial property in the city.

New Business

Joe Bradley, a realtor representing clients who have an accepted purchase offer for 128 E. Main St., gave a presentation regarding what his clients intend to do with the building if they close on the purchase, and asked whether the Redevelopment Authority would be interested in providing financial assistance with the project. His clients want to renovate the interior of the building to create three to four commercial spaces, one of which eventually would be occupied by the China Wok Restaurant now located near the intersection of Water St. and E. Main St. The improvements to the façade would include re-opening the windows that are now bricked up. The purchasers would like to have the renovation complete by the time Main St. reopens after reconstruction during 2007. The commissioners said they liked the idea of restoring the façade of the building to its historic appearance and bringing a restaurant downtown. They instructed Mr. Bradley to have his clients complete and submit an application for assistance to the Redevelopment Authority and to meet with the Historic Preservation Commission about the proposed improvements to the building façade.

Mr. Decker reported that the Economic Development Committee is working on two grant applications to fund a trade market analysis study. The cost of the study would be $19,000. The first application, for a grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, would not require a local match, but the state USDA offices allow only two applications per state to be submitted each year for possible funding. The application for this grant is due May 26. The Economic Development Committee intends to review the grant application at a special meeting before authorizing its submission. The other grant would be for Community Development Block Grant money through the state Department of Commerce. The grant would involve a 25% local match. James Otterstein will prepare a preliminary application and show it to staff at the state Department of Commerce for feedback on whether it would be a viable grant application. If this second grant application moves forward, the Economic Development Committee might request that the Redevelopment Authority agree to pay part of the local match with tax increment. Ald. Hammann asked Executive Director Connors to ask the city attorney whether paying for part of the cost of a trade market analysis study would be a legitimate TIF expenditure.

Motion by Hammann, seconded by Decker, to adjourn. Motion passed.

The meeting adjourned at 7:39 PM.

Prepared by
William E. Connors, Executive Director

The Minutes of meetings of the Redevelopment Authority are not official until approved by the Authority.

Minutes; Evansville Redevelopment: April 2006

Evansville Redevelopment Authority
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, April 25, 2006, 7:00 PM
City Hall, 31 S. Madison St., Evansville, WI


The meeting was called to order at 7:10 PM. Present were Vice-Chairperson Eager, Ald. Hammann, Ald. Wyse, Betsy Ahner, Dean Arnold, and John Decker. Chairperson Hagen was absent. James Otterstein, Rock County Economic Development Manager, and Bill Connors, Executive Director, also were present.

The agenda was approved as printed.

Motion by Ahner, seconded by Arnold, to approve the minutes of the March 21, 2006, regular meeting as presented. Motion passed.

Citizen Appearances Other Than Agenda Items Listed None.

Public Hearing Regarding Possible Change in Boundaries of TID No. 5.

Vice-Chairperson Eager opened the public hearing at 7:11 PM. Executive Director Connors reported that he had placed notices in The Review inviting property owners to come to a public hearing this evening to request that their property be added or removed from TID No. 5. No property owners appeared to make such a request. At its previous meeting, the Redevelopment Authority had received a request for Jim Krueger to add his property at 357 Union Street to TID No. 5. Mr. Decker reported that Chairperson Hagen spoke with Mr. Krueger, and Mr. Krueger understands that it would not be prudent for the city to use one of its limited opportunities to change the boundaries of TID No. 5 to add just one parcel. Mr. Connors showed the commissioners a letter from Mr. Krueger which appears to indicate a willingness to wait a while until his parcel is added. Ald. Wyse asked if anyone knew of any properties that had potential for being added to TID No. 5 in the near future. Roger Berg, 75 Exchange St., reported that he knows that someone is studying a possible new business development at a location near the boundaries of TID No. 5, and this person might request that the property be added to TID No. 5 during the next 6 months to one year.

Motion by Hammann, seconded by Ahner, to close the public hearing at 7:20 PM. Motion passed.

Motion by Decker, seconded by Hammann, to recommend to Council that Mr. Krueger’s property at 357 Union St. be added to TID No. 5 next time the city changes the boundaries of the district. Vice-Chairperson Eager said he was relying on Chairperson Hagen’s representation that Mr. Krueger was willing to wait to have his property added to the district. Ald. Hammann said he does not want to establish a precedent that the city will change the boundaries of a TID to add just one small parcel. Motion passed.

Unfinished Business

The commissioners continued their discussion of the “pay back” provision in section 5 of the agreement with Triple B Investments regarding the Badger Coach Building. Mr. Connors reported that Hallie Wendorff, City Assessor, had agreed to inspect the building and consider changing its assessed value. Mr. Berg report that Ms. Wendorff had inspected the building for the first time since the renovation was completed and had informed Mr. Berg that she would increase the total assessed value of the land and improvements as of January 1, 2006, to $234,300. Mr. Berg asked the Redevelopment Authority to conclude this change in value fulfilled Triple B Investments LLC’s obligations under the development agreement. Executive Director Connors said this change in value might be enough to do so, but he could not be sure without doing some calculations. Vice-Chairperson Eager asked if there was anything that could be done about correcting the under assessment of the property as of January 1, 2005. Mr. Connors said he would find out. The consensus of the commissioners was that Mr. Connors should perform a calculation with the new assessed value and report back to the commissioners at the next meeting.

The commissioners discussed what assumptions the executive director should use regarding future changes in the property tax rate and future inflationary increases in property values when calculating the net present value of an anticipated stream of future tax increment revenue from a proposed project. Mr. Connors said he has not had an opportunity to research past trends in property values, but he distributed a spreadsheet showing property tax rate for tax increment in every year since 1986/1987. The consensus of the commissioners was that Mr. Connors should use the most recent five years of property tax rates to project the future trend in property tax rates.

New Business

Tess Gruenstein, intern from Beloit College, presented her report and recommendations after speaking with downtown businesses owners about the 2007 Main Street Reconstruction Project, and asked for suggestions on how to encourage business owners to speak with her. One of Ms. Gruenstein’s recommendations already has been addressed by the formation of the Chamber of Commerce’s task force to work with the city to plan the 2007 project. Ms. Gruenstein reported that restaurants cannot have customers enter through their back doors, because that would improperly bring customers through their kitchens, so they are interested in creating “alternative” (i.e., side) entrances. She also reported that a number of business owners reported that they are not interested in investing in alternative entrances because (1) they are tenants, not building owners and (2) their businesses are struggling financially and might close soon even without impact of the 2007 project. Ald. Wyse reported that many downtown businesses were adversely impacted by the USH 14 reconstruction project in 2005. The commissioners thanked Ms. Gruenstein for her thorough and thoughtful report.

The commissioners discussed two draft resolutions to establish grant programs for alternative entrances to Main St. businesses in advance of the 2007 project. One draft resolution would modify the existing Building Improvement Grant (BIG) Program. Executive Director Connors reported that of the $10,000 the Common Council transferred from the Revolving Loan Fund to the BIG Program account, $3,700 remained, not counting the $3,000 the Historic Preservation Commission had given to the BIG Program for replacement of nonconforming signs in the Historic District. The other draft resolution would create a TIF-financed program. Motion by Hammann, seconded by Decker, to recommend to the Finance Committee and Council that they adopt the draft resolution modifying the BIG Program, and that the Finance Committee find additional funding for the BIG Program. The motion passed 5-0 on a roll call vote, with Ald. Wyse abstaining.

Motion by Hammann, seconded by Ahner, to adjourn. Motion passed.

The meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM.

Prepared by
William E. Connors, Executive Director

The Minutes of meetings of the Redevelopment Authority are not official until approved by the Authority.

Minutes: Evansville Redevelopment : March 2006

Evansville Redevelopment Authority
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, March 21, 2006, 7:00 PM
City Hall, 31 S. Madison St., Evansville, WI


The meeting was called to order at 7:10 PM. Present were Ald. Anderson, Betsy Ahner, Dean Arnold, and John Decker. Ald. Aikman was absent. Chairperson Hagen and Vice-Chairperson Eager arrived during the discussion of agenda item 8a. James Otterstein, Rock County Economic Development Manager, and Bill Connors, Executive Director, also were present.

The agenda was modified as follows: add item 8b, trade market analysis study; add item 8c, discussion of encouraging Main Street businesses to apply for financial assistance for alternative entrances; add item 8d, discussion of date of April regular meeting; and change preliminary agenda item 8b, closed session, to item 8e. The agenda was approved as modified.

Motion by Ahner, seconded by Anderson, to approve the minutes of the February 26, 2006, regular meeting with on correction: on page 2, it should read, “Based on a suggestion by Mr. Otterstein.” Motion passed.

Citizen Appearances Other Than Agenda Items Listed None.

Unfinished Business

The commissioners continued their discussion of the “pay back” provision in section 5 of the agreement with Triple B Investments regarding the Badger Coach Building. Mr. Connors presented two versions of possible new text for the provision and a calculation of the annual payments that would be due from Triple B Investments to the Redevelopment Authority under either version of the new text. Roger Berg for Triple B Investments said the owner would prefer to have the city assessor increase the value of the property on the property tax roll so that it complied with the target value in the agreement. The commissioners directed Executive Director Connors to ask the city assessor to look at the property again and see whether the value on the property tax roll should be increased.

New Business

The commissioners discussed why the property at 357 Union St. was omitted from TID No. 5. Jim Krueger, the owner of the property, said his parcel should not have been excluded based on a conversation between Executive Director Connors and Rick Symdon of Symdon Chevrolet, as disclosed in email message from Mr. Connors to members of the Redevelopment Authority and Plan Commission. Mr. Krueger said there never was an offer from Symdon Chevrolet to purchase his property. He wanted to know how the city was going to make this right.

Mr. Connors said he had a conversation with Rick Symdon months before the Redevelopment Authority started discussing the possibility of enlarging TID No. 5 in 2005. Mr. Symdon asked Mr. Connors if Symdon Chevrolet’s and Mr. Krueger’s property could be included in TID No. 5. When Mr. Connors asked what improvements Symdon wanted to make and might seek assistance for, Mr. Symdon said the dealership might want to acquire Mr. Krueger’s property, knock down the building, and expand their parking lot. Mr. Connors said he told Mr. Symdon this would not generate tax increment revenue, and instead would reduce the amount of tax increment revenue, and so it was not a good candidate for tax increment assistance. Mr. Connors said that months later, when the Redevelopment Authority started discussing enlarging TID No. 5, he remembered this earlier conversation, and excluded Mr. Krueger’s property from the list of parcels to avoid creating a risk of losing tax increment revenue. Chairperson Hagen said he spoke with Mr. Symdon, and Mr. Symdon told him Symdon Chevrolet has no immediate plans to acquire Mr. Krueger’s property and to knock down the building. Roger Berg said he also said he spoke to Mr. Symdon, and Mr. Symdon never asked Mr. Connors to exclude Mr. Krueger’s property. Mr. Connors said that is correct.

The commissioners asked Mr. Krueger what sort of redevelopment project he might come forward with if his parcel is added to TID No. 5. Mr. Krueger said it is not his obligation to come forward with a proposal in order for his property to be included in the district.

Executive Director Connors suggested that the Redevelopment Authority could publish a notice asking if anyone wants to have their property added to TID No. 5. Motion by Eager, seconded by Anderson, directing Mr. Connors to publish a notice informing property owners that they could come to the April meeting of the Redevelopment Authority and request to have their property included in or removed from TID No. 5. Motion passed.

Mr. Otterstein informed the commissioners that the Economic Development Committee has been working with Sortis LLC to identify economic-development related grants the city might apply for, and tentatively concluded that two grants the city might apply for could be used to fund a trade market analysis study. A trade market analysis would examine where the people come from who purchase goods and services in Evansville and where the residents of Evansville purchase goods and services. This data could be helpful to existing businesses for ideas for new goods and services to provide, and for potential new businesses in Evansville. The estimated cost of the study is $19,000, and would take 3 months to a year to complete. In addition to or instead of the grant, sources of funding for the study could be the Economic Development Committee, Redevelopment Authority, and the Chamber of Commerce.

The commissioners discussed how to encourage Main Street businesses to apply for financial assistance for creating or improving alternative (i.e., rear or side) entrances to their businesses. Ms. Ahner expressed concern that no downtown businesses have yet applied for this assistance. She suggested that maybe the Redevelopment Authority should establish what it was willing to contribute to such projects, e.g., 30% of the cost to a maximum of $1,000 of assistance. Mr. Otterstein suggested that the Building Improvement Grant Program could be modified to provide assistance with alternative entrances.

Chairperson Hagen suggested that maybe there should be a meeting between David Sauer, City Engineer, and downtown businesses owners to discuss how difficult it would be for them to create alternative entrances to their businesses.

Tess Gruenstein, intern from Beloit College, briefed the commissioners on her efforts to reach downtown businesses owners about the 2007 Main Street Reconstruction Project, and asked for suggestions on how to encourage business owners to speak with her. One suggestion was that Executive Director Connors should work with Mr. Sauer to create a fact sheet about the project to distribute to downtown business owners, in hopes this would stimulate their interest in discussing the project. Another suggestion was that Ms. Gruenstein should seek assistance from Becky Heimerl and Trish Graves at the Chamber of Commerce.

Executive Director Connors reported that the next regular meeting date for the Authority, Tuesday, April 18, conflicts with the Council reorganization meeting that evening. The consensus of the commissioners was the next meeting of the Authority should be on Tuesday, April 25.

Motion by Eager, seconded by Anderson, to go into closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. Sec. 19.85(1)(e) to discuss possibly pursuing the purchase of or acquisition of options to purchase property located within TID No. 5, subject to approval by the Common Council. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote at 8:20 PM.

Motion by Anderson, seconded by Ahner, to adjourn. Motion passed.

The meeting adjourned at 8:52 PM.

Prepared by
William E. Connors, Executive Director

The Minutes of meetings of the Redevelopment Authority are not official until approved by the Authority.

Minutes: Evansville Redevlopment ; February 2006

Evansville Redevelopment Authority
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, February 28, 2006, 7:30 PM
City Hall, 31 S. Madison St., Evansville, WI

(as corrected on March 21, 2006)

Chairperson Hagen called the meeting to order at 7:35 PM. Present were Chairperson Hagen, Vice-Chairperson Eager, Betsy Ahner, and John Decker. Ald. Aikman, Ald. Anderson, and Dean Arnold were absent. James Otterstein, Rock County Economic Development Manager, Bill Connors, Executive Director, and David Wartenweiler, City Building Inspector, also were present.

The agenda was approved as presented by the executive director.

Motion by Decker, seconded by Ahner, to approve the minutes of the January 19, 2006, regular meeting as presented by the executive director. Motion passed.

Citizen Appearances Other Than Agenda Items Listed

Roger Berg gave an update on the Eager Building aka Economy Store project. The engineer’s opinion is that the bricks on the front façade moved to their current position a long time ago because of a lack of expansion joints and can be stabilized for a reasonable amount of money. The architect is working on blueprints.

Unfinished Business None.

New Business

The commissioners discussed the “pay back” provision in section 5 of the agreement with Triple B Investments regarding the Badger Coach Building. The full market value of the improvements was supposed to increase by $150,000, but instead it increased by only $86,746 (the assessed value of the improvements increased by $102,900. Roger Berg and Matt Brown of Triple B Investments participated in the discussion. They would prefer to make annual payments to fill in the gap in the anticipated tax increment rather than pay back a lump sum. Motion by Eager, seconded by Decker, directing the executive director to redraft section 5 of the agreement to provide for annual payments of the difference between the actual tax increment and anticipated tax increment and to have the redrafted text reviewed by the city attorney. Motion passed.

The commissioners discussed whether making a building comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act should be a prerequisite for the Redevelopment Authority to provide assistance. Executive Director Connors distributed copies of a letter from the city attorney’s office summarizing the requirements of the ADA on private property owners. David Wartenweiler, City Building Inspector, summarized the requirements of the ADA. Not all changes to a building trigger the requirement to make the building ADA accessible, and even if the requirement is triggered, making the building ADA accessible is not mandated if the cost of complying is large compared to the cost of the alterations (i.e., more than 20% of the cost of the alterations). The Pete’s Inn project probably did not trigger the requirement to make the building ADA accessible, whereas the Farnworths’ project at 12–14 E. Main St. probably will. James Otterstein pointed out that the Redevelopment Authority’s current policy requires applicants to comply “with all applicable City policies, rules, codes, regulations, statutes,” and the city building inspector enforces the ADA for all modifications of buildings in the city, so the current policy includes compliance with the ADA. The list of criteria recently added to the policy includes the following: “Make property accessible for persons with mobility limitations.” John Decker said that if making the building ADA compliant were a part of every project the Redevelopment Authority assisted, the Authority would be able to assist few projects. However, the commissioners said they will inquire about ADA compliance during discussions with applicants about future projects.

The commissioners discussed whether the application form should require the executive director to calculate the net present value of the anticipated stream of tax increment from a project, and if so, what assumptions he should use about variables such as rate of increase in market value, if any, after completion of the project and rate of decrease, if any, in the tax rate. Mr. Connors provided spreadsheets prepared by Ehlers & Associates for the Eager Building project to show examples of how changes in these variables affect the net present value of the anticipated stream of tax increment. Dick Woulfe, 255 E. Main St., suggested that the city should not promise positive financial results from the Eager Building project, but instead should stress its importance to the vitality of the downtown. Based on a suggestion by Mr. Otterstein, the commissioners instructed Executive Director Connors to research the inflationary increase in property values and changes in the tax increment tax rate over the last 20 years in Evansville to provide a basis for assumptions about the property-value inflation rate and decreasing tax rate.

The commissioners informed Executive Director Connors that the city engineer had decided that some front store entrances could be made ADA compliant without sidewalk ramps during the 2007 Main St. reconstruction project, so there was no need to make a motion regarding that issue.

Motion by Eager, seconded by Ahner, to go into closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. Sec. 19.85(1)(e) to discuss possibly pursuing the purchase of or acquisition of options to purchase property located within TID No. 5, subject to approval by the Common Council. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote at 8:45 PM.

Motion by Eager, seconded by Decker, to adjourn. Motion passed.

The meeting adjourned at 9:22 PM.

Prepared by
William E. Connors, Executive Director

The Minutes of meetings of the Redevelopment Authority are not official until approved by the Authority.

Minutes: Evansville Redevelopment Authority: January 2006

Evansville Redevelopment Authority
Regular Meeting
Thursday, January 19, 2006, 7:30 PM
City Hall, 31 S. Madison St., Evansville, WI


Chairperson Hagen called the meeting to order at 7:34 PM. Present were Chairperson Hagen, Vice-Chairperson Eager, Ald. Aikman, Ald. Anderson, Betsy Ahner, Dean Arnold, and John Decker. James Otterstein, Rock County Economic Development Manager, and Bill Connors, Executive Director, also was present.

At the start of the meeting, Executive Director Connors distributed corrected 11” X 17” maps of TID No. 5 to the commissioners and Mr. Otterstein and copies of email messages from Ald. Juergens expressing concern about the application of Nelson-Young Lumber Co. for financial assistance with the cost of constructing a decorative fence along USH 14.

The agenda was approved as presented by the executive director, except the date of the meeting was corrected to January 19, 2006.

Motion by Ahner, seconded by Decker, to approve the minutes of the December 20, 2005, regular meeting as presented by the executive director. Motion passed.

There were no citizen appearances on items not listed on the agenda, and no public hearings.

Unfinished Business

Executive Director Connors noted that he had distributed a spreadsheet from the amended project plan for TID No. 5 projecting possible cash flow for the district and a memorandum discussing the spreadsheet at the December 20, 2005, meeting. He said that, in his opinion, the most important message to take away from the memorandum and spreadsheet is that the financial plan for the district is predicated on the occurrence over the next few years of some large redevelopment projects that produce substantially more tax increment than they consume, to provide tax increment to cover the substantial cost of public infrastructure improvements. Mr. Decker said it appears construction work has begun on the site for the new First Community Bank building at the corner of the new Exchange St. and E. Main St. Mr. Connors said he believes the work that is occurring is clearing the site of remnants of the former improvements, and that the bank has submitted an amended site plan for review and approval by the Plan Commission at its February meeting, so he hopes these are signs that construction of the bank building will begin in the spring. There were no questions from the commissioners about the memorandum or spreadsheet.

Motion by Eager, seconded by Aikman, to approve the revised Redevelopment Authority policy and application form included in the meeting packet. Motion passed.

New Business

Brad Fahlgren presented the request of Nelson-Young Lumber Company for financial assistance with the cost of constructing a decorative fence along Union St. The fence would consist of brick columns every 20 feet with wrought iron in between. In response to a question, he said using all wrought iron would be less expensive, but was advised that because of the long span of the fence, using all wrought iron without brick columns would compromise the strength of the fence. The fence would be six feet high, and the pillars would be a few inches taller. The space under the fence will be a maximum of five inches. The cost of the fence is estimated to be $33,000. In response to a question, Mr. Fahlgren said he is not sure what the owners would do if the city decided not to contribute to the cost of the project. In response to a question, he said the state did not provide any compensation for removal of the wooden fence that used to boarder the property along Union St., nor has the state provided compensation for the cost of the temporary fencing that has replaced the wooden fence. In response to a question, he said David Wartenweiler, City Building Inspector, told him the new fence would not require a site plan review, and that the new fence was sufficiently open so as not to block the vision of drivers approaching the intersection of Union St. and E. Main St.

Motion by Decker, seconded by Arnold, to recommend to the Common Council approval of a grant to Nelson-Young Lumber Co. of one-third of the actual cost of the decorative fence or $11,000, whichever is less, with payment to be made after Nelson-Young Lumber Co. provides the city with documentation of costs actually incurred to construct the fence.

Mr. Decker said he supports providing assistance for this project because there has been lumber yard at this site for 100 years, the city would give incentives to attract a business like Nelson-Young if were not already here, the operation of the lumber yard is the only thing that kept the rail line to Evansville in operation, Nelson-Young suffered a loss as a result of the state’s USH 14 project, safety at the intersection would be improved by the decorative fence, and the appearance of this highly visible corner would be improved by the decorative fence. Vice-Chairperson Eager said he agreed with what Mr. Decker said, but he would feel more comfortable if the new fence were part of an application for assistance with the larger project Nelson-Young is contemplating, so he could see the full amount of assistance Nelson-Young will be requesting and the amount of tax increment their larger project will generate.

Motion passed.

Roger Berg presented the application of Roger Berg, Paul Brunsell, Jeff Farnsworth, Ed Francois, and Rick Francois for financial assistance with redevelopment of 7 E. Main St. Mr. Berg provided some history of the construction the Eager building, aka the Economy Store, at 7 E. Main St., and the Grange Store building during the first years of the last century. He observed that 100 years later, we have an opportunity to renovate one of these great buildings, and the task of doing so is much easier than the task of constructing 100 years ago. He said his group of investors need the city to commit to giving a grant of 25% of the cost of the project (site acquisition, professional fees, and construction costs), estimated to be $1.9 million, to make the project financially feasible. He said that the investors soon will have spent $20,000 on structural analysis, “as built” drawings of the current building, and sketches of possible new layouts within the building. The developers do not want to invest in construction drawings, which would cost about $55,000, without first getting a commitment from the city to pay 25% of the cost of the project. He said the bricks on the front of the building are bowing out, and they need to find out from the structural engineer whether this can be fixed without taking off all the bricks on the front of the building, which would make the project more expensive. In response to a question, he said their financial calculations are based on market-rate financing. They are working with Virchow Krause to see if there might be sources of less expensive financing, such as WHEDA, but they have been told they probably do not qualify because this project is mixed use. In response to a question, he said their financial calculations include a tax credit for historic restoration.

Mr. Berg said some of the big costs of the project include installing an elevator, which may need to have four stops (one of them at the level of the parking lot in the rear), and fire protection sprinklers. There would be office/retail in the basement, retail/office on the first floor, and probably eight apartments on the second floor. The apartments along the front would be “Chicago studios,” probably more attractive to young professionals rather than senior citizens, and the apartments in the rear, where there are more window openings, would be more conventional apartments. The apartments in the rear might include spiral staircases down to the mezzanine. The decks and railings in the rear, which were destroyed by the fire years ago, will be replaced. The investors have hired an appraiser to appraise the building in its current condition so they can show that they are not over-paying to acquire the site.

Mr. Berg said it is critical to the success of this project that the building reopens on the same day Main St. reopens at the end of the 2007 street reconstruction project. Construction on the front façade must begin in August or September 2006, so that phase of the project can be completed before street reconstruction begins in spring 2007.

Mr. Berg said the investors do not need to do this project—there are better investments available to them. But they want to do this for downtown Evansville and the city as a whole. He said even if the city now commits to paying 25% of the cost of the project, the investors might need to back out of the project if they discover significant additional costs they had not anticipated.

Jeff Bahrs, 15 S. 6th St., asked Mr. Berg to clarify that the developers want the city to commit to paying 25% of $1.9 million before they developers would go forward with incurring more costs. Mr. Berg said that is correct.

Mason Braunschweig, 590 W. Main St. asked if anyone is interested in leasing space in the building after it is renovated. Mr. Berg said they have received some inquiries, but that does not mean much at this point in time. They need detailed construction drawings in order to be able to market the space. He said the developers’ financial plan allows for taking three years after completion of the project to lease out all the space in the building. Jeff Farnsworth said he intends to move his insurance agency office into the building, and has had conversations with a woman who is preparing a detailed business plan for a new business that would be located in the building.

Kevin Sam, 122 Gunther Dr., asked why they are not considering condominiums rather than apartments in this building. Mr. Berg responded that there will be no parking other than using the municipal lot behind the building, and it would be difficult to market condominiums that do not included parking.

Wayne Steinlein, 243 E. Main St., said business in downtown Cambridge has not recovered from the street reconstruction project there, so he wonders if it make sense to invest in this project when many downtown businesses might fail and spaces become vacant as a result of Evansville’s 2007 Main St. reconstruction project. Mr. Berg acknowledged that some businesses might fail, but he said it is imperative that the business community pull together and plan what they will do to help each other make it through the street reconstruction project.

Dick Woulfe, 255 E. Main St., commented it appears this project will not be a tax increment “win” for TID No. 5, and worries this will increase the pressure to hit some tax increment “home runs” with projects in the near future, based on what Executive Director Connors said earlier about the development assumptions underlying the financial plan for TID No. 5.

Mr. Otterstein asked if some of the investors have a strategy for exiting the project a certain number of years after the renovation is complete. Mr. Berg responded “no.”

There was considerable discussion about what would happen if the after renovation, the city assessor decided the property had an equalized value of less than $1.9 million. Based on the limited amount of information the developers provided to Mr. Connors, the city assessor estimated that the value of the property might be between $890,000 and $1.2 million after renovation. Mr. Connors said the assessor might change her opinion once more information is available.

Vice-Chairperson Eager said he would be willing to commit to pay 25% of the cost of the project if he were sure that the project would generate enough tax increment so that other projects would not need to feed tax increment into this project. He would be willing to commit to paying 25% of the project cost even if that meant feeding tax increment from other projects into this project if that were justified by the financial projections for the project, because he believes this project is extremely important to the downtown. But at this time, he does not have any data in front of him to support either of those conclusions.

Ms. Ahner said she supports the project, but agrees with Mr. Eager that they need to receive financial data and projections about the project from the developers before making a hard, fast commitment.

Mr. Decker said he would be willing to commit to paying 25% of $1.9 million if the developers would agree that if the city assessor determines the equalized value is less than $1.9 million, they would pay on an annual basis the difference between the increment that would be generated by $1.9 million of equalized value and the increment actually generated by the value assigned by the assessor. Mr. Berg said the developers would be willing to make such an agreement, because the developers’ financial calculations assume they will pay property taxes on $1.9 million rather than on some lesser value. Mr. Decker said he also wants everyone to understand that this would be a rare exception to the Redevelopment Authority’s policy that the maximum contribution to a project is 20% of the cost.

Motion by Eager, seconded by Aikman, to recommend to Common Council that it commit to making a grant for 25% of the cost of acquiring and renovating the property at 7 E. Main St., estimated to be $1.9 million, subject to the following conditions: (1) the developers must provide the city with financial data and projections about the project to show there is need for the city to provide financial assistance, (2) David Wagner of Ehlers & Associates must provide projections of the tax increment that will be generated by the project, (3) the developers must provide financial data and renovation plans to the city assessor to allow her to refine her estimate of the equalized value of the property at completion, (4) the parties must enter into a written development agreement acceptable to the city, and (5) the developers must agree that if the city assessor determines the equalized value of the property at completion is less than $1.9 million, they would pay on an annual basis the difference between the increment that would be generated by $1.9 million of equalized value and the increment actually generated by the value assigned by the assessor. Motion passed.

Jeff Farnsworth presented the application Lewis B. and Marion A. Farnsworth for financial assistance with façade improvements to 12–14 E. Main St. Mr. Farnsworth said he wants to restore the storefronts to their historical appearance, when they were symmetrical, but he does not need to do that to keep the property rented. The estimated cost of the project is $30,000, which does not include the cost of painting the façade or any improvements above the storefronts. The reopening of the transom windows would require some modifications to the ceilings on the interior, as was done with the space currently occupied by the Mexican restaurant. In response to a question, Mr. Farnsworth said the historic restoration of the exterior of the buildings where the Mexican restaurant is located has not generated increased rents, but he does receive more inquiries for space, making it easier to keep space in the buildings fully leased.

Motion by Eager, seconded by Decker, to recommend to the Common Council approval of a grant to Lewis B. and Marion A. Farnsworth of 20% of the actual cost of the façade improvements or $6,000, whichever is less, with payment to be made after the applicants provide the city with documentation of costs actually incurred for façade improvements. Motion passed.

Professor Georgia Duerst-Lahti of Beloit introduced two of the students in her political leadership course, Tess Gruenstein and David Harriman. Tess is an Economics and Political Science major, and David is a Political Science major. Each will perform a practicum of 90 hours or 45 hours for this course. The idea is to give each of them a project that will produce a useful result for the city and to require them to create written records of their work that would allow someone else, possibly another student from Beloit College, to perform more work on the project in the future. Executive Director Connors will supervise their work for the city. Prof. Duerst-Lahti asked that the Economic Development Committee and Redevelopment Authority quickly communicate to Mr. Connors the projects they think should be the highest priority, so he can work with the students to develop a clear statement of the assignment for each of them, because they need to get started right away. Prof. Duerst-Lahti said one of the ideas she and others, such as Mayor Ringhand, are most interested in is how to bring a motel to Evansville. Some commissioners suggested that is too large a project to take on in such a short amount of time. Sandy Decker, 143 W. Main St., suggested a possible project would be to interview owners of Main St. businesses and commercial buildings to find out what they would like the city to do to help them survive the 2007 Main St. reconstruction project. Many commissioners liked that idea, and suggested that the project also include interviewing owners of businesses affected by the USH 14 project in 2005 to find out what worked and what did not and to interview owners of businesses in other communities, such as Stoughton, about how things worked during their street reconstruction projects.

Motion by Eager, seconded by Decker, to adjourn. Motion passed.

The meeting adjourned at 10:20 PM.

Prepared by
William E. Connors, Executive Director

The Minutes of meetings of the Redevelopment Authority are not official until approved by the Authority.

Saturday, April 1, 2006

Minutes; Evansville Police Commission: August 2006

Meeting Minutes
Common Council Chambers, Third Floor, City Hall
Evansville, Wisconsin
August 29, 2006
4:00 p.m.

1. Roll call. Commissioners in attendance: Karen Aikman, Scott Brummond, Steve Hagen, Barbara Jacobson, Wally Shannon. Also present: Chief Scott McElroy.

2. Approval of minutes. Minutes of the Commission's meeting of March 13, 2006 were reviewed. Motion was made by Jacobson to approve the minutes as distributed and seconded by Aikman. Motion was approved by voice vote.

3. Citizen appearances, other than on agenda items listed below. None.

4. Filing of two vacant commission positions: Vice President and Secretary: Motion made by Brummond to nominate Jacobsen as Vice President and Shannon as Secretary. Motion seconded by Aikman. Motion approved by voice vote.

5. Chief's report. Chief McElroy distributed a written report bearing date of August 29, 2006. The following Chief’s Report items were discussed by the commission:

6. Resignation of Officer Ryan Booth. Chief McElroy recommended that the Commission formally accept the resignation of Officer Ryan Booth. Motion made by Brummond to formally accept the resignation. Motion seconded by Shannon. Following discussion, motion was approved by voice vote.

7. Appointment of Officer Patrick Reese to full time officer status. Chief McElroy recommended that the Commission appoint current part time officer Patrick Reese to full time officer status beginning October 1, 2006. He would have a probationary status from October 1, 2006 until October 1, 2007. It is anticipated that he would work the third shift. Motion made by Hagen to appoint current part time officer Patrick Reese to full time officer status beginning October 1, 2006. Motion was seconded by Jacobson. Motion was approved by voice vote.

8. Conditional offer of employment to Fredrick Kiefer. Chief McElroy recommended that the Commission make a conditional offer of employment to Fredrick Kiefer, conditioned on successful completion of psychological and physical examinations and drug screens, as part time officer. Motion made by Brummond to make a conditional offer of employment to Fredrick Kiefer as part time officer. The Motion was seconded by Hagan. Following discussion, motion was approved by voice vote.

9. Removal of Officer Scott Fields from probationary status and appoint him to permanent status. Chief McElroy recommended that the Commission remove Officer Scott Fields from probationary status and appoint him to permanent status as police officer for the City of Evansville. Officer Fields started full time on August 1, 2005. This would be pursuant to Article 3, Section 3.01 of the bargaining agreement. Motion made by Jacobson to remove Officer Scott Fields from probationary status and appoint him to permanent status as police officer for the City of Evansville. The Motion was seconded by Shannon. Following discussion, motion was approved by voice vote.

10. Grant permission to start a new eligibility list for both full and part time Officers. Chief McElroy discussed the need for a new eligibility list because the current one is exhausted. The steps in the hiring process were also reviewed. They included an overview of the advertisements used, Internal Admissions Panel, Oral Interview Panel, Written/Practical Examination, Background checks, the creation of the eligibility list for the Police Commission, and, ultimately, a conditional offer of employment.

Motion was made by Brummond to grant permission to the Chief and staff to start a new eligibility list for both full and part time Officers. Motion was seconded by Jacobson. Motion was approved by voice vote.

11. Adjournment. Motion was made to adjourn sine die by Shannon. Motion was seconded by Hagen. Motion was approved by voice vote at 5:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Walter “Wally” E. Shannon

Note: Minutes of the Commission are not official until approved by the Commission at a meeting called and noticed for that purpose.

Minutes; Evansville Police Commission: March 2006

Meeting Minutes
Common Council Chambers, Third Floor, City Hall
Evansville, Wisconsin
March 13, 2006
5:00 p.m.

1. Roll call. Commissioners in attendance: Scott Brummond, John Decker, Steve Hagen, Barbara Jacobson, Wally Shannon.. Also present: Chief Scott McElroy.

2. Approval of minutes. Minutes of the Commission's meeting of February 20, 2006 were reviewed. Motion by Jacobson to approve the minutes as distributed, seconded by Shannon. Approved by voice vote.

3. Citizen appearances, other than on agenda items listed below. None.

4. Motion to reconsider action items from February 20, 2006 meeting. Motion by Decker, second by Jacobson to reconsider items 2, 4, 5 and 7 from the February 20 meeting, account incompleteness of posting of notice (a matter brought to the Commission's attention subsequent to the February 20 meeting). Approved by voice vote. Motion by Decker, second by Brummond, to approve the minutes of the January 24, 2006 meeting. Approved by voice vote.

5. Chief's report. Motion by Decker, second by Brummond, to approve Chief McElroy's written report bearing date of February 20, 2006, including authorization for psychological examinations of recruits. Following discussion, approved by voice vote. Chief McElroy reported orally that the Department policy manual has been submitted to him in final draft form, and that he will furnish copies to any interested Commissioner following his completed review and approval of the same. He further reported orally that all officers, including the new recruits, have successfully completed the annual firearms proficiency testing.

6. Approval of new eligibility list. Motion by Decker, second by Brummond, to approve the proposed new eligibility list contained in Chief McElroy's written report of February 20, including the Commission's acceptance of the resignation of Patrol Officer Andrew Mueske. Approved by voice vote.

7. Approval of appointment of part-time patrol officer(s). Motion by Decker, second by Brummond, to confirm the Commission's approval of extensions of employment, conditioned on successful completion of psychological and physical examinations and drug screens, to Justin Mahan-Strupp, Donald Sparby, Jason Grooms and Dave Sleeter as part-time patrol officers. Approved by voice vote.

8. Discussion of potential items for future agenda. Commissioners will want to revisit the status of police involvement with the Evansville schools, including the volume and nature of calls. Chief McElroy observed that the Department is gathering further and updated data, which has been facilitated by the computer system.

9. Adjournment. Motion to adjourn sine die by Hagen, second by Jacobson.. Approved by voice vote at 5:22 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

John R. Decker

Note: Minutes of the Commission are not official until approved by the Commission at a meeting called and noticed for that purpose.

Minutes; Evansville Police Commission: February 2006

Meeting Minutes
Common Council Chambers, Third Floor, City Hall
Evansville, Wisconsin
February 20, 2006
4:00 p.m.

1. Roll call. Commissioners in attendance: Scott Brummond, John Decker, Steve Hagen, Barbara Jacobson, Wally Shannon.. Also present: Chief Scott McElroy, Lt. Art Phillips, City Attorney Mark Kopp.

2. Approval of minutes. Minutes of the Commission's meeting of January 24, 2006 were reviewed. Motion by Jacobson to approve the minutes as distributed, seconded by Shannon. Approved by voice vote.

3. Citizen appearances, other than on agenda items listed below. None.

4. Chief's report. Chief McElroy distributed a written report bearing date of February 20, 2006. Chief McElroy provided an overview and chronology of the current recruitment process and furnished a letter proposal from M. Kaye, Ph. D., relative to psychological examinations of recruits. Chief McElroy spoke in favor of requiring psychological examinations as part of the hiring process. City Attorney Kopp reported on Dr. Kaye's favorable reputation as a psychologist in Rock County. Motion by Brummond to retain Dr. Kaye to provide psychological examinations of persons to whom conditional offers of employment are made as Patrol Officers, seconded by Shannon. Following discussion, approved by voice vote.

5. Approval of new eligibility list. Chief McElroy discussed the proposed new eligibility list contained in his written report. Motion by Jacobson, second by Decker, to approve the eligibility list as furnished by Chief McElroy. Approved by voice vote. Chief McElroy also requested th Commission's acceptance of the resignation of Patrol Officer Andrew Mueske. Motion by Decker, second by Hagen to accept such resignation. Approved by voice vote.

6. Approval of appointment of full-time patrol officer(s). No action requested at this time.

7. Approval of appointment of part-time patrol officer(s). Chief McElroy requested the Commission's approval of extensions of employment, conditioned on successful completion of psychological and physical examinations and drug screens, to Justin Mahan-Strupp, Donald Sparby, Jason Grooms and Dave Sleeter as part-time patrol officers. Motion by Brummond, second by Jacobson to approve such offers. Following discussion, approved by voice vote.

8. Discussion of potential school liaison position. The Commission discussed with Chief McElroy and Lt. Phillips the current status of police involvement with the Evansville schools, including the volume and nature of calls.

9. Motion to convene in closed session. Brummond moved, second by Jacobson, to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stat. sec. 19.85(1)(g) to confer with legal counsel who are rendering written and oral advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the Commission with respect to litigation in which it is or is likely to become involved. On roll call vote, the Commissioners unanimously voted "aye."

10. Adjournment. Motion to adjourn sine die by Hagen, second by Jacobson.. Approved by voice vote at 5:41 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

John R. Decker

Note: Minutes of the Commission are not official until approved by the Commission at a meeting called and noticed for that purpose.

Minutes; Evansville Police Commission: January 2006

Meeting Minutes
City Council Chambers, City Hall
Evansville, Wisconsin
January 24, 2006
4:00 p.m.

1. Roll call. In Attendance: Commissioners Scott Brummond, John Decker, Steve Hagen, Barbara Jacobson, Wally Shannon and Police Chief Scott McElroy. Also present in audience: Richard Woulfe of 255 E. Main St.

2. Approval of Minutes. Minutes of the Commission's meetings of January 4, 2006 and January 16, 2006 were reviewed. Motion by Jacobson to approve the minutes as distributed, seconded by Hagen. Approved by voice vote.

3. Citizen appearances. None.

4. Chief's Report. Chief McElroy reported on the current hiring process (see item 5, below).

5. Discussion of Status of Eligibility List and Recruitment Issues. Chief McElroy advised that more than 50 Patrol Officer application packets have been distributed, and that the deadline for submission of completed applications is February 1, 2006.

6. Review of Internal Disciplinary Procedures and Related Matters. Extended discussion was had among the Commissioners and Chief McElroy, with participation by Mr. Woulfe. It was noted that the Evansville Police Commission does not have the "optional powers" under Wis. Stat. sec. 62.13 to exercise authority over the Police Department's budget, or the rules, policies or procedures of the Police Department, except as pertains to appointment and promotion of sworn personnel and disciplinary proceedings following the filing of formal charges. Such other authority resides with the Common Council and the Public Safety Committee. The Commission will continue the discussion with participation of the City Attorney, whose presence is believed necessary to provide additional information concerning the Fitters disciplinary matter.

7. Discussion of Agenda Items for Future Meetings. Commissioners desire consideration of the following topics at the next meeting of the Commission:

a) School liaison officer assignment.

b) Continuation of review of disciplinary procedures.

c) Patrol Officer hiring status.

8. Adjournment. Adjournment sine die proposed by President Brummond. Approved without objection, at 5:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

John R. Decker

Note: Minutes of the Commission are not official until approved by the Commission at a meeting called and noticed for that purpose.