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Friday, March 29, 2013

Minutes: Plan: Mar 4, 2013

City of Evansville Plan Commission Regular Meeting Monday, March 4, 2013, 6:00 p.m. City Hall (Third Floor), 31 South Madison Street MINUTES 1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 6:01 p.m. by Mayor Sandy Decker. 2. Roll Call. Members present: John Gishnock, Mason Braunschweig, Sandy Decker, Bill Hammann, Matt Eaton, Carol Endres, and Jim Brooks (arrived late). Others present: City Administrator Dan Wietecha, Community Development Director Nicole Sidoff, Fred Johnson (Landmark Services Cooperative), and members of the public. 3. Approval of Agenda. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Hammann, to approve the agenda. Motion approved 6-0. Brooks arrived at 6:03 p.m. 4. Approval of minutes. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Hammann, to waive the reading of the minutes from the February 4, 2013 regular meeting and approve them as printed. Motion approved 7-0. 5. Civility Reminder. Decker noted the civility reminder. 6. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed. None. 7. New Business a. Public Hearing concerning a proposed application for a Conditional Use Permit request for 6524 County Road M (Landmark Services Cooperative) to permit a group development, to permit agricultural service uses, and to permit construction of a structure in excess of 35 feet in height in a Heavy Industrial (I-2) District; site plan review for 6524 County Road M. i. Initial Staff Comments: Sidoff noted that the Plan Commission would be looking at the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) and the site plan. Regarding the CUP, Landmark is looking to expand their operations, which would include constructing a few new buildings, hence the group development request. Additionally, Landmark had been an agricultural service use prior to annexation in 2006; the Plan Commission had recommended during an earlier meeting to allow agricultural service uses in the I-2 District with a CUP to address Landmark’s existing use. Approving this conditional use would formally allow this use on Landmark’s property. Lastly, part of the expansion project is to build a 185 foot grain storage bin, which is a permitted conditional use for an agriculture service use. The proposed expansion plan is consistent with the Smart Growth Plan’s future land use map, as well as the zoning code, with the exception of one issue. The proposed site plan impinges upon the required 100 foot setback, as the grain storage pit and accompanying building would be roughly 70 feet from the southern property line. The property owner to the south has expressed support for the project. Landmark has applied for a variance for the setback, and Sidoff is working to schedule a Board of Appeals meeting for the end of March. Any motion to approve the site plan should be contingent upon the Board of Appeals granting the variance. ii. Applicant Presentation: Fred Johnson, Grain Operations Manager for Landmark Services Cooperative, gave a presentation describing the project in more depth. Endres asked what the likelihood of a fire in the grain bin would be, and if there was a fire, what the process would be for dealing with it. Johnson noted that they were using the newest technology in constructing the grain bin. The technology includes many safety features, including one that turns the gas off if there is a fire. Additionally, the bin would not be close to other structures that could burn. The Evansville Fire Department does training at Landmark every year and Landmark will invite the Fire Department to visit the new project and learn about access points. Gishnock asked about the amount of new asphalt the project would add. Johnson noted the moderate expansion in asphalt on the site plan map, noting it would primarily be where the trucks would need to drive. Hammann asked where the setback would be violated. Wietecha noted that the receiving pit and building would be about 78 feet from the property line. Gishnock asked about stormwater runoff. Johnson showed the manholes on the site plan and noted that runoff from one area would be rerouted to a different retention ditch. iii. Public Hearing: Decker opened the public hearing at 6:15 p.m. There were no public comments, and Decker closed the public hearing at 6:16 p.m. iv. Plan Commissioner Questions and Comments: Hammann noted that the CUP and site plan are consistent with the zoning code and the Smart Growth Plan and that the project is a good fit for the City. The only issue is the setback, but he sees that as no problem, as the abutting property owner is in support of the project. Hammann noted that the Plan Commission does not see the setback violation as an issue. Braunschweig noted that the Board of Appeals should be given a copy of these minutes so they could see the Plan Commission’s conversation regarding this issue. Brooks asked if having the proposed grain storage bin in place two years ago would have helped reduce the amount of corn on the ground at that time and already be resulting in payback. Johnson noted that much of the corn would have been off the ground and payback would already be occurring. Brooks noted that this is a very good project. v. Motion Regarding Conditional Use Permit Application: Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Hammann, to approve issuance of a Conditional Use Permit for 6524 County Road M (Landmark Services Cooperative) to allow a group development, as per Section 130-418 of the zoning code, to allow Agricultural Service Uses, as per Section 130-344 of the zoning code, and to allow construction of a building in excess of 35 feet in height, as per Section 130-1187 of the zoning code, in an I-2 (Heavy Industrial) zone, finding that the benefits of the use outweigh any potential adverse impacts, and that the proposed use is consistent with the required standards and criteria for issuance of a CUP set forth in Section 130-104(3)(a) through (e) of the Zoning Ordinance. The permit is approved subject to the conditions identified in the staff report. Motion approved 7-0. vi. Motion Regarding Site Plan Review: Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Hammann, to approve the site plan for 6524 County Road M (Landmark Services Cooperative) contingent upon the Board of Appeals granting the variance from the Agricultural Services Use section 130-344(2b) to allow construction of the grain receiving dump pit and building within the setback area. Motion approved 7-0. b. City of Evansville Park and Outdoor Recreation Plan Status Update. Sidoff distributed copies of the table of contents and planning process timeline. She noted that the Park and Recreation Board approved these documents at their February meeting. She anticipates that the planning process will take 4-5 months, with the Plan Commission and Common Council taking up the Plan for approval and adoption in July. The majority of public input will take place in March and April. Members were encouraged to share any ideas for public input opportunities with Sidoff. This planning process and the public input efforts will be a test case for the Smart Growth Plan update. Hammann noted that he remembered the park planning process from when he was Park and Recreation Board Chair, and there was high attendance at public meetings related to the Plan. 8. Monthly Reports a. Report on other permitting activity by Zoning Administrator. No report. b. Report on the Unified Land Development Code Committee. No report. c. Report of the Evansville Historic Preservation Commission. Decker noted that the application was submitted to the State Historic Preservation Office for approval for the disc golf course at Leonard-Leota Park. There is a 30 day window for response, which means the City will hear back soon about the decision. d. Report on Common Council actions relating to Plan Commission recommendations. Decker noted that the Common Council took up the zoning amendment allowing agricultural service uses in an I-2 zone. Wietecha noted that as of February 20, the Community Development Director was the official zoning administrator by ordinance. Previously, this was a duty assigned to the City Administrator by ordinance. e. Report on Board of Appeals actions relating to zoning matters. Sidoff noted that she is trying to schedule a Board of Appeals meeting for the end of March to take up the Landmark Services Cooperative variance application. f. Enforcement Report. No report. 9. Meeting Reminder. The next Plan Commission meeting is Monday, April 1, 2013. 10. Adjournment. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Hammann, to adjourn at 6:28 p.m. Motion approved 7-0. The minutes are not official until approved by the Plan Commission at their next regular meeting.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Minutes: Econ Dev: Feb 2013

City of Evansville Economic Development Committee Monday, February 18, 2013, 6:00 PM City Hall, 31 S. Madison St. Evansville, WI MINUTES 1. Call to Order at 6:01 PM. 2. Roll Call. Present: Gene Bass, Sarah Bauer, Sue Berg, Chair Jim Brooks, James Otterstein, Brandon Rutz, Nicole Sidoff, Jon Senn, Blase Strobl (6:06 PM), and Dan Wietecha. Also attending: Christina Slaback and Sandy Decker. 3. Motion to Approve Agenda -- Berg/Senn approved unanimously. 4. Motion to waive the reading of the minutes of the January 21, 2013 regular meeting and approve them as printed -- Senn/Berg approved unanimously. 5. Citizen Appearances, other than listed agenda items -- None. 6. Chamber Report. a. Website Update -- Slaback reviewed the changes she made to the market saturation website, based on EDC members’ input at the January meeting. Changes included adding breaking out the services section into additional categories and fixing the logo sizing. She is about 2/3 of the way done fixing the logo sizing. (Strobl arrived at 6:06 PM). EDC members thanked Slaback for making revisions. b. Additional Chamber Updates -- Roughly 65 people attended the January Lunch ‘n Learn when SWAG was the topic. The Chamber coordinated a ribbon-cutting for Johnson Seed and Feed last week and is coordinating a ribbon-cutting for the Grove Retreat, a quilters’/crafters’ retreat, for Friday, March 1. The EDC discussed the Grove Retreat business. 7. Tourism Subcommittee Report -- Berg noted there was not much to report, as the Committee had not met since the last EDC meeting. Brooks noted he was interviewed by Discover Wisconsin about the Chili Cook-Off and by the State Department of Tourism about the Energy Fair. Berg noted the bridge dedication will occur on May 31, 2013. Brooks noted the railroad sesquicentennial event, which will include master panels and an exhibit of engineering drawings, will take place on July 19 and 20, 2013. a. Wayfinding Signage -- Sidoff shared information on an upcoming wayfinding signage webinar. Brooks indicated the group should have a discussion on what is currently on the City’s wayfinding signs and what else should be on the signs. Brooks noted the Orfordville sign as an example of an electronic sign. The Committee discussed the existing signage and agreed they would like to concentrate their efforts on the wayfinding signage. Mayor Decker noted it would be helpful to have an inventory of existing signage. Brooks suggested looking at past files and the order form for the existing signage to assist in inventory analysis. Bass suggested the files would have information on any permits for existing signage. 8. Update on Rail Study Discussion -- Sidoff noted that a focus of the Governor’s Conference on Economic Development was freight rail and the Governor mentioned that additional money would be included in the biennial budget for freight rail improvements. Brooks indicated that the President of the Village of Brooklyn had talked with Senator Cullen about opening the rail as far as Butts Corners Road, and that project would have an impact on Evansville’s rail study. Evansville will wait to see what happens with that project before developing the Request for Proposal for a rail study. 9. Retail Market Analysis Study Update. a. Action Items. b. Chamber Lunch ‘n Learn Presentation - March 12, 2013 at 11:30 AM at Creekside Place. Rutz noted he has been working with Slaback to plan the Lunch ‘n Learn presentation on the market analysis and surveys. The Committee discussed what the intention of the session would be, and if it should result in a “call to action” for local business owners. Rutz noted there were action items identified after the retail market analysis was finished, and not all of these items were completed. Brooks noted this session might be a good time to refresh these action items and energize people who might like to get involved. Slaback invited Committee members to the presentation. 10. Economic Development Committee Handbook -- Sidoff noted there were not any major updates on this item, just that she is developing a draft list of resources to include in the EDC handbook. Brooks suggested including Wietecha’s TIF 101 presentation. Wietecha suggested including an overview of the revolving loan fund, façade grant program, REDLG, and other economic development tools to which the City has access. 11. New Business -- Sidoff shared information from the Ehlers Public Finance Seminar that she and the Mayor attended. Highlights included information on developers’ agreements and Tax Increment Financing. Mayor Decker noted Paul Jadin, the Executive Director of Thrive, would be coming to Evansville the following Tuesday to discuss Thrive and to visit Baker Manufacturing, Bluescope/Varco-Pruden, and Landmark. Slaback noted she and Sidoff had been conducting business retention and expansion surveys of local businesses as part of a Rock 5.0 initiative. Mayor Decker commended the fact that all EDC members had been in attendance for two meetings in a row. 12. Meeting Reminder: Next regular meeting March 18, 2013, 6:00 PM. 13. Motion to adjourn—6:40 by Senn/Berg --Jim Brooks, Chairman

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Minutes: Finance: Feb 2013

City of Evansville Finance & Labor Relations Committee Regular Meeting Thursday, February 7, 2013, 5:30 pm City Hall, 31 S. Madison St., Evansville, Wisconsin MINUTES I. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm by Chair Mason Braunschweig. Present: Alderpersons Mason Braunschweig, Josh Manring, and Jim Brooks. Also present: Mayor Sandy Decker and City Administrator Dan Wietecha. II. Approve Agenda. Brooks made a motion, seconded by Manring, to approve the agenda as presented. Motion approved unanimously. III. Minutes of January 3, 2013. Manring made a motion, seconded by Brooks, to waive the reading of and to approve the minutes as presented. Motion approved unanimously. IV. Citizen Appearances. None. V. Bills. Brooks made a motion, seconded by Manring, to accept the City and Water & Light bills in the amount of $3,186,128.90. FLR had questions about the grant for narrowband radios, employee notice expenses, property database work by the Chamber of Commerce, contracted snow hauling, court reimbursements, procedure for credit card purchases, and an opportunity for departments to work together for charging fire extinguishers. Motion approved unanimously on a roll call vote. VI. Unfinished Business. a. City Administrator. Brooks made a motion, seconded by Braunschweig, to recommend to Common Council approval of City Administrator / Finance Director position description. FLR noted its recommendation was in anticipation of Ordinance 2013-01 being adopted. Motion approved unanimously. b. Organization Chart. Manring made a motion, seconded by Brooks to recommend to Common Council approval of updated city organization chart. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Manring, to amend the motion to include the Board of Review and Board of Appeals in the chart. Amendment approved unanimously. Original motion, as amended, approved unanimously. VII. New Business: a. Collective Bargaining Agreements. Wietecha explained that existing collective bargaining agreements will expire at the end of the year; negotiations typically begin around July. Although there is a variety of litigation and appeals related to the state laws on collective bargaining, he recommended FLR begin to consider its negotiation strategy this spring. b. Dental Insurance. Manring made a motion, seconded by Brooks, to recommend to Common Council approval of Delta Dental Policy Endorsement regarding domestic partners. Wietecha explained the city’s health insurance includes domestic partners as covered dependents; however, the dental insurance allows the city to decide whether or not to cover domestic partners. He advised this could wait for upcoming contract negotiations and also updating the personnel policy. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Brooks, to table the motion pending additional information from Delta Dental regarding methods for certification of a domestic partnership. Motion to table approved. VIII. Adjournment. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Manring, to adjourn the meeting. Motion approved unanimously at 6:10 pm.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Minutes: Public Safety: 2/2013

Public Safety Committee Wednesday, February 6, 2013 6:30 P.M. Regular Meeting Evansville City Hall Council Room 31 S Madison Street MINUTES 1. Chairperson Jacobson called meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. 2. Roll call of committee and staff members present was: Chairperson Jacobson, Alderperson Hayes and Fuchs, and Chief Scott McElroy, and EMS Chief/Coordinator Mary Beaver. 3. Motion by Hayes, second by Fuchs, to approve the agenda as printed. Motion passed. 4. Motion by Jacobson, second by Hayes, to approve the January 2, 2013 regular meeting minutes as printed. Motion passed. 5. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed-None 6. Old Business-None 7. New Business a. Motion by Hayes, second by Jacobson, to approve the Operator’s License application for Susan M Nicks. Motion passed b. Discussion and possible motion to amend the parking ordinance regarding RV parking within city limits of the City of Evansville. There was no discussion regarding this agenda item. c. Motion by Jacobson, second by Fuchs, to approve recommendation to Common Council approval of the Joint Powers Agreement for 2013. Motion passed 8. Evansville Police Report There were 1095 calls for service for the month of January, 2013 compared to 899 in January of 2012. Total license plate transactions were 52. Vehicle inspection training will be attended by Officer Schmidt March 4-7. The entire staff will be completing Intoximeter re-certification training in January and February, 2013. Officers Job and Mahan Strupp will attend the Advanced Patrol tactics on February 12 & 13 and Officers Job, Mahan Strupp and Nankee will attend FTO training February 25 through March 1. Officer Reese participated in the high school civics activity related to the parking policy and fees on January 22, 2013. Accreditation was started in December of 2012. The process will be costly requiring implementation of different issues; i.e., we needed to install panic buttons in the interview rooms, a flammable liquid storage container is required, etc. Chapters 1 through 14 have been reviewed, with 2, 6 and 13 requiring completion. The web-based distribution system from Deer Creek Technologies is being utilized for all interdepartmental communications, including policy distribution. On-site evaluation is set for November of 2013. The Police Commission met January 9, 2013 and approved the posting/creation for a Sergeant and part/full-time eligibility list. The squad video cameras have arrived and installation is set for February 12, 2013. Staff will be attending training for the Spillman Records Management system which will continue through June of 2013. The department has entered into the Rock County Inter-agency Agreement on sharing of information again in 2013. This is a county-wide group with the agreement authorizing the exchange of information between Rock County schools, educators, law enforcement personnel, juvenile justice and human service professionals. We continue to scan files on a daily basis and updates continue to be placed on the city website. 9. Evansville Medical Service Report The Wisconsin Emergency Services conference in Milwaukee was attended by Mary and Zachory Beaver. The all-day training for TEMS (Tactical Emergency Medical Services) involved the procedure to use when applying emergency medicine while under hostile environments, and also how to protect ourselves during hostile encounters. The second day of the conference focused on Leadership which reinforced idea/guidelines/procedures on “hard to handle employees” along with the stages of discipline. There was also information presented on how we project to our clients and families. The training refresher for our two year license renewal is ongoing and will not be completed until the spring of 2014. Recruitment is always an ongoing quest. Mary will be holding a CPR session on Saturday, February 16 for eight students from the Stoughton Daycare. The 911 center is working on the bugs in the system for the radio upgrade, and new “plugs” are being installed into the Rock County IT system. Our Tough Books that are used for run reporting data are in the process of being upgraded. Our present Tough Books are becoming too slow for the program that is used to write and upload our reports. We are looking into obtaining quotes for newer laptops. We are also experiencing connectivity issues with our “hotspot” that are used to upload these reports and are working on a solution. 10. Motion by Fuchs, second by Hayes, to adjourn the meeting at 6:41 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Barbara Jacobson, Chairperson These minutes are not official until approved by Public Safety at their next regular meeting

Minutes: Tourism: Jan 2013

City of Evansville Economic Development Committee Subcommittee on Tourism Tuesday, January 15, 2013, 6 PM Creekside Place, 102 Maple St., Evansville, WI MINUTES 1. Call to order at 6:19 p.m. 2. Roll call. Present: Sue Berg, John Decker, Dave VanDerHaegen; Ex Officio Sandy Decker, Jim Brooks. 3. Motion to approve agenda. VanDerHaegen/Decker. Unanimous. 4. Motion to waive the reading of the minutes from October 30, 2012, and approve them as printed. Decker/VanDerHaegen. Unanimous. 5. Citizen appearances. None. 6. Marketing/promotional opportunities. a. Jim Brooks reported on a meeting Nov. 14 with Beloit to discuss the I-39/90 reconstruction/ expansion project and its impact on communities via detours. The goal is to apply for JEM grants from Tourism Department for funds to promote the area as detour destinations. The first application will be submitted late 2013. Potential partners in the JEM application may be Beloit/Janesville, Evansville or another community such as Stoughton. Funds are needed to produce an area “fun map” and promote tourism. b. Working on the walking tour handbook are John Ehle (photography) and John Decker (narrative) with potential participation from Ruth Ann Montgomery. The content from the original book has been typed into a Word file that needs proofreading. Content needs to be added about the more recent additions to the National Register. Sandy Decker will inquire if a Coop student is available to do this project. An improved map may include either a driving tour and/or three separate walking tours, all loops starting at Eager Free Public Library. John Decker will talk to Ruth Ann about participating in the development of the remaining content. The goal is to have the updated walking tour brochure produced by September 2013. c. The Discover Wisconsin Evansville tourism brochure is at the printer with delivery expected late January or early February. d. The use of QR codes and/or other applications are opportunities that may be pursued later depending on availability of resources 7. Retail Market Analysis Subcommittee There was nothing to report. 8. Tourism updates: a. Oktoberfest is set for Oct. 12, 2013. b. Olde Fashioned Christmas was featured in the Wisconsin State Journal, resulting in very nice publicity. Overall attendance was reported up. c. Creekside Place was the drop off site for the Tourism Department’s The Big Bundle Up. Statewide, about 17,000 pieces of outerwear were collected. Items collected in Evansville were donated to the intermediate school. d. The National Park Service advised that the proposed routes for the Ice Age Trail near Evansville have been reduced to 2 choices, one of which includes Evansville! The Park Service plans to host meetings for public input at Creekside Place this spring. e. John Decker reported that our application for This Old House contest was acknowledged. There has been no further word. f. The historical plaque for the bridge is done and currently stored at City Hall. Sandy Decker will contact Dave Wartenweiler, director of public works, for final determination of the plaque placement on the bridge, and the Public Works Safety committee for authorization to close the street for a few hours for a dedication ceremony. The proposed date is Friday afternoon, May 31, the traditional Memorial Day. Sue Berg will check on the potential of Verona author Bob Moore as a speaker. The Legion will be asked to provide an Honor Guard. The VFW and Allen Creek Gallery may be willing to host receptions. g. Peace Park committee members are exploring alternative sites. The original preference for Leonard Leota Park faces challenges due to the park’s recent inclusion on the National Register of Historic Sites. h. Geocaching has a local, small audience. There are a number of caches in the area. i. Applications for the April 19 Earth Day Energy Fair have been sent, and inquiries are coming in. j. Lisa James and Margaret LeMay are initiating inquiries and plans for the Spring Art Crawl, set for April 26. Creekside Place will propose its facility as the starting point. k. Rally Round the Flag is set for May 17-19. l. The Theordore Robinson Plein Air Painting Contest is set for June 14-23. The April 26 Art Crawl is an opportunity to cross sell the plein air event. m. The Fourth of July planning committee is meeting. There is interest in having the trolley historical tour if funding can be found. n. The 150th anniversary of the railroad’s arrival in Evansville will be celebrated as a three-day event July 18-20. Hayden Barlass has agreed to exhibit trains o. Evansville’s 150th anniversary is noted for 2016. 9. New business. a. Janesville buses feature images of area communities. Judy Walton sent a picture of a plein air painter in downtown Evansville. b. Disc golf has a couple of local people spearheading the development of a Frisbee golf course at Lake Leota Park. Installation at the park will be minimally disruptive and manageable with National Register requirements. Cheryl Fuchs is fundraising, and Mark Sendelbach is the local source expert. c. Evansville speaker series will feature Bill Christofferson speaking on Gaylord Nelson on April 17, just two days prior to Evansville’s Earth Day Energy Fair. Earth Day itself is April 22. d. Mary Rajek, executive director of the Evansville Area Chamber of Commerce & Tourism has resigned to accept a career opportunity that will move her closer to family. Christina Slabek is the new executive director and has been appointed to the Tourism Committee. 10. Next meeting. The Tourism Committee will set a schedule to meet every other month. The next scheduled meeting is set for 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 5, 2013, at Creekside Place. Note the new start time of 6:30 p.m. 11. Meeting adjourned 8:20 p.m. Decker/VanDerHaegen.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Minutes: Feb Plan 2013

City of Evansville Plan Commission Regular Meeting Monday, February 4, 2013, 6:00 p.m. City Hall (Third Floor), 31 South Madison Street MINUTES 1. Call to order. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Mayor Sandy Decker. 2. Roll call. Members present: John Gishnock, Mason Braunschweig, Sandy Decker, Bill Hammann (arrived late), Matt Eaton, Carol Endres, and Jim Brooks. Others present: City Administrator Dan Wietecha and Community Development Director Nicole Sidoff. 3. Approval of agenda. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Brooks, to approve the agenda. Motion approved 6-0. 4. Approval of minutes. Brooks made a motion, seconded by Eaton, to waive the reading of the minutes from January 3, 2013 regular meeting and approve them as printed. Motion approved 6-0. 5. Civility reminder. Decker noted that this would be a recurring item on City meeting agendas to encourage the public and committee members to engage with one another in a civil manner. 6. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed. None. Hammann arrived. 7. New Business A. Public Hearing concerning a proposed amendment of Chapter 130 of the Municipal Code related to agricultural service uses in the Heavy Industrial (I-2) District. Wietecha noted that this was the ordinance amendment that was discussed in a staff memo during last month’s Plan Commission meeting. This is basically a housekeeping item that resulted from property being annexed a few years ago. This amendment addresses agricultural service uses and allows for increased building heights with a conditional use permit. The potential public benefits of the proposed amendment to the outweigh any and all potential adverse impacts of the proposed amendment. Decker opened the public hearing at 6:04 p.m. There were no public comments, and Decker closed the public hearing at 6:05 p.m. Brooks asked if there were any other areas zoned I-2 where this amendment to the zoning could cause an issue. Wietecha noted that there were other areas, such as Varco-Pruden, that were zoned I-2; however, anything being proposed would require a conditional use permit and would come before the Plan Commission for review and approval. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Brooks, to recommend to Common Council approval of Ordinance 2013-02, amending Chapter 130 of the Municipal Code related to agricultural service uses in the Heavy Industrial (I-2) District. Motion approved 7-0. B. City of Evansville Park and Outdoor Recreation Plan Update. Sidoff noted that she was beginning work on updating the City’s Park and Outdoor Recreation Plan and would be discussing the planning process timeline with the Park and Recreation Board at their meeting the following Monday. The plan needs to be updated for the City to be eligible for State and Federal grant funding. It is anticipated that the planning process will take about 4-5 months, with the bulk of public input opportunities occurring in March and April. PC members were encouraged to share any ideas for public input opportunities with Sidoff. Wietecha noted that the park plan update would be done in conjunction with the update to the relevant chapter of the Smart Growth Plan and that the park planning process would be somewhat of a trial run for the update to the Smart Growth Plan. C. PlannersWeb and Planning Commissioners Journal Access. Sidoff noted that PlannersWeb is an online resource for citizen planners and professional planners and has a great deal of information on planning techniques and tools that might be useful to the Plan Commission. The City signed up for this service and has eleven total accounts available, including those designated for staff. Articles can only be viewed by those with an account. Plan Commissioners agreed that they would like to have access to PlannersWeb, and Sidoff agreed to register everyone for the service. 8. Monthly Reports A. Report on other permitting activity by City Planner. Sidoff noted that she was meeting with someone from Landmark Services Cooperative the following day regarding their conditional use permit for constructing a grain bin in excess of the height permitted by right in the I-2 district. B. Report on the Unified Land Development Code Committee. No report. C. Report of the Evansville Historic Preservation Commission. No report. D. Report on Common Council actions relating to Plan Commission recommendations. No report. E. Report on Board of Appeals actions relating to zoning matters. No report. F. Enforcement Report. Wietecha noted that he had followed up on a complaint regarding a sign downtown. The City has not yet received the application for the after-the-fact sign permit. Wietecha has also continued to follow up on the lighting requirements at Symdon’s. 9. Meeting Reminder. The next Plan Commission meeting is Monday, March 4, 2013. 10. Adjournment. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Hammann, to adjourn at 6:12 p.m. Motion approved 7-0. The minutes are not official until approved by the Plan Commission at their next regular meeting.