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Friday, December 14, 2007

Minutes: Park and Recreation: September 2007

City of Evansville, Wisconsin
Park and Recreation Board Regular Monthly Meeting
Evansville City Hall Council Chambers
Monday, September 17, 2007


1. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM; Members Carlsen, Farnsworth, Juergens, Merritt, Modaff and staff Anderson, Hamacher present. Krueger and Sendelbach absent. Mayor Decker also present for part of meeting.

2. Farnsworth moved, Modaff seconded to waive reading of August 2007 meeting and approve as printed. Passed unanimously.

3. No changes were made to the agenda.

4. Citizen appearances other than agenda items:
a, Michael Pierick, 126 Grove St., Scoutmaster of the local Troop reported that their work re-shingling the Boy Scout house in Leonard/Leota Park is completed. Representing his son, Ethan, (who is working on an Eagle Scout project to make improvements to Wind Prairie Park) Pierick requested the sum of $200 from public funds for materials to complete the project. Ethan has raised approximately $200 for the project, but doesn’t expect to be able to raise more. Farnsworth moved, Modaff seconded to approve spending $200 from park maintenance funds for this purpose. The motion passed unanimously. Ray Anderson will coordinate the spending and provide the materials to Ethan Pierick as appropriate.

b. Michelle Klopp, 13041 Woodworth Drive, stated that the new picture id pool passes instituted for the 2007 swimming pool season contained ages and addresses of the pass-holder. She pointed out that such a pass, if lost, could cause the privacy of the holder to be invaded, and requested that the Board reconsider what information should appear on passes in the future. Hamacher said he would propose a redesigned pass for 2008 at the next PRB meeting.

c. Tammy Pomplin, 440 S. 2nd St., expressed her support for a change in the pool passes. She thanked the PRB for planting trees along the railroad tracks at the back of the pool area, but noted that some had died. She suggested that perhaps the newly planted trees had not been properly cared for. Anderson noted that he had watered the trees regularly and said he would check to see if the trees were guaranteed to survive, and if so, to arrange for no-cost replacements. Pomplin also requested a shelter be built for people watching their children in the pool, so they wouldn’t have to sit in the sun.

5. SOLE report: None

6. Chair’s report on items of interest concerning Council and other city Committees: The 2008 budget is going forward and the chair does not expect any major changes in the requests that PRB has made.

7. Updates on pending park projects: Ray Anderson

a. Lake Leota Park: The Press Box has been painted. Vandalism, graffiti and tagging continue to be a problem throughout the park Several instances of damage have been reported to the police department. Painting over graffiti continues.
b. Franklin Park; Nothing new at this time.
c. Countryside Park; The new schedule for opening the bathrooms is working.
d. West Side Park: Mowing is proceeding with Public Works personnel.

8. Aquatic Report: Ric Hamacher.
a. Pool operations and park store. It is now expected that income will be about $15K over budget. There are vandals operating in the pool area as well.

b. Leaks in the pool will be fixed soon.

9. Old Business:
a. Allen Creek Wall Restoration project: 4 local citizens have committed to taking the five-day Dry Stone Conservancy workshop commencing October 16th. In addition, negotiations are ongoing with Oregon Correctional Center to bring 3-4 inmates to participate in the workshop. Tammy Pomplin questioned whether a general public notice had been published offering the workshop to local residents, noting that there were unemployed local residents. The chair stated that such would be done. Pomplun also asked several questions about supervision of inmates.

b. Lake Leota Restoration project. The RFP for design-engineering of the restoration is about ready. The chair discussed the putting into the RFP the possibility of making it a multi-year project, and it was generally agreed that this should be done. The purpose would be to offer possible flexibility in financing the project if it could be done in stages. With this addition, Farnsworth moved, Modaff seconded to accept the RFP and send it to engineering firms who have expressed interest in doing business with the city.

Mayor Decker mentioned several points with regard to this project:
The city will incur costs even if we don’t restore the lake, because we can’t just leave it the way it is. We’ve learned that the springs in the “back” of the lake preclude mowing of the entire lake-bed. How will that area be handled? If we decide to remove the dam, that involves costs and much negiotiation with DNR. Would we have to pay to rip-rap the creek as it flows through the park. She urged the PRB to consider such costs in making further decisions about the lake’s future.

c. Discussion of “A League of Their Own” was again postponed.

10. New Business: None

11. There being no other business, Farnsworth moved, Modaff seconded to to adjourn the 6:55 pm. Motion passed unanimously.

Meeting minutes prepared by Chair Fred Juergens. These are not official until approved at the next regular PRB meeting, scheduled October 15, 2007

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