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Evansville Common Council---Strategic Planning Meeting---October 13, 2007

Evansville Common Council
Strategic Planning Meeting
Saturday, October 13, 2007
9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Bank of Evansville Community Room
12 J. Lindemann Drive.


Call to order.
Mayor Decker called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, October 13, 2007.

Roll call.
Present: Mayor Sandy Decker, Alderpersons Mason Braunschweig, Tom Cothard, Dennis Wessels, Diane Roberts, John Sornson, Barb Jacobson, and Fred Juergens (arrived late). Absent: Alderperson Tony Wyse. Also present: Administrator Dan Wietecha, Finance Director Eric Jepperson, Fire Chief Mike Halvensleben, Police Chief Scott McElroy, Emergency Medical Services Coordinator Mary Beaver, Water and Light Superintendent Scott George, Public Works Superintendent Dave Wartenweiler, Library Director Kathi Kemp-Tejeda, Engineer Dave Sauer, and several members of the public.

Approval of agenda.
Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Wessels, to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried with all in favor.

Citizen appearances.

Sidewalk assessments.
Staff Report: Wietecha distributed the engineer’s report and proposed final resolution. Most of the sidewalk project is adjacent to city property on the east side of the north end of Mason Street and the entry into the park. There are also two residential properties, one on Grove Street and one on North 6th Street. The estimate is $5 per square foot.
Initial Discussion by Council: None.
Public hearing: Mayor Decker opened the public hearing at 9:07. Dave Watson, 32 Grove Street, said he does not have a problem with the sidewalk but he is not too happy about having his yard dug up all winter. He noted it has already been a long year with construction in front of his business all summer. He had two questions: 1) When will the project start and 2) why does it have to be done in the fall when they are planning on digging up the lawns which will cause it to be muddy all winter? Wartenweiler noted that the project was sent out for bids and will start as soon as the bids are approved, likely in late October or early November. The yards will be graded, mulched and seeded right away, and some re-seeding may be needed in the spring. This project is in the 2007 budget. With no other comments, the hearing was closed at 9:12.
Final Discussion by Council: It was noted that the assessment was proposed to be payable over 10 years at 5%, consistent with other sidewalk projects.
Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Sornson, to adopt Resolution 2007-45, Final Resolution Authorizing Installation of Sidewalk and Levying Special Assessments against Benefited Properties for Same. Motion carried with all in favor.

Creation of TID #8.
Mayor Decker removed herself from the table. Wietecha distributed the proposed resolution prepared by Ehlers and Associates. He noted that future steps in the legal process would include a meeting of the Joint Review Board. Negotiation of a development agreement with the Evansville Manor would also be pending. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Sornson, to adopt Resolution 2007-41, Creating, Describing and Making Certain Findings and Approving Project Plan for Tax Incremental District #8. Motion carried with all in favor. Mayor Decker returned to the table.

Mayoral appointments.
Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Cothard, to waive the seven day notice on citizen committee appointments. Motion carried with all in favor.
Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Roberts, to approve Michael Pierick, 126 Grove Street, to the Advisory Committee on the Unified Land Development Code (formerly named TND Committee). Motion carried with all in favor.
Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Roberts, to approve Roger Berg, 6508 Ron Road, to Advisory Committee on the Unified Land Development Code (formerly named TND Committee). Motion carried with all in favor.
Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Cothard, to approve Jeff Hanson, 535 Greenview Drive, to the Board of Appeals for an unexpired term ending in 2010. Motion carried with one vote against.
Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Cothard, to approve Jeff Hanson, 535 Greenview Drive, as 2nd alternate to the Board of Appeals for 2007. Motion carried with all in favor.

Review of open meeting and public records law.
Mayor Decker distributed copies of a compliance guide prepared by the Attorney General. The Council noted that most committee notices contain a disclaimer that members of the Common Council may be attendance of the meeting. It was agreed that the disclaimer language would be reviewed for all committee notices to avoid potential problems of meeting in quorum.

Council procedures.
Council discussed changing the meeting dates in order to have a couple days in between the Finance and Labor Relations Committee and Common Council meetings. It was decided that no schedule change was needed at this time. It was agreed that department heads would review their regular bills to see if any need to have their billing cycle altered to better meet our meeting and payment schedule.

Council and department heads discussed re-establishing meetings on the Committee of the Whole. It was noted that in the past it provided more and better information from the various committees than is sometimes provided during the regular Common Council meeting. This will be put on the Council agenda for continued discussion.

The Council discussed re-establishing the Ordinance and Resolution Committee to review and draft all ordinances and resolutions proposed out of the various committees. It was agreed that the staff review and compilation of existing ordinances should be completed before putting this on the Council agenda for additional discussion.

Facilities, equipment, and staffing requirements.
Fire Department: Halvensleben noted that Excel Engineering has been selected for design of the new building and site. They will assist in evaluating and estimating needs to construct the building given the site’s soil conditions, including finding an alternate site. The Fire District has not yet purchased the property, and the City has not yet purchased the current Fire Hall. They hope to begin construction in the spring with completion that fall; the cost is estimated at $2 million. The District does have its own bonding authority if needed to finance the construction. The Council voiced its displeasure with the current structure of the District. The City pays 54% of the expenses (an amount expected to increase with continuing growth) but has only 2 of the 6 votes on the board. A substantial amount of money is to be paid by the City for the new Fire Hall and the ongoing operations of the Fire Department, and the City does not have adequate say about how the money is spent.

EMS: Beaver distributed a memo outlining the EMS space needs. The EMS office is currently housed in a spare room in City Hall. Some EMS employees are not local and stay in the office overnight when on-call; similarly, rural employees will stay in the office during winter weather conditions. The office is not set up to be and is inadequate for living quarters. They also lack room for ongoing training and meetings. They could move into the Dean Center Building with minimal remodeling. There are some staff complaints about vehicle exhaust when the ambulances start in the garage below City Hall; a garage could be built beside the Dean Center but is not an immediate need. They do have secure storage for records, but space is getting tight. They have no current equipment needs; a new ambulance is scheduled for 2012. The Council indicated that EMS should plan on moving into the Dean Center in early winter.

Police Department: McElroy said that at a meeting approximately five years ago the Council talked about moving the Police Station to the center of town; the current Fire Hall has been evaluated and appears to be a good fit. They currently have storage problems for equipment, no inside vehicle parking, inadequate storage for records, no suitable space for staff meetings and training. A training/meeting room in the building could be utilized by other departments. They are looking into digitally copying archived records to meet space needs. They would like to add a lift to do vehicle inspections on site and are getting a cost estimate. Staffing needs are growing; calls this year are running 22% higher than last year. They anticipate adding staff in 2009 or 2010. Eventually a second shift clerical position would also make the department more accessible to the public.

Municipal Court: Judge Tom Alisankus was unavailable to attend the meeting since court was in session. At a recent department head meeting, he had indicated that there are no problems in the foreseeable future for facilities or staffing. He is considering adding another day of court within the next year; it would be held on a Saturday.

Public Works: Wartenweiler said that other than items scheduled in the capital budget, the Department is in good shape. No remodeling needs to be done, but they have been looking into the feasibility of implementing solar energy at the garage. They have added a staff position this past year so are in pretty good shape.

Wastewater Treatment Plant: Wartenweiler and Sauer said we do need some upgrading to address elevated nitrates levels, approaching capacity limits in a 25-year-old treatment plant, and increased regulations to be imposed upon us in the next few years. Instead of doing an interim upgrade (which was done about three years ago and bought us another six years time), we should really upgrade the facility to meet the new capacity for 20 years and design it better to meet these limits. Our compliance schedule states that by the end of 2008 we need to have a design; this means planning within the next few months. The plant will take over a year to build it and it will cost about $1 to 2 million. The upgrade will also help us open up for more economic growth in the city. The City currently has three licensed operators.

Parks: Wartenweiler indicated staffing is going to be a critical issue in the next couple years after the westside park opened; this will most likely mean additional part-time, summer help. Playground equipment and a parking lot are scheduled for the westside park next year; a shelter/bathroom, ballfields, second entrance, and a service garage are planned in the future. It was noted that the neighborhoods around the westside park expect the improvements.

Water and Light: George noted that the new substation is under construction; it should be operational in early January. The next project is to continue the distribution loop. An addition to the warehouse is scheduled for 2009. John Rasmussen is retiring at the end of the year; we expect to promote from within for his successor.

Library: Kemp-Tejeda said the library is beyond its capacity; this limits the library’s ability to acquire new materials. Specific desires of a library addition include expanded adult fiction, large print books, a teen room, space dedicated to seniors, a larger children’s area, a staff work room, a meeting room and a computer lab. The library currently has only one librarian; they would like to have a half-time children’s librarian. Additional staff will also be needed after the library expands. It was noted that a combination of library facilities, an educational center and a conference room would make the project eligible for additional funding.

City Hall: Decker noted the tuckpointing is budgeted but still needs to be done. The former administration office can be of some use for storage or meetings but is not accessible for the public. Jepperson said the reorganization of the finance and clerical staff is going well. There was a request to put up a better directory in the lobby directing people to the offices on the second floor.

Dean Center Building: It was noted that a lot of haphazardly organized city records are stored in the basement. It was agreed that the vacant main floor should be utilized by the EMS.

Evansville Youth Center Building: Wietecha noted that the building has water problems during every significant rain; the cleaning bills are expensive. Some significant structural work on the building appears less expensive in the long run but estimates have not yet been examined.

Project reviews and prioritization.
Allen Creek Walls: Juergens said that the Drystone Conservancy would be conducting a training workshop next week. The 3000 linear feet of walls have been evaluated and ranked according to needed repairs. About 350 feet needs immediate attention as a safety issue; the remainder could be rebuilt over the next several years.

Lake Leota: Wietecha noted that the City received seven proposals for design engineering to dredge the lake; a budget amendment earlier in the year is funding the engineering. The proposals are posted on the City’s website for review. A screening committee with representatives from the Common Council, Public Works Committee, Park Board and SOLE select finalists to interview in a couple weeks. The engineering should be completed by the end of January, then there will be a defined project and reliable cost estimate with which to work. If the dredging project does not proceed, the City will need to consider closing the sluice gate and allowing the lake to re-fill in order to avoid having the area revert to wetlands. The dredging project is currently in the capital plan for 2009 at $2.5 million.

Stormwater Improvements: The general area around South Sixth Street has complained about a variety of drainage problems. Although the stormwater system generally worked considering the amount of rain received in August, there are some deficiencies. The designation of a drainage ditch just west of these properties as a channel on the updated FIRM map brings additional concerns for neighboring properties. In the near future, the Public Works Committee plans to convene a special meeting to discuss drainage concerns in this neighborhood, FEMA’s new floodplain maps throughout the City and the possibility of creating a stormwater utility. A stormwater utility would provide a funding source for stormwater-related maintenance currently funded through property taxes, for new activities to improve the City’s community rating system (CRS) score and for capital improvements to the existing stormwater system throughout the entire City. Stormwater improvements in general, not at any specific location, were named among the City’s top priority projects. If needed, revenue bonds could be issued to finance utility projects.

J. Lindemann Roundabout: This has been added to next year’s capital budget. With the addition of a health club, a hotel and other businesses, the roundabout cannot wait for the development of the D&D property. This project was named among the City’s top priority capital projects; it would be a TIF eligible expense. Additional right-of-way may need to be acquired. Halvensleben will be consulted during the design because of his knowledge in trucking and the concerns of the Fire Department.

WWTP Upgrade: Discussed earlier; there will be better cost estimates mid winter. This project was named as the City’s most essential capital project. It would likely be financed through revenue bonds and not impact the City’s debt limits. The WWTF does not have any debt currently so is in a pretty good position.

Other Street Projects: Liberty Street is on the capital plan for 2012.

New Fire Station: Discussed earlier; the Fire District has bonding authority to finance the construction independently.

Library Addition: Discussed earlier. The City will need to purchase of the current Post Office building. There are two possibilities being discussed with the owners. It may be purchased for $200,000; this appears to be a fair price. Or, the City may accept donation of the building in return for writing off some substantial deferred assessments on other properties of the same owner, a possibility of not having to come up with the $200,000. In either case an appraisal will be wanted. The Post Office would continue to pay rent to the City until the library project was ready. If the City were to cancel the lease of the Post Office prior to December 2014, the City would be obligated to help the Post Office relocate. Consensus was that the property be purchased for the future library expansion.

Renovation of Old Fire Station: Discussed earlier.

Renovation of Dean Center Building: Discussed earlier; remodeling should be minimal and may be done by City staff.

Soybean Crushing Facility: There is a $4 million allocation in the proposed state budget as seed money for development of a crushing facility. It has the support of both parties and the governor, but a budget has not yet been adopted. Evansville appears the logical site for such a facility, and Landmark Services Cooperative has indicated they will match the allocation with an addition $4 million to develop the facility in Evansville. If this proceeds, it may come quickly with planning and permitting in 2008 and construction in 2009. The project would likely involve the City applying for CDBG-PFED and TEA grants as well. The site is in TID #7.

Westside Park: Discussed earlier; this is the only area without a neighborhood park. Playground equipment and a parking lot are scheduled for next year.

Allen Creek & North Union Redevelopment Plan: The final draft is expected within the next couple weeks; it will go before the Plan Commission and Common Council in November. It is expected to include recommended capital projects, economic development efforts, and changes to zoning regulations. Most of the properties in this area are in TID #5.

Project financing.
Debt Capacity: Wietecha distributed copies of the General Obligation Debt Capacity Analysis that had been prepared by Ehlers & Associates for the October 9 meeting. He indicated that according to state statutes, the total general obligation indebtedness of the City may not exceed 5% of the equalized value of the taxable property in the City. In general, Ehlers recommends maintaining about 40% of this capacity unless the Council deems passing the threshold is warranted based on the specific nature of an individual project. As debt is paid off and as new tax base is added in the City, the amount of capacity available increases. When financing projects, the City may want to consider revenue bonds, PAYGO tax increment, or other means to avoid utilizing general obligation debt.

Stormwater Utility: A stormwater utility may be created to manage the stormwater system throughout the city. User fees would be established proportionate to the amount of stormwater runoff occurring from each individual property. It is primarily for maintenance, but also to fix existing deficiencies throughout the drainage system. New development would still be required to install ponds etc at the developer’s expense. A principal advantage to using a utility (rather than paying for stormwater expenses through property taxes) is that it more equitably allocates the costs based on the amount of runoff produced by each property. The Public Works Committee will discuss this possibility at a future meeting.

Park Land Impact Fees: There is proposed legislation that would allow conditioning approval of new developments upon dedication of parkland or payment of fees for park improvements in lieu of land. Wartenweiler asked about imposing parkland fees during the building permit process.

Excess City Properties: The City owns a small, surplus lot in the industrial area on Water Street; a neighboring property owner has asked about purchasing the lot to construct a building similar to those in the area. The City would gain some revenues from the sale and would see some increase in the tax base from the new building. The City also owns about two acres of unimproved parkland near Church and Fourth Streets; it could be sold for residential development.

Cable TV Franchise: Juergens pointed out that the City receives approximately $30,000 a year in franchise fees. These fees are limited to only cable television, not internet or telephone over the same cable lines, but there may be opportunity to negotiate other revenues in the new franchise agreement. There is currently legislation proposed that would prevent franchise fees from being determined locally; any negotiation of a new franchise agreement is on hold until after a decision on the state’s pending legislation.

Direct Legislation: Wietecha noted that some cities have seen direct legislation set thresholds for required referenda. Where these limits were unrealistically low, a city may be unable to accomplish needed infrastructure projects. Similarly, plebiscite requirements may prevent economic development projects needing a timely decision. He recommended the City consider a proactive approach by adopting an ordinance establishing procedures for conduct of citizen initiatives. Consensus was for Wietecha to draft such an ordinance; Juergens and Braunschweig will sponsor.

Policy matters.
Intergovernmental Cooperation: The City passed a resolution in May to establish its side of a committee to examine intergovernmental concerns with the Town of Union. The Town has yet to adopt a corresponding resolution.

Unified Land Development Code: The Plan Commission intends to overhaul the zoning code with a unified land development code. Aside from updating the zoning regulations; it is intended to provide a better, more user-friendly organization to the zoning and development regulations. An ad hoc committee will be meeting starting in November to discuss and draft the proposed update.

Annexation and Extraterritorial Zoning: Wietecha noted that the City may want to review its Smart Growth Plan and determine appropriate criteria for reviewing annexation and extraterritorial zoning requests.

Economic Development: Wietecha attends most Chamber of Commerce meetings to maintain a strong relation with the business community. They are working with the Economic Development Committee in planning for an Economic Development Summit on January 12; preparatory work has been well received.

Green Communities and Eco-Municipalities: There are 12 cities in the state certified as eco-municipalities. There are a number of environmental and conservation oriented things that already occur in Evansville; it may be advantageous to look into this certification program.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:19 p.m.

Common Council---October 9, 2007

Common Council
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, October 9, 2007, 6:30 p.m.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI


1. Call to order. Mayor Decker called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

2. Roll call. Members present: Chair Mayor Decker; Alderpersons Mason Braunschweig, Tom Cothard, Barb Jacobson, Fred Juergens, Diane Roberts, John Sornson, Dennis Wessels, and Tony Wyse. Staff present: Dan Wietecha, City Administrator; Eric Jepperson, Finance Director/Treasurer and Judy Walton, City Clerk. Also present: Mark Kopp, City Attorney; Greg Johnson, Ehlers & Associates, Inc; Dave Sauer, Foth & Van Dyke; and members of the public.

3. Approval of Agenda. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Roberts to approve the agenda as printed. Motion approved unanimously.

4. Approval of Minutes. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Cothard to waive the reading of the minutes of the September 11, 2007 regular meeting and the September 27, 2007, special meeting and to approve them as printed. Motion approved unanimously.

5. Citizen appearances. None

A. SOLE Committee. Gil Wiedenhoeft mentioned they are waiting for responses to the RFP.

B. ECP. None

C. Primetimers. Mary Libby distributed copies of their financials. Evelyn Cantrell stated that recent changes have resulted in programs really taking hold, in particular the ball exercise class which is popular with all age groups. Additionally, the Health Fair will be held on November 2nd, 2007 from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon with a catered lunch to follow. Janis Ringhand presented the preliminary plans for the Community/Senior Center. Construction will occur in 2 phases. There will be public viewings at the Soybean Festival on October 20th, 2007, and the Health Fair on November 2nd, 2007. Additionally, there will be at least 2 evening public hearings scheduled.

D. Public Hearing: Assessments for Main Street Utility and Roadway Improvements. Dave Sauer explained the location of the assessment district and how the individual assessments were calculated. Letters were mailed on September 27, 2007, to the property owners involved in the assessment district. Tom Cothard stated there was an error on the owner listed for the property at 8 Railroad Street. Decker opened the public hearing at 6:48 p.m. John Arneson asked what the average cost was for past projects and if a longer repayment term would be available due to the financial hardship experienced due to the construction. Sauer explained that the assessments for this project and past projects were calculated the same. Dave Mueller commended the project workers. He mentioned that due to the lack of a storm sewer in August, he has to replace damaged carpet in the amount of $1,200 as it won’t be covered under a FEMA claim. Farnsworth stated the work on the project was good and also requested a longer repayment term. Nicole Hamby asked about a credit that was discussed at an earlier meeting prior to construction. Sauer and Wietecha explained that a check, not credit, will be issued to approximately 10-12 property owners where loss of walking space occurred due to the installation of lights or benches. George Howell questioned the $510.00 plumbing charge. Sauer explained that the amount was a set cost assessed equally to all property that received new plumbing to the meter. Decker closed the public hearing at 7:02 p.m. Council discussed the options of repayment and if a longer term should be extended to only commercial property. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Roberts, to Adopt Resolution 2007-44, Final Resolution Authorizing Installation of Sanitary Sewer and Water Laterals and Street Improvements and Levying Special Assessments against Benefited Properties for Same to include the following terms: 1) Payment can be spread out over a 15 year term, 2) pursuit to Ehlers and Associates approving the interest rate which will be 1% above the City’s borrowing rate. Motion approved on a 7-0 roll call vote with Cothard abstaining.

6. Reports of Committees.

A. Plan Commission Report. None

B. Finance and Labor Relations Committee Report.

(1). Cothard made a motion, seconded by Braunschweig to approve W&L bills and authorize their payment in the amount of $1,431,810.67. Motion approved unanimously on a roll call vote.

(2). Cothard made a motion, seconded by Roberts to approve the City bills and authorize their payment in the amount of $842,394.50. Motion approved unanimously on a roll call vote.

Decker removed herself from the table at 7:10 p.m. for items 6B(3) & 6B(4)

(3). Cothard made a motion, seconded by Juergens to approve engagement of Quarles & Brady as bond counsel for $940,000 taxable general obligation community development bond issue. Motion approved unanimously on a roll call vote.

(4). Cothard made a motion, seconded by Juergens to approve Resolution 2007-40, Authorizing the Sale of $940,000 Taxable General Obligation Community Development Bonds. Greg Johnson presented the sale results. There were 5 bids received and the winning bid was submitted by Bankers Bank of Madison, WI with local participation by Union Bank & Trust of Evansville, WI with a true interest cost of 6.1467%. Due to the lower interest rates and cost of issuance expenses, the par amount of the Bonds was reduced by $10,000. Johnson explained the Tax Impact Analysis and Capacity Analysis spreadsheets within the report he presented. Juergens made a motion, seconded by Sornson to amend the main motion to change the amount of $940,000 to $930,000. Amendment approved unanimously. Main motion, as amended, approved unanimously on a roll call vote.

Decker returned to the table at 7:30 p.m.

(5). Cothard made a motion, seconded by Roberts to Approve Resolution 2007-42, Accepting Proposal for $169,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes. [For purchase of current Fire Station property]. Greg Johnson informed the Council that they received no proposals; therefore there is no formal Resolution for the Council to consider. He added that if Council wanted to move forward with this the recommendation would be to submit an application to the State Trust Fund due to their recent interest rate decrease. Motion withdrawn and no action taken. Cothard made a motion, seconded by Roberts to go forward with the application for the State Trust Fund Loan. Motion approved unanimously.

(6). Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Roberts to approve Lease of Fire Station to Evansville Fire Protection District from November 1, 2007, to December 31, 2008. Motion approved unanimously.

(7). Resolution 2007-43, Accepting Proposal for $200,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes. [For potential purchase of current Post Office property]. As with Item 6B(5), there were no proposals; therefore there is no formal Resolution. Discussion included clarification that securing financing for this potential purchase is being considered so the funds would be available if Council chose to move forward on this acquisition. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Roberts to approve application for a State Trust Fund Loan for the potential purchase of the current Post Office property in the amount of $200,000. Motion approved unanimously.

(8). Cothard made a motion, seconded by Braunschweig to Approve 5-year Capital Budget for 2008-2012. Jepperson stated there was one change made to include the future roundabout. Dick Woulfe asked what effect additional projects would have on the Capacity Analysis prepared by Ehlers & Associates. Greg Johnson explained further the components of the analysis. Motion approved unanimously on a roll call vote.

(9). Cothard presented the First Reading of Ordinance 2007-16, Adopting 2008 Operating Budget and Setting Levies.

(10). Cothard made a motion, seconded by Braunschweig to Publish Proposed 2008 Operating Budget. Dick Woulfe asked if there was parity in regard to the EMS rate increase. Council stated the rates are very close. Motion approved unanimously.

(11). Juergens made a motion, seconded by Roberts to Approve US Cellular Contract Extension. Motion approved unanimously on a roll call vote.

C. Public Safety Committee Report

(1). Sornson made a motion, seconded by Braunschweig to approve write-off of bad debt in the amount of $2,981.84 and to designate the parties of these 14 calls for tax intercept. Motion approved unanimously on a roll call vote.

D. Public Works Committee Report. None

E. Water & Light Committee Report. None

F. Economic Development Committee Report.

(1). Wyse made a motion, seconded by Juergens to Approve Revised Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund Policies & Procedures Manual. Sornson asked where the money came from. Wietecha explained that the majority of the money came from the sales of property previously owned by the City on Water Street. Motion approved unanimously.

G. Redevelopment Authority Report. None

H. Parks and Recreation Board Report. None

I. Historic Preservation Commission Report. Wessels informed the Council that visitors from the Wisconsin Association of Historic Preservation Commissions will be here the weekend of October 20th, 2007.

J. Fire District Report. Wessels informed Council that Excel has been selected as the design and engineering firm and they are conducting land samples. Sornson stated the purchase of the land has not taken place.

K. Police Commission Report. Wietecha reported that there will be a meeting in the next couple of weeks to look at possible revisions to their procedures/commission policies.

7. Unfinished Business

A. Juergens made a motion, seconded by Wyse to Approve Ordinance 2007-14, Rezoning Territory from Residential District One-A to Residential District One-C. [Property is in Capstone Ridge, Sponsors Wyse and Juergens]. Motion approved unanimously.

8. Communications and Recommendations from the Mayor

A. Decker shared with Council the Proclamation Celebrating Evansville as the Soybean Capital of Wisconsin. She will be signing the document at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, October 15, 2007, at a ceremony at the High School.

9. Communications from the City Administrator. None

10. New Business. None

11. Introduction of New Ordinances. None

12. Special Meeting 9:00 a.m., Saturday, October 13, for strategic planning. Decker stated the
meeting will be in the Bank of Evansville’s community room.

13. Motion to adjourn. Juergens made a motion, seconded by Braunschweig to adjourn at
8:00 p.m. Motion approved unanimously.

Prepared by:
Judy Walton
City Clerk

The minutes are not official until approved by Council at their next regular meeting.

Common Council---September 27, 2007

Common Council
Special Meeting
Thursday, September 27, 2007, 6:30 p.m.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI


1. Call to order. Mayor Decker called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

2. Roll call. Members present: Chair Mayor Decker; Alderpersons Mason Braunschweig, Tom Cothard, Barb Jacobson, Fred Juergens, John Sornson, and Dennis Wessels.

Diane Roberts arrived at 6:31 p.m.

Staff present: Dan Wietecha, City Administrator; Eric Jepperson, Finance Director/Treasurer; Judy Walton, City Clerk; Art Phillips, Police Lieutenant; Kathy Buttchen, EMS Assistant Coordinator; Kathy Kemp, Library Director; Scott George, Water & Light Superintendent; Dave Wartenweiler, Director of Public Works and Rick Hamacher, Aquatics Director.

3. Approval of Agenda. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Cothard to approve the agenda. Motion approved unanimously.

4. Defer Approval of Minutes. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Cothard to defer approval of minutes of regular meeting on September 11, 2007, to the next regular meeting on October 9, 2007. Motion approved unanimously.

5. Citizen Appearances Other Than Agenda Items Listed. There were none.

6. First Reading of Ordinance 2007-14. Juergens presented the First Reading of Ordinance
2007-14, Rezoning Territory from Residential District One-A to Residential District One-C. [Property is in Capstone Ridge, Sponsors Wyse and Juergens]

7. Discussion of Proposed 2008 City Operating Budget. Wietecha stated the correct date for
the Finance Committee meeting is October 8th. Decker stated the final action on the budget was scheduled for Finance Committee and Common Council meetings on November 8th and November 13th. Council examined the individual accounts in detail with staff, looking specifically for expenses that could be cut back and purchases that could possibly be postponed. Requests were made to separate certain accounts and/or rename them to better reflect what the expense is for.

Council was reminded of the October 13th Strategic Planning Meeting.

8. Adjournment. Juergens made a motion, seconded by Jacobson to adjourn at 8:16 p.m. Motion
approved unanimously.

Prepared by:
Judy Walton
City Clerk

The minutes are not official until approved by Council at their next regular meeting.

Common Council: September 11, 2007

Common Council
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, September 11, 2007, 6:30 p.m.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI


1. Call to order. Mayor Decker called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

2. Roll call. Members present: Chair Mayor Decker; Alderpersons Mason Braunschweig, Tom Cothard, Barb Jacobson, Fred Juergens, Diane Roberts, John Sornson, Dennis Wessels, and Tony Wyse. Staff present: Dan Wietecha, City Administrator; Mark Kopp, City Attorney; and Judy Walton, City Clerk. Also present: Greg Johnson, Ehlers & Associates, Inc; and members of the public.

3. Approval of Agenda. Decker requested moving Item 6B(9) and Item 8 to follow Item 4. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Roberts to approve the agenda as amended. Motion approved unanimously.

4. Approval of Minutes. Cothard made a motion, seconded by Juergens to waive the reading of the minutes of August 14, 2007, regular meeting and approve them as printed. Motion approved unanimously.

6B(9). Capital Plan for 2008-2012. Decker stated that this item is scheduled to be addressed at
the October 9, 2007 meeting and was placed on this agenda in error. No action taken.

8A. Rock County eligible for FEMA disaster assistance. Decker announced that FEMA’s
Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) will be located at the Dean Community Center. They will be open on Thursday, September 13th from 12:00 noon – 7:00 p.m. and on Friday and Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. They will be providing assistance with the required FEMA application to residents of Rock, Green and Dane Counties. This application is in addition to the estimate form that residents may have filed previously. Three items to note:
1) water damage must have occurred during the dates of August 18th – 31st.
2) applications must be received within 60 days of August 26, 2007.
3) residents must provide a letter of denial from their homeowners insurance policy.

5. Citizen appearances. None.

A. SOLE Committee. None

B. ECP. None

C. Public Hearing – Ordinance #2007-11. Decker opened the public hearing at 6:40 p.m. No one spoke. Decker closed the public hearing at 6:41 p.m.

D. Public Hearing - Ordinance #2007-12. Decker opened the public hearing at 6:42 p.m. No one spoke. Decker closed the public hearing at 6:43 p.m.

6. Reports of Committees

A. Plan Commission Report

(1). Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Juergens to approve Resolution 2007-34, Supporting a State Budget Allocation for a Four-Million Dollar Grant to Support Development of a Soybean Crushing Facility. Motion passed unanimously.

(2). Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Cothard to approve extraterritorial land division for Daria Every. Motion passed unanimously.

(3). Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Juergens to approve the development agreement with Hans Kleisch. Motion approved unanimously.

(4). Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Juergens to approve the Development Agreement Amendment with Sunland Development LLC (Capstone Ridge). Braunschweig and Wietecha reviewed the amendments. Juergens stated the maintenance of Outlots 1 and 6 would need to be addressed now that they are owned by the City. Motion approved unanimously.

B. Finance and Labor Relations Committee Report.

(1). Cothard made a motion, seconded by Braunschweig to approve W&L bills and authorize their payment in the amount of 832,435.43. Motion approved unanimously on a roll call vote.

(2). Cothard made a motion, seconded by Braunschweig to approve the City bills and authorize their payment in the amount of $542,204.72. Motion approved unanimously on a roll call vote.

(3). Cothard made a motion, seconded by Roberts to approve development agreement with Evansville Hotel Group LLC. Motion approved unanimously.

Decker removed herself from the table at 6:57 p.m. for Items 6B (4),
6B (5) & 6B (6)

(4). Cothard made a motion, seconded by Roberts to approve Resolution 2007-35, Authorizing Not-to-Exceed $1,000,000 Taxable General Obligation Bonds for Community Development Projects in Tax Incremental Districts of the City. Motion approved unanimously on a roll call vote.

(5). Cothard made a motion, seconded by Juergens to approve Resolution 2007-36, Directing Publication of Notice to Electors. Motion approved unanimously.

(6). Cothard made a motion, seconded by Roberts to approve Resolution 2007-37, Providing for the Sale of Not-to-Exceed $1,000,000 Taxable General Obligation Community Development Bonds. Motion approved unanimously on a roll call vote.

Decker returned to the table at 6:59 p.m.

(7). Cothard made a motion, seconded by Juergens to approve Resolution 2007-38, Authorizing Ehlers and Associates, Inc. to Solicit Competitive Bank Loan Proposals for Approximately $169,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes of the City of Evansville, Rock County, Wisconsin. Motion approved unanimously on a roll call vote.

(8). Cothard made a motion, seconded by Braunschweig to approve Resolution 2007-39, Authorizing Ehlers and Associates, Inc. to Solicit Competitive Bank Loan Proposals for Approximately $200,000 Taxable General Obligation Promissory Notes of the City of Evansville, Rock County, Wisconsin. Greg Johnson clarified that this motion would give Ehlers authorization to solicit proposals only. Discussion followed regarding potential plans for this property, the current post office, if acquisition by the city is approved in the future. Property value, sale price, current lease agreement, library expansion needs and concerns, and questions regarding parking were among the items discussed by the council, Wietecha, Roger Berg and library representatives. Braunschweig returned the discussion to the motion presented. Motion approved on a 6-2 roll call vote with Jacobson and Sornson opposing.

(9). Item previously moved to follow Item 4.
(10). Discussion regarding purchase of post office property for future library expansion. The majority of this discussion occurred under
Item 8. Juergens added his support for the current library location and expansion. Decker pointed out that there is potential for more parking with a lot recently purchased by the city. Wessels stated that if the property is purchased the use of the building should remain as is for a period of time. Braunschweig added that Wietecha could have discussions with Roger Berg and his partner, the property owners, and then council could deal with this as they would with any other property acquisition.

C. Public Safety Committee Report. None at this time.

D. Public Works Committee Report. Braunschweig reported:

(1). The special meeting for the west side storm water concerns is being coordinated and the date has not been set.

(2). Staff will prepare a proposal for Public Works this month regarding the issuance of building permits.

(3). The bid for the Badger Drive project has been awarded, it is under budget and construction will start on Monday, September 17th, 2007.

E. Water & Light Committee Report. None at this time.

F. Economic Development Committee Report. None at this time.

G. Redevelopment Authority Report.
(1). Allen Creek Redevelopment Master Plan. Wietecha stated the final draft should be presented at the September 18th, 2007 meeting.

H. Parks and Recreation Board Report. None at this time.

I. Historic Preservation Commission Report. None at this time.

J. Fire District Report. Wessels stated there is a special meeting September 24th

K. Police Commission Report. None at this time.

7. Unfinished Business.

A. Second reading and motion to approve Ordinance 2007-11. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Cothard to approve Ordinance 2007-11, Amending the Smart Growth Comprehensive Plan in Response to Development Application #2007-14. Motion approved unanimously.

B. Second reading and motion to approve Ordinance 2007-12. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Roberts to approve Ordinance 2007-12, Amending the Smart Growth Comprehensive Plan in Response to Applications #2007-18 and #2007-19. Motion approved unanimously.

C. Second reading and motion to approve Ordinance 2007-13. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Juergens to approve Ordinance 2007-13, Restricting Parking, Standing and Stopping During Specified Hours on South First Street. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Juergens to amend the language at the beginning of the second sentence to read: No person shall park, leave standing or stop any Amendment approved unanimously. Main motion, as amended, approved unanimously.

8. Item previously moved to follow Item 4.

9. Communications from the City Administrator. None at this time.

10. New Business. None at this time.

11. Introduction of New Ordinances. None at this time.

12. Special Meeting 6:30 pm, Thursday, September 27, for 2008 Operating Budget.

Wyse stated he will be absent.

Roberts reminded council that the October Finance and Labor meeting may need to be rescheduled as it conflicts with the League of Wisconsin Municipalities Conference.

13. Adjournment. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Roberts to adjourn at
7:39 p.m. Motion approved unanimously.

Prepared by:
Judy Walton
City Clerk

The minutes are not official until approved by Council at their next regular meeting.

Evansville Common Council--August 14, 2007

Common Council
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, August 14, 2007, 6:30 p.m.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI


Call to order. Mayor Decker called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

Roll Call. Members present: Chair Mayor Decker; Alderpersons Mason Braunschweig, Tom Cothard, Barb Jacobson, Fred Juergens, Diane Roberts, John Sornson, Dennis Wessels, and Tony Wyse. Staff present: Dan Wietecha, City Administrator; Mark Kopp, City Attorney; Sandra Lindemann, Deputy City Clerk; Dave Wartenweiler, Public Works Director; and several members of the community.

Approval of Agenda. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Roberts to approve the agenda. Motion carries.

Approval of Minutes. Motion by Braunschweig, seconded by Roberts to waive the reading of the minutes of July 10, 2007, regular meeting and July 24, 2007, special meeting and approve them as printed.

Citizen Appearances.

S.O.L.E. Committee. Gil Wiedenhoeft recognized the number of people in attendance from the SOLE Committee favoring a proposed fund transfer for the Lake.

ECP. Karen Bass thanked the community for a successful 4th of July. She distributed a handout with updates from the Evansville Community Partnership.

Westside Stormwater Concerns. Citizens that addressed the Council included: Steve Mauch, 571 S 6th Street; Stephanie Gifford, 579 S 6th Street; Shawn Kerns 587 S 6th Street; Jim Brooks, 563 S 6th Street; Mark Schnepper, 547 S 6th Street; John Jones, 531 S 6th Street; Nancy Brooks, 563 S 6th Street; Dale Neild, 605 S 6th Street; Charles Deaton, 584 S 6th Street; Matt Gaboda, 552 S 6th Street and Brent Schroeder, 619 Emmanuel Ct. Citizen comments focused on the amount of water in their yards, runoff, sediment deposits, concern for public safety due to the depth of the water, and protecting their investments. Water in the basements was not an issue for the majority; however foundation damage was a concern. The general feeling being that the water has been a problem, will continue to be one and needs to be fixed.

Braunschweig asked Dave Sauer to respond to questions in regard to whether this problem will be worse with more development, is the 100 year event wrong and is it normal for a retention pond to hold water for 7 days. In regard to the design he explained that public projects are designed to protect people, their assets and are for the welfare of the people. The statistical measure of a 100 year event is the industry standard and is based on actual historic data. He feels that the intensity of the rainfall instead of the amount of rainfall is also a factor in this case. He stated there are things that can be done to fix the drainage problems at southgate pond.

Roger Berg stated that the v-plate will be repaired and they will be participating in the correction of the problem.

Reports of Committees.

Plan Commission Report.

Roberts presented the First Reading of Ordinance 2007-11, Amending the Smart Growth Comprehensive Plan in Response to Development Application #2007-14. [Designating Every property within City limits as Walkable Neighborhood]. [Applicant initiated ordinance, sponsors not required]

Roberts presented the First Reading of Ordinance 2007-12, Amending the Smart Growth Comprehensive Plan in Response to Applications #2007-18 and #2007-19. [Plan Commission initiated ordinance, sponsors not required].

Motion by Roberts, second by Juergens to approve final CSM for Rolland Propst (Application 2007-4), as revised by Plan Commission. Motion approved unanimously.

Finance and Labor Relations Committee Report.

Motion by Cothard, second by Roberts to approve W & L bills and authorize their payment in the amount of $748,558.02. Motion approved unanimously on a roll call vote.
Motion by Cothard, second by Roberts to approve City bills and authorize their payment in the amount of $1,337,840.21. Motion approved unanimously on a roll call vote.
Motion by Cothard, second by Roberts to approve Resolution 2007-30, Amending the Adopted 2006 and Adopted 2007 Budgets to Include Appropriations for Capital Project Carry Forwards. Motion approved unanimously on a roll call vote.
Motion by Cothard, second by Roberts to approve Resolution 2007-31, Approving Mid-Year Amendments to the 2007 Budget. Discussion focused on the amendment involving the Lake Leota Dredging Project and to clarify that the change would not be taking away from other park projects. Motion approved on a 7-1 roll call vote with Cothard opposing.
Motion by Cothard, second by Roberts to approve revised Personnel Policies and Employee Handbook. Motion approved unanimously.
Motion by Cothard, second by Roberts to approve amendment of Finance Director-Treasurer Eric Jepperson’s contract. Motion approved unanimously on a roll call vote.
Motion by Cothard, second by Roberts to approve changing the City’s dental insurance to the Delta Dental Premier Plan. Motion approved unanimously on a roll call vote.
Motion by Cothard, second by Roberts to approve naming Dave Mosher & Associates as agent of record for the City’s dental insurance. Motion approved unanimously.

Public Safety Committee Report.

Class “B” Beer/”Class B” Liquor application for Bernardo J. Morice withdrawn; no action necessary.
Roberts made a motion, second by Sornson to approve the Class “B” Beer/”Class B” Liquor application for Julie A. Meredith, 233 Franklin Street, Evansville, WI 53536, dba The Exchange, 7 East Main Street, Evansville, WI 53536 contingent upon being in operation within 90 days. There was discussion in regard to the 90 days and Braunschweig made a motion, second by Wyse to amend the motion by replacing 90 days with 120 days. Amendment approved unanimously. Motion, as amended, approved unanimously.

Public Works Committee Report. Braunschweig reported that they worked on the budget and they will be working on the Westside water problem.

Water & Light Committee Report. None at this time.

Economic Development Committee Report. Decker mentioned that they are working with Judy Whalen. Focus groups are going to be held 2 days the week of August 27th. The date for the Economic Summit is September 22nd.

Redevelopment Authority Report.

Allen Creek Redevelopment Master Plan – open house presentation August 21. Wietecha noted that this will be a chance to let the public know status of report as well as to gain additional input from the public. The meeting will be at 7:30 during the regular meeting.

Parks and Recreation Board Report. None at this time.

Historic Preservation Commission Report. None at this time.

Fire District Report. Wietecha stated the closing will be scheduled by the end of October.

Police Commission Report. Wietecha stated that the Commission at their hearing on July 30th dismissed charges against Officer Fields.

Unfinished Business.

Second reading and motion to approve Ordinance 2007-9. Cothard made a motion, second by Braunschweig to approve Ordinance 2007-9, Amending Chapter 130 of the Municipal Code by Establishing Standards for Traditional Neighborhood Developments, as revised by Plan Commission. There was discussion to clarify that this ordinance would apply to new subdivisions zoned Traditional Neighborhood Development only. Decker stated that this is an action item in the Smart Growth Comprehensive Plan. Motion approved unanimously.

Second reading and motion to approve Ordinance 2007-10. Cothard made a motion, second by Braunschweig to approve Ordinance 2007-10, Amending Chapter 18 and 130 of the Municipal Code Relating to Fences, as revised by Plan Commission. Sornson questioned whether this applied to existing fences and Decker referenced a portion of Attachment A of the Ordinance that states all fences constructed or rebuilt after August 14, 2007, are subject to the provisions of this Section. The revisions by Plan Commission were discussed. Braunschweig made a motion, second by Sornson to amend the motion by changing the sentence in Section 2, lines 27-28 to read: Typical materials include but may not be limited to wood, concrete, metal, wire, masonry, or stacked rocks. Amendment approved unanimously. Motion, as amended, approved unanimously.

Communications and Recommendations from the Mayor.

Strategic Planning Sessions. Decker confirmed the fall strategic planning session for Common Council and City Department Heads from 8:00 to 2:00 on Saturday, October 13, at Bank of Evansville.

Resolution 2007-32. Decker informed Council that a resolution was requested by County Supervisor Steve Eager to support increased railroad funding to handle increased traffic due to the types of industry that are coming into the county. Juergens made a motion, second by Roberts to approve Resolution #2007-32, Supporting Railroad Preservation, Restoration, Improvement and Expansion Programs. Motion approved unanimously.

Mayoral Proclamation. Decker shared with Council the Mayoral Proclamation for Lee Ringhand’s 90th Birthday. Mr. Ringhand is a lifetime resident of Evansville.

Decker added: 1) job reviews for the City Administrator are needed from some Council Members and 2) she has learned that the state budget is going very slowly.

Communications from the City Administrator.

Resolution 2007-33. Juergens made a motion, second by Roberts to approve Resolution 2007-33, Designating Authorized Parties to Sign for Transactions Involving City Bank Accounts and Investments. Motion approved unanimously on a roll call vote.

Claim of Brianna Sheffield. Wietecha explained the timeline for responding to the claim, the recommendation to disallow the claim from our insurance carrier Aegis Corporation and the claim itself. Juergens made a motion, second by Sornson to disallow claim of Brianna Sheffield against the City of Evansville Pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes. Motion approved unanimously.

Zoning Code Enforcement. The discussion focused on the issuance of building permits, in particular who is qualified to issue the permits and ultimately who is responsible for follow up. Several suggestions were made on how to review the ordinance and procedures including sending it to Public Works to work on, having Wietecha and Wartenweiler provide preliminary plans, or to analyze it at the Strategic Planning Session. Decker ultimately instructed Public Works to do the review and then place it on the next Council Agenda.

Development Agreement with Evansville Hotel Group, LLC. Wietecha stated the intent of the discussion on this item is to have a fairly straight forward development agreement in place for the September meeting. The developers are looking to purchase a vacant lot owned by Landmark in TID #6. They are requesting a $270,000 grant for development incentive in TIF funds and a $50,000 low interest loan for working capital. They are hoping to break ground this fall. Investigation is necessary to determine how lot was assessed for the lift station. Evansville needs this type of business; the project needs TIF funding to make it happen.

New Business. Cothard stated the Leauge of Municipalities Conference is early, being the first week of October and registrations should be handed in to Jodi Sam as soon as possible.

Introduction of New Ordinances.

Braunschweig noted the first reading of Ordinances 2007-11 and 2007-12 had been addressed under Plan Commission report.

Braunschweig presented the first reading of Ordinace 2007-13, Restricting Parking, Standing and Stopping During Specified Hours on South First Street. [Sponsors Roberts and Wessels].

Adjournment. Braunschweig made a motion, second by Roberts to adjourn at 9:28 p.m. Motion approved unanimously.

Prepared by:
Judy Walton
City Clerk

The minutes are not official until approved by Council at their next regular meeting.

Evansville Common Council--July 24, 2007

Common Council
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, July 10, 2007, 6:30 p.m.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI


Mayor Decker called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m.

Roll Call
Members present: Chair Mayor Decker; Alderpersons Mason Braunschweig, Tom Cothard, Barb Jacobson, John Sornson, Tony Wyse, Dennis Wessels, Diane Roberts and Fred Juergens. Staff present: Dan Wietecha, City Administrator; Mark Kopp, City Attorney; Sandra Lindemann, Acting City Clerk; Dave Wartenweiler, Public Works Director; and Kathi Kemp-Tejeda, Library Director and the new city clerk, Judy Walton. Citizens present: John Willoughby, Kelly Gildner, Greg Johnson, Ehlers; Matt Gaboda, Diane Skinner, Evelyn Cantrell and Gil Wiedenhoeft, S.O.L.E.

Approval of Agenda
Motion by Braunschweig, second by Roberts, to approve the agenda as printed. Motion carried.

Approval of Minutes
Motion by Cothard, second by Roberts, to waive the reading of the minutes of June 12, 2007, regular meeting and June 25 and 27, 2007, special meetings and approve them as printed. Alderperson Braunschweig asked that the word “meet” be changed to “create” on page two, last sentence of the Plan Commission report. Motion by Cothard, second by Roberts, to amend the original motion to replacing the word “meet” and insert the word “create” in the Plan Commission Report on page two, paragraph one, last sentence. Motion carried.

Citizen appearances

Matt Gaboda, 552 S 6th Street, presented his position in opposition of wind turbines in our rural community. He stated that information on this subject was available on the WPPI website. He requested that the City of Evansville adopt an ordinance against the installation of the wind turbines.

S.O.L.E.-Gil Wiedenhoeft, member of the S.O.L.E. Committee, reported they had a small profit for the July Fourth festivities. S.O.L.E. has made their presentation to the Public Works and Park Board Committees regarding the next step that is needed and the funding required for Lake Leota restoration. Kelly Gildner stated the committee has gone as far as they can go, and recommends that it is up to the City of Evansville to continue with the process.

ECP – None at this time

Diane Skinner, Chair of the Senior Center Program, presented the quarterly senior center report. Diane stated that she is stepping down as president, with Mary Libby as the new president. She further stated they would like to see a 3% increase to the 2008 budget. The senior program received an Evansville Fund Grant in the spring. Evelyn Cantrell, who is also with the program, states that ridership has increased from 20-30 to approximately 50 per month. They have introduced an exercise program coordinated with the Y.

Diane went over some of the functions that will be coming in the next few months, i.e., September is National Senior Month, November is the Health Fair.

Plan Commission Report
Motion by Braunschweig, second by Sornson, to remove from table consideration of the final CSM for Rolland Propst (Application 2007-4). Motion carried.

Motion by Braunschweig, second by Wessels, to approve preliminary CSM for Rolland Propst (Application 2007-4) according to the Plan Commission staff report. Attorney Mark Kopp indicated that the reference on the agenda was incorrect; a preliminary copy is before the council. Kopp stated that the city could approve the division of the lot consistent with the subdivision requirements. Motion carried that this would not be creating a non-conforming lot, and that it does not impact the status of the garage

Finance and Labor Relations Committee Report
Motion by Cothard, second by Braunschweig, to approve W&L bills and authorize their payment in the amount of $715,836.11. Motion carried on a roll call vote.

Motion by Cothard, second by Braunschweig, to approve the City bills and authorize their payment in the amount of $681,386.77. Motion carried on a roll call vote.

Motion by Cothard, second by Roberts, to approve addendum to contract with Associated Appraisal Consultants, Inc. regarding postage expenses. It was mentioned that this item was to be included in the bid price per the request for proposal. Motion by Cothard, second by Roberts, to withdraw the original motion. Motion to withdraw carried on a roll call vote.

Discussion on draft of employee handbook. The employee handbook will be on the agenda of Finance/Labor Relations next month for approval. Braunschweig suggested the vacation and sick leave be streamlined to work for all employees, union and non-union alike. Wietecha stated that members should review the draft and submit their comments and questions before the next finance meeting so that they can be addressed for the final copy.

Public Safety Committee Report
Motion by Roberts, second by Sornson, to approve Class “B” Beer/”Class B” Liquor application for Bernardo J. Morice, 518 Vision Dr., Evansville, WI 53536 d/b/a Morice Enterprises, Inc., 60 Union St., Evansville, WI 53536. Alderperson Cothard expressed that he did not like the fact that they could hold the license for the year without conducting any business at a physical location. It was clarified that the license was for the individual/business and not the address, and that this license was the same as Julie Meredith’s license. Cothard called for the motion. Motion by Juergens, second by Braunschweig, to table the motion so the attorney could verify the legality of issuing a license to a business prior to its having a location established. Motion carried.

Public Works Committee Report
Motion by Braunschweig, second by Sornson, to approve Resolution 2007-29, Documenting Review of the 2006 Compliance Maintenance Annual Report and Indicating Actions to be Taken to Prevent Effluent Limit Violations. Braunschweig referring to the report with the council packet stated the wastewater plant met 2.89 out of a total of 4 points. Failing in the ponds area, and getting a medium grade in the groundwater area, further measurements will determine accuracy of the report in these areas. Braunschweig noted that Public Works had approved change orders on the Main Street and County M projects, both within the budget. Motion carried.

Water & Light Committee Report – None at this time.

Economic Development Committee Report - None at this time.

Redevelopment Authority Report – None at this time.

Parks and Recreation Board Report
Alderperson Juergens distributed a report on the Lake Leota Restoration. The committee will be discussing this at their next meeting and may bring a motion to council regarding funding. City Engineer, Dave Sauer, had given the city an estimate of $1 to $2 million. Mayor Decker emphasized that the city should get solid figures before any further discussion on the cost of the project or its potential impact on taxes.

Historic Preservation Commission Report – None at this time.

Fire District Report
Motion by Wessels, second by Cothard, to approve purchase of current Fire Station and adjacent lot for $275,000. An appraisal was completed in December of 2006. Motion carried on a roll call vote. 7-1 Juergens voting no.

Police Commission Report – Wietecha stated that the commission scheduled the hearing on July 30, with continuance to July 31st, if needed.

Unfinished Business
Cothard read the second reading, second by Roberts, and motioned to approve Ordinance #2007-7, Rezoning Territory from Residential District 1 (R-1) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) District. Mayor Decker removed herself from the chair at 6:35p.m.stating her husband, John, is on the Board. Jacobson mentioned that a letter had been received from a resident regarding the need for sidewalks and sufficient parking. Motion carried on a roll call vote. Mayor Decker returned to the chair at 6:42 p.m.

Communications and Recommendations from the Mayor
There was discussion on fall strategic planning session for Common Council and City Department Heads. Mayor Decker stated that the meeting could be scheduled for one of the last two Saturdays in September or the first two in October and asked for council’s input to schedule a date. October 13 was agreed upon as the date for the fall strategic planning session meeting.

Communications from the City Administrator
Cothard asked for discussion and possible motion on D&D Proposal regarding use of TIF in a mixed-use district. Administrator Wietecha introduced Greg Johnson, Financial Advisor for Ehlers & Associates. Johnson distributed the Ehlers Advisor newsletter that summarized the “Pay as you Go” Financing for TIF Districts and a slide packet on “Pay as you Go” Development Financing for TIF. He explained the different aspects of regular TIF financing versus the “pay as you go” TIF financing, how it works and the benefits that the city would see by utilizing this type of TIF financing for a mixed-use district.

Johnson stated that both traditional and Pay As You Go TID financing could be used within a district. It is dependent on the unique characteristics of each project.

Johnson was asked to clarify the reasoning for this approach by a developer. Johnson stated that the community could provide an incentive through Pay As You Go where it otherwise may not be able to do so. Pay As You Go reduces the risk to the city, and the city does not use its bonding capacity.

Tom Cothard stated that these negotiations have been going on for many, many years and he was surprised at this proposal. Braunschweig asked for City Administrator Wietecha for comment. Wietecha stated he realized that the big policy question was if the City was willing to provide Tax Increment for new commercial development as opposed to redevelopment. The policy question aside, the general structure of their proposal, recognizes that there is a need to reimburse the city for out-of-pocket engineering expenses. The Pay As You Go really is very fair for the city.

Braunschweig pointed out TID 6 initially was brought forth as an industrial TID and then revised to a mixed-use district. Pay As You Go had never been discussed until this proposal. If this doesn’t bring any risk to the City and the developer is in agreement this may be a good solution to actually getting development started here.

Johnson clarified that “But For” test means that without TIF the development would not occur at all, at the same time or at the same value. Mayor Decker stated that a year ago, she was opposed to TIF for commercial. This year the bowling center has investigated four city locations. None have worked. We have got a good commercial project when we are desperately looking for commercial development and we don’t have a location. We have a hotel that is interested and has looked at lots. TIF is necessary to make that hotel project work. It is a commercial project and they’ve been looking in the redevelopment district, TID 5. They cannot find an adequate lot in TID 5. We met with them this afternoon and we’ve got a possibility for a lot in TID 6, but we need commercial in TID 6. They are willing, if we can get something to happen, to break ground this fall. We are at a crossroads where we are going to start to lose commercial possibilities.

Braunschweig stated one of the primary concerns last year when Plan Commission decided they did not want to fund commercial entities out on the east side with TIF funds was they did not want to lose businesses that would otherwise go to downtown. Mayor Decker stated further that what we are doing here is losing business that can’t go downtown. Sornson stated that if we went with this, think of the jobs that we would pull in. If we put in a couple more businesses, if you put a hotel out there, we could get more jobs, people to live here, they will spend their money here and pay taxes, and that is what we want. Braunschweig stated his primary point is with the Pay As You Go the burden is shifted to the developer rather than the city so they have the incentive to fill that up and get it going. We may actually see development quicker using this kind of financing rather than the traditional TIF financing.

Wyse asked if the Pay As You Go format allows the developer more leeway in what goes into this district, or are we still in control. Johnson stated that you are still in control. It certainly does not circumvent your zoning and normal planning process and that is not replaced regardless of how you finance. Cothard called for the motion. Mayor Decker asked the city administrator for general motion language regarding TIF #6 so the city can accomplish what they need. Wietecha stated the motion should read, to approve the concept of potentially using TIF to install infrastructure in commercial areas of TID #6.

Motion by Cothard, second by Braunschweig, to approve the concept of potentially using TIF to install infrastructure in the commercial areas of TID 6. Mayor Decker called for clarification of motion language to accommodate other potential district projects. Wietecha stated that the intent is to approve the concept of potentially using tax increment financing to install infrastructure or acquire land in the commercial areas of TID #6.

Motion by Cothard, second by Braunschweig, to amend the motion to add the language “or acquire land” in the commercial areas of TID #6.

Motion by Cothard, second by Braunschweig, to approve the concept of potentially using tax increment financing to install infrastructure or acquire land in the commercial areas of TID #6. Motion carried on a roll call vote.

Performance evaluation of City Administrator (6 month). Wietecha distributed a job description and the standard evaluation form to members and asked that they complete the form and get it back to him as soon as possible. He asked that the council consider setting goals or completion of tasks. He welcomes any and all comments that they have in regard to the evaluation.

New Business

Introduction of New Ordinances
Braunschweig presented the first reading of Ordinance 2007-8, Amending Chapter 110 of the Municipal Code by Requiring that Certain Residential Land Divisions Provide for Accessible Housing for the Elderly and for People with Disabilities. [Sponsors Braunschweig and Roberts].

Cothard presented the first reading of Ordinance 2007-9, Amending Chapter 130 of the Municipal Code by Establishing Standards for Traditional Neighborhood Developments. [Sponsors Wyse and Braunschweig].

Braunschweig presented the first reading of Ordinance 2007-10, Amending Chapter 18 and 130 of the Municipal Code Relating to Fences. [Sponsors Braunschweig and Roberts].

Motion by Cothard, second by Braunschweig, to adjourn the meeting at 8:46 p.m. Motion carried.

Prepared by Sandra L. Lindemann
Acting City Clerk

Minutes are not official until approved at the next regular meeting of the Common Council.

Evansville Common Council---June 27, 2007

City of Evansville
Common Council

Special Meeting
Wednesday, June 27, 2007, 6:00 pm
Public Works Garage, 535 S. Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin


Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Sandy Decker.

Roll Call. Present: Mayor Decker and Alderpersons Mason Braunschweig, Diane Roberts, Barb Jacobson, John Sornson, Fred Juergens, Tony Wyse, and Dennis Wessels. Also present: Dan Wietecha, John Willoughby, and Cliff Woolever.

Approve Agenda. Braunschweig moved, seconded by Roberts, to approve the agenda. Motion passed unanimously.

Deferral of Minutes of June 12, 2007, Meeting. Braunschweig moved, seconded by Cothard, to defer approval of the minutes to the next regular meeting. Motion approved unanimously.

Citizen Appearances. None.

New Business.

a. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Roberts, to waive the seven-day notice requirement on mayoral appointments. Motion approved unanimously.

b. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Roberts, to approve the mayoral appointment of Judy Walton, 6001 W. Co. Road M, Edgerton, to the position of City Clerk for an indefinite term starting July 16, 2007. Wietecha briefly described the application and interviewing process. Motion approved unanimously.

c. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Roberts, to approve the employment contract with Judy Walton. On a roll call vote, motion approved unanimously.

d. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Roberts, to approve a $250.00 stipend for the Acting City Clerk. On a roll call vote, motion approved unanimously.

e. Noting that her husband sits on the board for the Evansville Manor and that they own stock in it, Mayor Decker turned the meeting over to Council President Braunschweig. John Willoughby described the properties that the Manor is in the process of acquiring and noted they would be part of the proposed TID #8. The Council noted Cliff Woolever’s letter indicating the Manor’s willingness to reimburse the city for the feasibility study. Roberts made a motion, seconded by Juergens, to approve hiring Ehlers & Associates for the feasibility phase for the potential creation of TID #8. On a roll call vote, motion approved unanimously.

Adjournment. Roberts made a motion, seconded by Braunschweig, to adjourn the meeting. Motion approved unanimously at 6:15 pm.

Evansville Common Council--June 25, 2007

City of Evansville
Common Council

Special Meeting
Monday, June 25, 2007, 7:00 pm
Fire Hall, 10 W. Church Street, Evansville, Wisconsin


The Evansville Fire District Board of Trustees held a special meeting on Monday, June 25, 2007, at 7:00 pm.

A majority of the Evansville Common Council, constituting a quorum, was present and actively participated in the meeting. The following were present: Mayor Sandy Decker and Alderpersons Diane Roberts, Tony Wyse, Tom Cothard, Fred Juergens, John Sornson, Barb Jacobson, and Dennis Wessels.

The Fire District meeting included the following items:
Discussion on construction of the new fire hall.
Approval of putting the existing fire hall up for sale, by direct negotiation or otherwise.
Discussion of land purchase for new fire hall; conducted in closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes, Chapter 19.85 (1)(e).
Approval of land purchase for new fire hall.

The Fire District membership broke into caucus two times during discussion regarding putting the existing fire hall up for sale.

During caucus, the Common Council discussed the following:
A December 2006 appraisal put the fire hall at $215,000 and the adjacent lot at $36,000 for a total value of $251,000.
The Fire District had purchased the fire hall for $85,000 and the house next door for $110,000. They have subsequently put a new roof on the fire hall and demolished the house next door.
The police department would benefit by having additional office and garage space. The City Council would prefer to have the police located downtown.
If the City knew that it would acquire the fire hall in one to two years, it could wait on moving the police department.
There is a shortage of public parking in the downtown area, and the City would likely use the adjacent lot to provide additional parking.
It was the consensus of the Council that the appraisal of $251,000 was a fair price for the fire hall and adjacent lot.

The Fire District Board is responsible for the minutes of the overall meeting. The meeting adjourned at 8:45.

Evansville Common Council--June 12, 2007

Common Council
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, June 12, 2007, 6:30 p.m.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI

Minutes – Draft

Mayor Decker called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. Present were: Mayor Decker; Alderpersons; Roberts, Jacobson, Cothard, Sornson, Juergens, Braunschweig, and Wessels, and Wyse. Staff present: Dan Wietecha, City Administrator; Mark Kopp, City Attorney; and Sandra Lindemann, Deputy Clerk.

Approval of Agenda
Motion by Juergens, seconded by Roberts to approve the agenda as printed. Motion by Braunschweig, seconded by Roberts, to approve with the following amendment at 8F with the following portion starting with, “with the stipend of $ ”, be stricken because it was tabled at Finance due to time constraints. Mayor Decker clarified by stating “8F on page four of the agenda to remove the words “with a stipend of $ .” With no more changes to the agenda, Mayor Decker asked for the motion to approve the agenda again. Braunschweig so moved to approve. Motion carries.

Approval of Minutes
Motion by Braunschweig, seconded by Roberts, to waive the reading of the minutes May 8, 2007 Regular meeting and the May 10, 2007 Special meeting and approve them as printed. Motion carries.

Citizen appearances - None

S.O.L.E. Committee Report – Gil Wiedenhoeft reports that the committee scheduled a meeting Wednesday night at the Eager Free Library at 6 p.m. to discuss a recommendation for the next step for the Lake Program. S.O.L.E. Group has not met to approve the report and the group would be taking any recommendation to Park Board, Public Works and regular Council. Gil understands that an effort is being made by Public Works to cut the weeds on the lake Monday. The committee needs to open the ditch to the creek in the spring for the lake to drain better. Anyone who would like to volunteer to supply shovels and boots would help.

ECP Report – John Decker, 143 W. Main Street, states he distributed a written report to the council members and copies are on the staff table. The Fourth of July activities are summarized in the flyer that is attached to council materials. Additional copies for the public will be left on the staff table. The Fourth of July parade is open to everyone without fee to the participants, however, there is a registration required. Copies of the registration form need to be filled out and returned to the ECP/Chamber of Commerce office on West Main Street before the parade. There will be a meeting tomorrow night at 7:00 at the ECP office of the Evansville Community Partnership Board and membership.

Plan Commission Report
Motion by Braunschweig, seconded by Cothard to approve final CSM for Rolland Propst (Application 2007-4). Alderperson Braunschweig states this failed at Plan Commission and comes to Council regardless because it is a citizen initiated land division. There was some question as to whether a mistake was made in regards to Mr. Propst being issued a building permit for a garage. Council members can refer to the CSM in Council packet. Without further investigation, it is impossible to tell whether the mistake was made on the behalf of the city or the applicant as the address may have been indicated incorrectly or mistakenly issued at this time. The Plan Commission denied this on a failure of a second on the motion. Pursuant to the required Plan Commission findings, it was found by the four members of the commission that were in attendance at last night’s meeting, it was not consistent with the zoning code, not consistent with the neighborhood plan and not in the public interest which was noted by the attendance in opposition by three neighbors. Braunschweig believes that the Plan Commission or the City cannot meet a non-conforming land use via a land division on our vote.

Mayor Decker reported that Tim Schwecke, city planner did call her this afternoon. One of the questions raised was whether there is any requirement for a hard surface driveway. In reviewing the zoning code he found there is no requirement in the zoning code as a point of information.

Mayor Decker asked for the City Attorney’s opinion on this. Attorney Kopp commented that he had no knowledge on the application in question. Mr. Braunschweig re-iterated that the only difference in this land division from the previous application was that they are calling one half of it an Outlot, rather than a lot, so it is lot one and lot two. Braunschweig was informed by the Public Works Director and tentatively agreed upon by the planner that the city cannot create this non-conforming land use via a decision by the Council. Braunschweig did not see the difference; nothing was brought to the commission stating there was a difference, only that it used the term Outlot instead of lot 2. The city attorney asked if this was addressed last year. He then recalled the application stating the philosophy had not changed with this application. Mr. Braunschweig states the easiest route would have been for the existing principal lot, which is the Fifth Street address, to absorb the lot that was there with the ancillary building on it. That would have been completely fine as it would not have created a non-conforming land use. Unfortunately, the circumstances of the applicant does not allow for that because it is a condominium and the owner did not want to do it that way. City attorney stated that it is the same issue addressed in the past.

Ryan Combs suggested placing a deed restriction on the Outlot stating that it can only be sold with Unit B of the condominium. That would section the one parcel and would not be different than saying the house on lot 2 and 3 of the original plat. The city planner came up with the Outlot. Mr. Combs stated Mr. Probst would be agreeable to the deed restriction.

The City Attorney pointed out the city could be subject to legal error, and suggested tabling this. Alderperson Wyse mentioned the time limit was added so that council could not slow the developer down. He stated that what the city is offering by tabling this you would not have the added cost of reapplying and would give some time to make sure everything was straight. If there are underlying issues you want to move on because we are delaying something you want to do once this is approved, that is different. If your concern is that if we need to do this process again it is going to cost you more and I think the council is trying to make an effort to see that that doesn’t happen. Attorney Kopp confirmed that it is to make sure that the process works. Propst consented to tabling it. With no more discussion, the Mayor entertained another motion. Motion by Braunschweig, seconded by Wessels, to table the previously made motion.

Alderperson Wyse asked for clarification as to when we are tabling this. Braunschweig states once it is on the table it is on the table and then removed. Motion carries.

Motion by Juergens, seconded by Roberts, to approve extraterritorial land division for Charles and Dolores Rohloff (Application 2007-12). Braunschweig stated this is in the Town of Union. Motion carries.

Finance and Labor Relations Committee Report

Motion by Cothard, seconded by Braunschweig, to approve W&L bills and authorize their payment in the amount of $696,058.43. Motion carries.

Motion by Cothard, seconded by Braunschweig, to approve the City bills and authorize their payment in the amount of $284,570.64. Motion carries.

Motion by Cothard, seconded by Braunschweig, to approve Resolution #2007-27, Borrowing $1,918,000 from State Trust Fund for financing roads and infrastructure for business park in TID #7. Braunschweig mentioned that this is part of the overall financing plan that we had went through and approved with Ehlers back in April, and that this was for the Biodiesel Plant. Motion carries.

Motion by Cothard, seconded by Juergens, to approve Resolution #2007-28, Borrowing $500,000 from State Trust Fund for financing the renovation of Main Street area in TID #5. Motion carries.

Motion by Cothard, seconded by Braunschweig, authorizing city representatives to negotiate up to $ for proposed Fire District land purchase. Braunschweig asked if there was a amount. The City Administrator states the amount was $170,000. Braunschweig agreed, but we only have 51 or 52 percent and not the whole thing. City Administrator believes the motion could accurately be read that this is just not the city portion of the land purchase and we would be 51 percent of that. Roberts asked for confirmation of the dollar amount as $170,000. Motion by Cothard, seconded by Braunschweig, authorizing city representatives to negotiate up to $170,000 for proposed Fire District Land Purchase. Cothard questioned the wording of the motion. Wessels stated the Fire District already has acquired the funds. Mayor Decker had a subsequent conversation with the chief. This amount is for the entire parcel, including the additional acreage. Jacobson stated originally there was four acres being sold for $160,000, with an additional 10 acres offered at a price of $2,000 each, so the total price was reduced $10,000 with the increase in acreage. Sornson asked for the City Attorney’s advice on the wording of the motion.

Motion by Cothard to amend the original motion, seconded by Braunschweig to add the language “a total of $170,000” and “with the city’s financial responsibility to be determined.” Motion carries.

Mayor Decker called for the main motion, Motion authorizing city representatives to negotiate up to a total of $170,000 for proposed Fire District land purchase, with the city’s financial responsibility to be determined. Motion carries.

Motion by Cothard, seconded by Braunschweig, to renew property insurance in the Local Government Property Insurance Fund (Resolution 2007-24). Juergens questioned if this was just a continuation of the present situation or is the situation changing. City Administrator states that part of it is the annual renewal and rest is because of switching to an electronic format, and their auditors want new papers to make sure there is nothing missing in the file. Motion carries.

Motion by Cothard, seconded by Roberts, to approve Resolution #2007-25, Memorializing the Separation of the Offices of City Clerk and Treasurer. Motion carries.

Motion by Cothard, seconded by Roberts, to approve new organizational chart for city offices. Juergens asked for clarification as to why the Deputy Clerk is reporting to the Finance Director and Treasurer and not to the clerk. City Administrator clarified the reorganization was to streamline the offices to work more efficiently, with everyone reporting to the Finance Director/Treasurer in the day-to-day operation, and where there are instances for a back-up the Deputy Clerk would report to the Clerk. Mayor Decker also stated that there currently is not a back-up for our personnel person and would make this person able to perform those tasks of that position should it become necessary. Motion carries.

Cothard presented the update on advertising, interviewing and hiring of new city clerk. City Administrator stated that applications were accepted through June 8. The city received a total of 41 applications. The applications were narrowed down to 10, with one dropping out because of accepting another position. Interviews will be conducted this week and finishing the middle of next week.

Cothard presented discussion on draft of employee handbook. The Finance Committee was not able to review this because of time constraints. Braunschweig stated that this would be discussed at the July Finance/Labor Committee meeting. City Administrator stated that this was a draft for discussion at this point and if there are any questions or comments to get them to him before next month. It has not been updated since 1998.

Public Safety Committee Report
Motion by Roberts, seconded by Braunschweig, to approve four tax return intercepts totaling $2,027.94 for unpaid EMS bills. Juergens asked for clarification. City Attorney states that this was a collection method where if you have statutory authority you can acquire someone’s tax return. The child support office utilizes this all the time to get child support. Sornson spoke with Coordinator Beaver about this and it is only the State return that they can go after. Motion carries.

Noting that several of the contingencies had been satisfied since the Public Safety meeting, Mayor Decker asked that all but 2B should be removed.

Motion by Roberts, seconded by Juergens, to approve Class “B” Beer/“Class B” Liquor applications for VerKuilen, Stephen D., and Meredith, Julie A., 14357 W Golf Air Drive, Evansville, WI 53536; 233 Franklin St, Evansville WI 53536, d/b/a The Exchange, 147 Exchange Street (correct address is 193/195 S. Union Street, Evansville WI 53536. Sornson read state statutes regarding public safety. Sornson states that he is concerned that this business can do anything they want after approval and was brought up at Plan Commission. Braunschweig questioned why the concerns with the license were not dealt with at Public Safety. Wessels stated that he and John opposed it, but he wanted the whole council to have the opportunity to act on the matter. Mayor Decker stated that the fact of the matter is the liquor license goes with the business entity, not with the physical building. Sornson asked for clarification if the business would sell out, what would happen to the license if the present owner keeps their license. Cothard stated that they could sell their business with the license. The city council still has the power to review the license to see that the license is valid. What the licensee does with the license once they get it is their business. If they buy the business from anyone else they can run it within the state’s legal hours. Mayor Decker pointed out that the point of this discussion is not appropriate for this motion. She then called for the motion. Motion carries 6-2. Wessels and Sornson opposing.

Motion by Roberts, seconded by Juergens, to approve Class “B” Beer/“Class B” Liquor applications for Ardisson, Gregory P., 217 N Sixth Street, Evansville WI 53536, d/b/a The Night Owl Food & Spirits Inc., 19 E Main Street, Evansville WI 53536. Alderperson Cothard abstained. Motion carries 7-0.

Motion by Roberts, seconded by Wessels, to approve Class “B” Beer/“Class B” Liquor applications for Church, Linda A., 555 S. Fifth Street, Evansville WI 53536, d/b/a Pete’s Inn Inc., 14 N Madison Street, Evansville WI 53536. Motion carries.

Motion by Roberts, seconded by Sornson to approve Class “B” Beer/“Class B” Liquor applications for Walmer, Craig A., 10901 N East Union Road, Evansville, WI 53536, Outlaw Inc., d/b/a Evansville Bowl, 108 E Main Street, Evansville WI 53536, contingent upon passing a re-inspection by Rock County Health Department. Barbara Jacobson mentioned that the business was up for sale and raised the question again, if sold, what happens to the license. Mayor Decker confirmed that the license stays with him. Motion carries.

Motion by Roberts, seconded by Juergens, to approve Class “B” Beer/“Class B” Liquor applications for Romano, Francesco, 74 N Sixth Street, Evansville WI 53536, d/b/a Romano’s Pizza, 50 Union Street, Evansville WI 53536. Motion carries.

Motion by Roberts, seconded by Sornson, to approve Class “B” Beer/“Class B” Liquor applications for Ringhand, Gordon R., 412 Fowler Circle, Evansville WI 53536, d/b/a Veterans of Foreign Wars Memorial Post #6905, 179 E Main Street, Evansville WI 53536. Motion carries.

Motion by Roberts, seconded by Juergens, to approve Class “A” Beer/“Class A” Liquor License applications for Kopecky, James D., 8017 N Ridge Court, Evansville WI 53536, d/b/a Kopecky’s Worldwide Foods, Inc., 8 N County M, Evansville WI 53536. Roberts stated that there was some question as to the address of North Ridge Court. City Administrator stated that it is off of County M and is a valid address. Motion carries.

Motion by Roberts, seconded by Sornson, to approve Class “A” Beer/“Class A” Liquor License application for Goodspeed, Bradley N and Sheryl A., 6045 N Eagle Rd., Janesville WI 53548, d/b/a Goodspeed Gas ‘N Go Inc., 350 Union Street, Evansville WI 53536. Motion carries.

Motion by Roberts, seconded by Sornson, to approve Class “A” Beer/“Class A” Liquor License applications for Merry, Steven J., 151 Robinson Rd, Oregon WI 53575, Francois Oil Co Inc., 128 W Main Street, Belleville WI 53508 d/b/a Grove Quik Mart, 230 East Main Street, Evansville WI 53536. Motion carries.

Motion by Roberts, seconded by Sornson, to approve Class “B” Beer License for Tort, Alejandro F., 1808 Ontario Drive, Janesville WI 53545, d/b/a La Trattoria LLC 1 W Main Street, Evansville WI 53536. Motion carries.

Motion by Roberts, seconded by Sornson, to approve “Class C” Wine license approval for: Tort, Alejandro F., 1808 Ontario Drive, Janesville WI 53545, d/b/a La Trattoria LLC 1 W Main Street, Evansville WI 53536. Motion carries.

Motion by Roberts, seconded by Sornson, to approve “Class C” Wine license approval for: Finque, Susan B., 443 S. First Street, Evansville, WI 53536, d/b/a Real Coffee LLC, 18 E. Main Street, Evansville WI 53536. Motion carries.

Motion by Roberts, seconded by Sornson, to approve Class “A” Beer License approval for: Sekhon, Parminder K. 2644 Granite Road, Fitchburg WI 53711, d/b/a Madison Street Express Inc. (All ‘N One), 104 S Madison Street, Evansville WI 53536. Jacobson mentioned to correct the zip code from 57311 to 53711. Motion carries.

Public Works Committee Report

Motion by Braunschweig, seconded by Cothard, to approve allowing Public Works Superintendent to install parallel parking signs along West Main Street during construction. Motion carries.

Water & Light Committee Report - None

Economic Development Committee Report - None

Redevelopment Authority Report - None

Parks and Recreation Board Report
Alderperson and chair Fred Juergens reported because of the condition on the stone walls on Allen Creek and Lake Leota, the Park Board invited two people from the Dry Stone Conservancy to come and make a recommend for our Lake and we expect a report within the next month or so.

Historic Preservation Commission Report - None

Fire District Report

Motion by Wessels, seconded by Braunschweig, to approve sale of current Fire Station and adjacent lot. Wyse questioned if the District had a buyer or if this approval is so that we can try to sell the lot. Mayor Decker stated that the Fire District requested a joint meeting of all of the township boards and council. If you recall the meeting date was June 21. One of the townships was unable to meet that evening so they changed it to June 25. We are trying to make sure that we have a quorum that Monday, and if not, that they can continue their business. The district is looking for more direction from the council in order to proceed with selling the fire station and the additional lot as part of their discussion of purchasing this other land. Hopefully, all or most of the council can be there that evening. They are not looking for a specific price but more direction on how to proceed. The meeting is Monday, June 25, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. at the Fire Station. Motion carries.

Police Commission Report

Motion by Braunschweig, seconded by Roberts, to approve Resolution # 2007-26, Amending the 2007 Budget for Police Commission Legal Expenses. Roberts has asked if the dollar amount was mentioned at Finance. Braunschweig stated that it was in the resolution. City Administrator stated that the resolution was written before the dollar amount was established. Braunschweig stated the amount was $25,000. Mayor Decker stated that it is up to $25,000. Juergens questioned who was the legal counsel. City Administrator and Braunschweig stated that it would most likely be Bob Krohn, who they have had in the past. We cannot name that person, as that action of appointment will be later by the Police Commission. Braunschweig said that at Finance, Police Commission members that includes Wally Shannon, who is in attendance tonight, came to explain that a complaint had been directly filed to the Police Commission pursuant to their procedures. They have to have a hearing. They need counsel for the Police Commission, a hearing examiner, who knows the ins and outs of the rules of evidence, as they would be used during this hearing and a court reporter because there is a potential for appeal that would go directly to the Circuit Court. They made a thorough explanation as to why these things were needed. Sornson questioned what the $40,000 was for. Mayor Decker stated that the $40,000 is the budgeted amount used for general monthly services. Motion carries.

Unfinished Business

Roberts presented, seconded by Braunschweig, to approve the second reading of Ordinance #2007-4, Allowing Artisan Studios in Certain Districts provided Certain Standards are met. Mayor Decker questioned why council was not making a motion to approve. Roberts motioned to amend the motion, seconded by Cothard, to amend to add a motion to approve after second reading of. Wessels states there is no reference to where they must have approval from their neighbor to be going into retail or even a small business. Braunschweig clarified they are on the amendment. Mayor Decker called for the motion to amend. Motion carries.

Main motion second reading of and motion to approve to approve Ordinance #2007-4, allowing Artisan Studios in Certain Districts provided Certain Standards are met. Braunschweig questioned if the public hearings have been made and City Administrator confirmed. Mayor Decker stated the Public Hearing was last night. Wessels added it has to be with the neighbor’s approval. Braunschweig and Roberts asked on what basis. It was clarified that this was not in residential but in business at 13 West Main Street. Motion carries.

Roberts motioned, second by Juergens, second reading and motion to approve Ordinance #2007-6, Annexing Territory to the City of Evansville (O2 Investments, LLC). Motion carries.

Motion by Roberts, seconded by Braunschweig, to approve development agreement with O2 Investments, LLC. Motion carries.

Communications and Recommendations from the Mayor

Motion by Roberts, seconded by Braunschweig, to waive the seven-day notice requirement on mayoral appointments. Alderperson Sornson asked if it was possible to publish committee vacancies to get more individuals involved from the community. Mayor Decker stated this would be rather difficult to accomplish with so many committees. Motion carried.

Motion by Roberts, seconded by Juergens, to approve mayoral appointment of Julie Meredith, 233 Franklin Street, to the Economic Development Committee for a one-year term. Alderperson Jacobson questioned if we ever know who vacates a position. Wyse stated that it was Cheryl Dickert that vacated this position. Motion carries.

Motion by Roberts, seconded by Sornson, to approve mayoral appointment of Matthias James, 7821 South Fifth Street, to the Economic Development Committee for a three-year term. There was a question on the address for Mr. James. Wyse stated this position was vacated by John Decker and the prior position was Cheryl Dickert for clarification. Motion carries.

Motion by Roberts, seconded by Juergens, to approve mayoral appointment of Rich Modaff, 103 South Third Street, to the Park Board for a two-year term. Motion carries.

Motion by Cothard, seconded by Juergens, to approve mayoral appointment of Eric Jepperson, 6267 Oak Hollow Dr, Oregon, to the position of Treasurer for an indefinite term. It was clarified that this was an added position to his current position. Motion carries.

Motion by Roberts, seconded by Sornson, to approve mayoral appointment of Sandra Lindemann, 12925 W. Woodworth Drive, to the position of Acting City Clerk until the future appointment of a City Clerk. Motion carries.

Roberts asked for discussion regarding strategic planning session for Common Council and City Department Heads. Mayor Decker states that the last strategic planning session took place in 2004. With a new mayor, new city administrator, new city clerk, new finance director and half the council being new and at the suggestion of David Wartenweiler, Public Works Director; that it might be a good time to have a meeting. The last meeting was on a Saturday morning and held at the Manor. Mayor Decker suggested that this take place sometime in September and asked if the Manor was a good choice for the meeting again. Diane Roberts suggested the use of the Bank of Evansville’s conference room as another alternative meeting place.

Communications from the City Administrator

The Public Safety Committee meeting would need to move their meeting as it falls on the July 4th Holiday. The meeting could be on the 3rd or the 5th. Roberts mentioned that July 5 would be our first Finance meeting. Council agreed to schedule this meeting on July 3, 2007 at 6:00 p.m.

New Business

Motion by Cothard, seconded by Juergens, to renew three-year (2008-2010) Mutual Cooperation Agreement for Continuation of Rock County HOME Program. Mayor Decker stated that it is a county program for low housing. Motion carries.

Introduction of New Ordinances

Cothard presented the First Reading of Ordinance #2007-7, Rezoning Territory from Residential District 1 (R-1) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) District [citizen initiated ordinance].

Motion to adjourn
Motion by Roberts, seconded by Braunschweig, to adjourn the meeting at 7:58 p.m. Motion carries.

Prepared by:
Sandra Lindemann
Acting City Clerk

These minutes are not official until approved by Common Council at their next regular meeting.