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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Minutes: Evansville, Wisconsin Finance Committee---January 2008

City of Evansville
Finance & Labor Relations Committee

Regular Meeting
Thursday, January 10, 2008, 5:30 pm
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin


I. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm by Chair Tom Cothard.

II. Roll Call. Present: Chair Cothard and Alderpersons Mason Braunschweig and Diane Roberts. Also present: Administrator Dan Wietecha.

III. Approve Agenda. Cothard made a motion, seconded by Braunschweig, to approve the agenda as presented. Motion approved unanimously.

IV. Minutes of December 6, 2007, Meeting. Cothard made a motion, seconded by Roberts, to waive the reading of and to approve the minutes as presented. Motion approved unanimously.

V. Citizen Appearances. None.

VI. Water and Light Bills. Cothard made a motion, seconded by Roberts, to approve the Water and Light bills in the amount of $717,892.13 and authorize their payment. Motion approved unanimously on a roll call vote.

VII. City Bills. Cothard made a motion, seconded by Roberts, to approve the City bills in the amount of $550,008.29 and authorize their payment. Motion approved unanimously on a roll call vote.

VIII. Unfinished Business:
a. Finance Director Position. Wietecha indicated that interviewing and reference checks are being conducted. He is optimistic that an offer will be made in the near future

b. Union Contracts. Wietecha noted that the contracts are in negotiations. No discussion occurred over the holidays.

IX. New Business:
a. EMS Hardship Write-off. Cothard made a motion, seconded by Roberts, to recommend to Common Council approval of write-off for a hardship case for EMS service in the amount of $733.86. Motion approved unanimously on a roll call vote.

b. Closed Session. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Cothard, to meet in closed session under Wisconsin Statutes 19.85(1)(c) to discuss non-represented employee performance evaluations, contracts, and wages and under Wisconsin Statutes 19.85(1)(g) to discuss written advice concerning legal strategy. Motion passed unanimously. After discussion, the Committee returned to open session.

c. Non-Represented Employee Contracts and Wages. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Roberts, to recommend to Common Council approval of revisions to non-represented employee contracts and wages per the City Administrator’s recommendations. Motion approved unanimously on a roll call vote.

X. Adjournment. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Cothard, to adjourn. Motion approve unanimously at 6:05.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Minutes; Evansville Housing Authority: January 2008

Housing Authority of the City of Evansville
455 S. First Street ! P. O. Box 205 ! Evansville, WI 53536-0205 ! 608-882-4518 ! Fax: 608-882-0432

January 11, 2008

The Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Evansville met on January 9, 2008 at 6:30 p.m in the community room of the South Meadow Apartments. Commissioners Skinner, Miller, and Wilbur were present. Commissioners Sperry and Hagen were absent. Also present was Toni Coats, Executive Director.

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Skinner. A motion was made by Commissioner Miller to approve the agenda as printed. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Wilbur. The motion was carried by unanimous vote.

A motion was made by Commissioner Miller to approve the minutes of December 12, 2007 as received. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Wilbur. The motion was carried by unanimous vote.

A new accounts payable list was distributed. After a review, a motion was made by Commissioner Wilbur to accept the accounts payable list as presented. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Miller. The motion was carried by unanimous vote.

Old Business:

There was no old business to discuss.

New Business:

Annual employee reviews were conducted by the Board and Director for the snow shoveler, housekeeper/garbage hauler, maintenance man, and office assistant.

A motion was made by Commissioner Wilbur to increase the hourly rate for Stephen Gay, Julie Shoemaker, and James Pollock by $.60, retroactive to January 1, 2008. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Miller. The motion was carried by unanimous vote.

A motion was made by Commissioner Miller to increase the hourly rate for Kimberly Gulliksen by $.50, retroactive to January 1, 2008. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Wilbur. The motion was carried by unanimous vote.

The Board of Commissioners held an employee review for the Executive Director. A motion was made by Commissioner Wilbur to increase the hourly rate for Toni Coats by $1.75, retroactive to January 1, 2008. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Miller. The motion was carried by unanimous vote.

Having no other matters to discuss, a motion was made by Commissioner Miller to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Wilbur. The motion was carried by unanimous vote. The next regular meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 13, 2008 at 6:30 p.m. in the community room of the South Meadow Apartments.

Respectfully submitted,

Toni C. Coats
Executive Director

Equal Housing Opportunity

Minutes: Historic Preservation: December 19,2007

Evansville Historic Preservation Commission
Wednesday, December 19, 2007 7:00 P.M.
3rd Floor, City Hall

Present: Dennis Wessels, Steve Culbertson, Rich Modaff, John Decker, Steve Christens,
Also Present: Jim McGoey
Absent: Betsy Ahner

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by vice-chair Steve Christens. Motion by Steve Culbertson, second by Dennis Wessels to waive the reading of November 21, 2007 minutes and approve them as read. Motion carried.

(Rich Modaff present, assumes Chair)

Jim McGoey presented a proposal to the Commission to look into the lighting layout and replacement of street lighting fixtures in the Historic District. He suggested placing the historic looking light post that were removed from the Downtown Business District during the street project on Main Street in 2007, to appropriate locations in the Historic District. Furthermore, he suggested the City Council should explore ‘Full Cutoff Lighting’ fixtures that would be a cost savings for the City, as well as, friendlier to the environment. Since this item was not originally posted on the agenda, Commission Member Wessels suggested we place it on the agenda for the January 2008 meeting for discussion and possible action by the Commission.

Old Business
Budget – After reviewing the 2007 HPC budget, two motions were made as end-of-year business.

-Motion by John Decker to approve payment of $55to the Title Team for a letter regarding the re-plating and easement of the parcel located at the entrance of the City park off North Madison Street where the Baker Office Building is now located. Second by Dennis Wessels. Motion carried 5-0.

-Motion by Dennis Wessels to set aside $1,500 of HPC’s 2007 budget for Historic District lighting project. Second by Steve Christens. Motion carried 5-0.


Grove Society –John Decker informed the Commission that a group of individuals from the Primetimers organization were ready to volunteer in the framing and installing interior mill work for the Baker Office Building located at the entrance of the City Park. – John Decker has heard back from the Wisconsin State Historical Society about the placement and display of historically significant artifacts that could be placed in the Baker Office building once the construction is completed.

Redevelopment Authority – No action.

Plaque Program Applications – John Decker has been invited to meet with a group of preservationists in Sauk City on February 21, 2008, to discuss Evansville Historic Preservation activates.

Management of HPC Documents – We are waiting for the City to develop its program.

Discussion of Second Historic District – No action.

There being no other business to discuss,

Motion by Steve Culbertson moved to adjourn. Second by Steve Christens. Motion carried 5-0.

The minutes of the Evansville Historic Preservation Commission are not official until approved by the Commission.