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Monday, December 3, 2007

Economic Development----February 2007

City of Evansville
Economic Development Committee

Regular Meeting
Tuesday, February 20, 2007, 5:30 pm
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin


Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm by Chair Tony Wyse. Present: Tony Wyse, Roger Berg, Dave Olsen, Gene Bass, Cheryl Dickert, and Fred Juergens. Absent: John Decker and James Otterstein. Also present: Dan Wietecha, Bridgit Larsen, and Judy Whalen.

Declare Quorum. There being a majority of the commissioners present at call to order, a quorum was declared by the chair.

Approve Agenda. Berg moved, seconded by Juergens, to approve the agenda, as distributed. Motion approved unanimously.

Approve Minutes of January 16, 2007 Meeting. Minutes not submitted; consideration tabled until March 20 meeting.

Update on City Website. Fred Juergens indicated that the learning curve has been steeper than expected, but his goal is to have the new website operational within a month. He noted approximately $1000 of the $1500 budget has been spent and city staff will be able to maintain the website after it is developed. He also noted that the digital camera will be installed on UB&T later this year but was alreasy payed in last year’s budget.

Update on Eager Building/Economy Store Renovation. Dan Wietecha noted that the Department of Commerce has confirmed that the $300,000 in CDBG money has been awarded to the project. Ron Van Straten of Foth Infrastructure has been hired to oversee administration of the CDBG funds. Construction is on hold pending several legal requirements of the grant but is expected to resume in late March.

Update on CDBG Application for Main Street Streetscaping. Wietecha said the application should be submitted within a couple weeks. He indicated the third block of brick pavers is seen as one essential element in the overall redevelopment efforts downtown. The bricks and streetscaping will enhance the neighborhood and encourage additional commercial investment. Revitalization of the downtown will economically benefit the downtown businesses and residences. Wietecha noted that tax increment financing in the district will be for other designated infrastructure projects or to work directly with businesses redeveloping their property; it really does not have extra capacity to pay for an additional block of brick pavers.

Update on Downtown Task Force. Tony Wyse and Fred Juergens noted the group has been meeting every two weeks and is really prepared to alleviate some of the downtown business concerns during the Main Street construction project. Plans are underway for additional signs and billboards, opening up parking areas, and a door-to-door advertising effort.

Review of Smart Growth Implementation. Juergens said that copies of the plan have been burned onto CD for distribution and that letters to the “Big 5” were written and would be mailed. Wyse noted that the goal of partnering with neighboring communities and the counties is a goal for 2008 but we should keep our eyes open for opportunities to work with them in the meantime.

Update on Economic Development Funding. Wietecha provided information on local funding opportunities through WPPI; they have a $1000 for member communities to use for local advertising and promotion. He noted that the Building Improvement Grant (BIG) program had adopted an open-pipeline application process. He noted that the revolving loan fund has not been used in several years. Since it was originally established using general fund moneys, the Common Council will decide if it is appropriate to keep the money designated for economic development.

Update on Trade Market Analysis. Tony Wyse noted that the Common Council had approved applying for CDBG funding. It was agreed that the study would provide background information needed for attracting businesses. Judy Whalen noted that the committee should have some role in determining the analysis to make sure they do not miss some information that we see as essential locally.

Discussion on Economic Development Strategy. Wyse noted this also comes from the Smart Growth Plan. He would like to see the committee do a better job at partnering with the Chamber of Commerce on the proposed economic development summit. Bridgit Larsen, promotional director for the Chamber, and Judy Whalen, Whalen & Associates, introduced themselves. Wietecha noted that James Otterstein had given the names of a couple of other consultants that might facilitate the summit.

Roger Berg noted past perceptions from the business community that the city bureaucracy has not been business-friendly; there will be some hard feelings to overcome. The city should still have zoning and other regulations, but they can be streamlined and more user-friendly.

A large part of the effort will be to remove current barriers and baggage so we can help our existing businesses, recruit new businesses, and encourage entrepreneurs.

An economic development summit—or whatever event may come of this initiative—is not the end goal. But it can be a catalyst for a sustained emphasis on economic development. A commitment to follow through with implementation will also be essential.

On a motion by Gene Bass, seconded by Fred Juergens, a subcommittee of Dave Olsen, Roger Berg, Bridgit Larsen, and Dan Wietecha was named to meet with Judy Whalen to define the project parameters for hiring a facilitator consultant, with a cost estimate dependent on the scope of the work. Motion approved unanimously.

Adjournment. On a motion by Fred Juergens, seconded by Roger Berg, the meeting adjourned at 7:25.

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