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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Mijnutes: Finance Committe; August 2010

City of Evansville
Finance & Labor Relations Committee

Regular Meeting
Thursday, August 5, 2010, 5:45 pm
City Hall, 31 S. Madison St., Evansville, Wisconsin


I. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 5:45 pm by Chair Mason Braunschweig. Present: Alderpersons Mason Braunschweig, Jim Brooks and Diane Roberts. Also present: Mayor Sandy Decker, Finance Director Lisa Novinska, City Administrator Dan Wietecha, and Library Director Kathi Kemp.

II. Approve Agenda. Roberts made a motion, seconded by Brooks, to approve the agenda. Motion approved 3-0.

III. Minutes of July 8, 2010. Roberts made a motion, seconded by Brooks, to waive the reading of and to approve the minutes as presented. Motion approved 3-0.

IV. Citizen Appearances. None.

V. Water & Light Bills. Brooks made a motion, seconded by Roberts, to accept the Water & Light bills in the amount of $670,692.09. Motion approved 3-0 on a roll call vote.

VI. City Bills. Roberts made a motion, seconded by Brooks, to accept the City bills in the amount of $725,803.27. Motion approved 3-0 on a roll call vote.

VII. Unfinished Business:
a. Purchasing Policy. Roberts made a motion, seconded by Brooks, to recommend to Common Council approval of the Purchasing Policy. Motion approved 3-0.

VIII. New Business:
a. Finance Department Budget. Novinska reviewed her budget proposal for the finance department operations. It reflects a 4.9% decrease from 2010. The Committee noted that a reduction in 2011 election expenses would be temporary, as there would be a presidential election the following year.

b. 2011 Budget Discussion.
i. Strategic Financing. Wietecha distributed a memo to give context to thinking about the budget. Budget decisions should focus on essential services, have a long-range perspective, and remember that taxpayer dollars are footing the bill.

ii. Shared Revenues. The Committee noted that intergovernmental revenues comprise about a third of the city’s general operations. With the state facing a $2.5 billion structural deficit, there is a very real risk that shared revenues will be reduced drastically.

iii. Debt Service. Wietecha explained that debt service payments with general obligation backing would increase some $350,000 next year. Most of the increase is for projects supported by tax incremental financing or utility revenues; however, about $75,000 will require an increase in the tax levy.

iv. Fund 80. Wietecha said that several discussions had been held with School District staff and board recently about creating a Fund 80, Community Service Fund. Fund 80 could be used to finance community education, recreational, and cultural programs such as operation of the youth center. The School District will likely consider creating and funding Fund 80 at its upcoming annual meeting.

c. Personal Property Taxes. Roberts made a motion, seconded by Brooks, to approve the write-off of uncollectible personal property taxes. Novinska explained this was largely a housekeeping measure for several past billing errors. Motion approved 3-0 on a roll call vote.

d. Creekside Place. Wietecha noted there would be a typical development agreement to make sure Creekside Place would be responsible for all regulatory requirements with the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG).

IX. Adjournment. Brooks made a motion, seconded by Roberts, to adjourn the meeting. Motion approved 3-0 at 6:45 pm.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Minutes; Evansville Water and Light; July 2010

Water & Light Committee
Regular Meeting
Wednesday July 28, 2010, 5:45 p.m.
Water & Light Shop, 15 Old Highway 92, Evansville, Wisconsin


I. Roll Call. Called to order at 5:45 pm. Present: Chairperson Diane Roberts, Dennis Wessels and Jim Brooks. Also present: Superintendent Scott George and Mayor Sandy Decker.

II. Approval of Agenda. Motion by Brooks, seconded by Wessels to approve the agenda as printed. Motion Carried.

III. Minutes of June 30, 2010 Meeting. Motion by Brooks, seconded by Wessels to approve the minutes as presented. Motion Carried.

IV. Customer Concerns. None

V. Committee Report: Meeting times have been changed for August and September, August 25th meeting will be held at 5:30pm and September 29th meeting will be held at

VI. Superintendent Report:
a. Scott George discussed the 2011 Capital Budget to the committee.(See Attached)

VII. WPPI Report: Written handout from A. Rankin

VIII. Old Business: None

IX. New Business: Mayor Decker was present to discuss the WPPI Community Relations Program. Motion by Brooks, seconded by Wessels to donate $2500.00 to Creekside Place
from the WPPI Community Relations Program. Motion Carried.

X. Motion to Adjourn: Motion Wessels, seconded by Brooks to adjourn at 6:45 pm. Motion Carried.

Submitted by Diane Roberts, Chairperson

Next meeting August 25, 2010, 5:30 p.m.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Minutes; Historic Pres: August 2010

Evansville Historic Preservation Commission
Wednesday, August 18, 2010 7:00 P.M.
3rdnd Floor, City Hall

Present: Dennis Wessels, Steve Christens, Rich Modaff, Steve Culbertson, Betsy Ahner and John Decker
Absent: Rick Schuch
Also Present: Scott and Nancy Brummond

The meeting was called to order at 7:04 PM by chair Rich Modaff. Motion by Decker to waive the reading of the July 21, 2010 minutes and approve them as read. Second by Christens. Motion carried.

Applications – Appearances

310 W. Church St. – This application is for a partial roof replacement. Modaff explained the homeowner told him the shingles would match those already on the roof. Motion by Christens to accept the application. Second by Wessels. Motion carried.

116 Garfield Ave. – The Brummonds were present to answer questions about the addition they wish to add to the rear of their home. They noted they had submitted an application at the time they built their garage but were unable to complete the work at that time. Commission members reviewed plans of the addition and asked questions to clarify exactly what was to be done. Motion by Culbertson to accept the application. Second by Decker. Motion carried.

Old Business

a. HP Ordinances – nothing new to add
b. Public Hearing – will be scheduled when the application is scheduled for review by the
Wisconsin Historical Society. This could be several months away.
c. Water & Light Bill notice – it was noted that since we are at the end of the construction season this should be scheduled for February 2011. The mailing should include a map of the Historic District, as residents may be unsure of its boundaries. Modaff will look into scheduling a February mailing.


a. Grove Society – a new exhibit on Lake Leota has been installed. There well be an open house on September 11 during the Windmill Festival. This will mark the end of regularly scheduled hours.
b. HPC Documents – no news
c. Landmark & Historic District
i. The applications for the South First Street District and Eager Memorial have been completed by Tim Heggland.
ii. The Grove Street District, Leota Park, and St. John’s Lutheran Church have not been completed yet.

d. Remembrance Day Planning – Events will be held on May 21 & 22, 2011. The commemoration continues to grow.

Other Business

a. Modaff passed around a brochure on the upcoming National Preservation Institute seminars and classes.

There being no other business a motion was made by Christens to adjourn. Second by Culbertson. Motion Carried.

The minutes of the Evansville Historic Preservation Commission are not official until approved by the Commission.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Minutes: Historic Preservation: July 2010

Evansville Historic Preservation Commission
Wednesday, July 21, 2010 7:00 P.M.
2nd Floor, City Hall

Present: Rich Modaff, Rick Schuch, Steve Culbertson, Betsy Ahner and John Decker
Absent: Dennis Wessels, Steve Christens
Also Present: Dan Wietecha (Evansville City Administrator)

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by chair Rich Modaff. Motion by Culbertson to waive the reading of the June 16, 2010 minutes and approve them as read. Second by Schuch. Motion carried.

Applications – Appearances

243 W. Main Street - Steve Culberson showed photos and described the shed that he wanted to build in his backyard. It will be based on the design of a former railroad crossing guard shanty that at one time stood at the crossing near the lumberyard. A brief discussion was held, during which Decker arrived. Motion by Schuch to accept the application. Second by Ahner. Motion carried 4-0 with Culbertson abstaining.

New Business

Dan Wietecha was present to brief the commission on LED streetlights that the city planned to install in the historic district. They will replace the existing lights in the entire district. LED lights are less expensive to operate and give off a more natural light. This is not a project that needs approval by the HPC but he wanted commission members to be aware of it. Motion by Culbertson to thank the city administrator for attending the meeting and providing information to the commission. Second by Schuch. Motion carried 5-0.

Old Business

a. Ordinance – nothing new to discuss
b. Public hearing – will be scheduled shortly before the Wisconsin Historical Society has their meeting to review the survey and application.
c. Water & Light notice - a brief discussion on when this could be inserted. Wietecha suggested instead of an insertion a short message be printed directly on the bill. The staff person to talk to is Lisa. Rich Modaff will look into this.


a. Grove Society – Decker reported that the museum is open for regular hours and is staffed on weekends by volunteers. The flagpole bracket that was damaged because of high winds has been repaired and new gutters have been installed on the rear of the building. There are still several projects to do and work continues.
b. Antes Building – it is expected the relocation of this building will move forward at any time. The Parks Commission wanted to wait until after the 4th of July to do the work.
c. Remembrance Day – Brooklyn is also interested in doing something on that date in May, so the event is growing.

There being no other business a motion to adjourn was made by Schuch and seconded by Culbertson. Motion carried.

The minutes of the Evansville Historic Preservation Commission are not official until approved by the Commission.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Minutes: Fire District; August 2010

Meeting Minutes
Regular Monthly Meeting
August 03, 2010

The regular monthly meeting of the Evansville Fire District Board of Trustee’s was held on August 03, 2010, at 7:00 p.m. at the Evansville Fire Station.

The meeting was called to order. Roll call was taken of those present.

Present Representing

Fern McCoy (Secretary/Treasurer) Town of Magnolia
Janis Ringhand City of Evansville
Phil Hamilton Town of Porter
Barbara Jacobson City of Evansville
Kendall Schneider (President) Town of Union
John Binversie Town of Brooklyn

Mike Halvensleben – Fire Chief
Gary Gard


The August meeting of the Evansville Fire District Board of Appeals was called to order.

Present Representing

Fern McCoy (Secretary/Treasurer) Town of Magnolia
Janis Ringhand City of Evansville
Phil Hamilton Town of Porter
Barbara Jacobson City of Evansville\
Kendall Schneider (President) Town of Union
Jon Binversie Town of Brooklyn

Mike Halvensleben – Fire Chief
Gary Gard

No appeals to be heard.


Motion made by Jacobson, 2nd by Binversie, to approve July 06, 2010 minutes as written. Motion carried unanimously.


No continuing business to discuss.

Preliminary 2011 budget will be available for review at the September 07, 2010 meeting.

Fire fighters are creating a 2011 calendar for use as a fund raiser. Calendars, with a letter requesting donation, will be hand delivered.

Spaghetti dinner is scheduled for October 24, 2010.

DNR grant has been submitted for approximately $10,000.00. The 50/50 grant, for miscellaneous fire equipment (fire gear, gloves respirators, foam, etc), will commit the district to one half the accepted grant amount.

The first week of October is Fire Prevention Week. Several events have been scheduled for school children, including third graders field trip to Survive Alive House.

Appeal for storm water has been received. District received the maximum decrease for this charge.


Discussion on this report resulted in unanimous decision this is not applicable to Evansville Fire District.


Motion made by McCoy, 2nd by Hamilton, to approve total bills for August in the amount of $4,945.54. Motion carried unanimously.


Motion made by Hamilton, 2nd by Schneider, to list fire calls 55, 56, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 67 and 68 as non-billable calls. Motion carried unanimously.


Invoices were reviewed.

Motion made by Ringhand, 2nd by Jacobson, to write off finance charges for the following invoices paid by Wisconsin Department of Transportation: invoice 1002A - $77.68; invoice 1002B - $11.84; invoice 1004 - $22.68. Motion carried unanimously.


No Other Non-Actionable Business to discuss.

Motion made by Jacobson, 2nd by McCoy, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.

The next meeting of the Evansville Community Fire District will be held on September 07, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. at the Fire Station.


Board of Appeals Meeting
Minutes from the last meeting
Continuing Business
Communications from Chief
2011 Preliminary Budget
Payment of Bills
Fire Calls
User Fee Invoices
Any Other Non-Actionable Business presented to Board


Saturday, August 7, 2010

Minutes; Public Works: July 2010

Tuesday, July 27, 2010, 6:00 p.m.
Public Works Shop, 535 S. Madison St., Evansville, WI

1. Call to order at 6:00 by Chair Ringhand

2. Present: Janis Ringhand, Mason Braunschweig, Todd Culbertson, Public Works Director Dave Wartenweiler, City Administrator Dan Wietecha & Mayor Sandy Decker.

3. Motion to approve the agenda as printed by Culbertson/Ringhand, unanimous.

4. Motion to approve the minutes of the June 22, 2010 Regular Meeting, as printed, by Braunschweig/ Culbertson, unanimous.

5. Citizen appear – none

6. Construction Updates –

a. Discussion and motion to approve Change Order #3 for the WWTP, an additional $9,080.00, by Braunschweig/Culbertson, unanimous.

7. Site Plan Reviews – None

8. Communication from City Engineer – not present, no report

9. Communications from Public Works Director –

a. Discussion and motion to approve the bid for LED lighting from Crescent Electric for $67,650.00, by Braunschweig/Culbertson, unanimous. It was noted that additional lights will be purchased to finish out the grant.
b. Discussion on request for “Dead End Street” sign on Millard Ct., motion to deny request by Culbertson/Ringhand, passed 2-1.
c. Budget figures not available at this meeting, 0% increase requested by city, will discuss at next regular meeting.

10. New Business – None

11. Old Business – None

12. Park & Recreation – nothing to report

Motion to adjourn by Culbertson/Braunschweig at 6:45 p.m., unanimous.

Minutes: Park Board: 2010

Monday, July 19th, 2010, 6:00 p.m.
City Hall

1. Call to Order & Roll Call
o Call to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Culbertson
o Present: Ray Anderson, Ben Ladick, Todd Culbertson, Rick Hamacher, Fred Juergens, Jerry Krueger, Sue Merritt & Rich Modaff. Absent: Ron Carlsen
2. Motion to approve Agenda as printed
o Approve the agenda on a Juergens/Modaff motion, unanimous
3. Motion to waive the reading of the minutes from the June 14th, 2010 meeting & approve them as printed
o Waive the reading and approve the minutes of the June 14th meeting on a Juergens/Modaff motion, unanimous
4. Citizen appearances, relating to Park & Recreation, but not listed as agenda items
o None to report
5. Bat Houses – Lake Leota Park
Kurt Bennett, 31 N. 5th St. made a second appearance to the committee in regards to building and placing bat houses in Lake Leota Park. This project would be part of his Eagle Scout requirements. Public Works has agreed to assist with the mounting of the bat houses in the event that the proposal is passed. Kurt was asked to research and report back to the committee at the August 16th, 2010 meeting, on the following: (1) Locate approximately 12 locations that he determines would be acceptable areas to mount the bat houses at Lake Leota Park. Of the 12 locations, the committee will select approximately 4 locations for the bat houses to be placed. (2) Consider placing a bat house at the Prairie Park and determine a good location. (3) Research the best type of structure for the bat houses to be mounted to i.e. building, pole, tree etc. (4) Research the effects that a lighted location will have on the bat house success. (5) Research health concerns regarding bat feces. (6) Research other aspects of the bat house project i.e. bat house habitat preferences such as direction for placement, other health risks that bat houses pose etc. (7) Consider placing an educational plaque at 1 or more bat houses for the public to view.
The committee will review Kurt’s recommendations and research findings and prepare to approve the project for the August 16th, 2010 Park & Recreation Meeting.
6. Update on ball field lights
o Culbertson reported highlights of the conversation he had with Scott Goerge of Water & Light. The current cost is approximately $.044/kwh for operating the lights as well as approximately $275/mo. The cost would rise to approximately $.11/kwh in the event that the city took over responsibility of the lights. Scott commented that the cost difference would basically be a “wash”; however the current $275/mo. fee also works as an insurance policy in the event that there is a mechanical breakdown with the equipment. Scott based this information on a conversation with Jerry Albrecht from the PSC. Scott also stated that the lights are due for a “Rate Case” review in 2011 at which time new rates will be assessed for the lighting costs. Culbertson will request that Scott Goerge attend the August 16th, 2010 meeting for more insight on this issue.
7. Chair’s report on items of interest and/or actions of City Committees & Common Council
o Nothing to report.
8. Reports/Updates park projects/maintenance
o Ray Anderson displayed pictures to committee members of the repairs made to the creek wall at Lake Leota Park as well as the “V” notch monument that was placed in the park. Ray submitted an invoice from Urban Landscaping, LLC for $403.40 for the “V” notch monument project and a request will be made for payment by the “Lake Leota Fund”. A request will be made by Culbertson to the Evansville Review for a picture to be taken of recent stone repair and printed in the paper along with comments to include the concerns regarding vandalism of the wall. A request will also be made to the Mayor for comments on the repairs and vandalism to appear in her “weekly column”
9. Aquatic Report
o Rick presented the committee with his findings on the referrals provided by Badger Swimpools for repair options to the City Pool. Motion to approve the RenoSys membrane repair for approximately $60,000 to the city pool and have it added to the Capital Budget by Modaff/Juergens unanimous.
o Rick proposed to the committee specific increases to pool fees for 2011 in preparation of the 2011 budget process. The fee increases are as follows: Eliminate the $.50 variances for specific days of the week and make a standard fee of $4.00 for a “daily walk up fee”. Group fees to increase by $.25 to $1.75 resident and $2.25 non-resident. Swim team fee to increase by $25.00 to $75.00 resident and $85.00 non-resident. Motion to approve the proposed increases to pool fees by Modaff/Juergens unanimous.
o Rick also recommended that an effort be made to rent out the Park Store for the 2011 season. Motion to pursue the efforts of renting out the Park Store for the 2011 season provided that the Health Dept. “grandfather’s” the current permit allowances Juergens/ Modaff unanimous.
10. Speed bumps in the park – discussion & possible action
o The committee requested that an article be written and published in the Evansville Review regarding this concern. The committee will also request increased and continuing police presence in Lake Leota Park as well as documentation from the EPD of time spent and tickets issued for this purpose.
12. Old Business
o None to report
13. New Business
o None to report
14. Motion to Adjourn
o Motion to adjourn by Krueger/Juergens at 7:04 p.m., unanimous.

Next meeting Monday, August16th, 2010 - 6:00 pm City Hall

Minutes; Common Council: July 2010

Common Council

Regular Meeting
Tuesday, July 13, 2010, 6:30 p.m.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI


1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Mayor Sandy Decker.

2. Roll call. Members present: Mayor Sandy Decker, Alderpersons Mason Braunschweig, Jim Brooks, Todd Culbertson, Barb Jacobson, Diane Roberts, Dennis Wessels, and Tony Wyse. Absent: Alderperson Janis Ringhand. Others present: City Administrator Dan Wietecha, City Attorney Mark Kopp, and various members of the public.

3. Approval of Agenda. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Roberts, to approve the agenda. Motion approved 7-0.

4. Approval of Minutes. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Roberts, to waive the reading of the minutes of the June 8, 2010, regular meeting and to approve them as presented. Motion approved 7-0.

5. Citizen appearances.
A. Chamber of Commerce. Bridgit Larsen presented a proposal from the Chamber of Commerce for the City to formally partner with the Chamber for implementation of the City’s Economic Development Plan. They would like a contract for $20,000 to be included in the 2011 Budget; funding would be contingent on satisfactory performance reported quarterly. Steve Hagen, Norm Paulson, Lori Allen, Cheryl Dickert, Dan Hanson, John Morning, and Roger Berg spoke in favor of the Chamber’s request.

6. Reports of Committees.
A. Youth Center Advisory Board Report. Dave Sobeski stated that fundraising events at the Summer Kickoff Party and the Fourth of July were very successful; many thanks to the volunteers and donors. They hope to be able to have the Youth Center open 15 hours per week during the fall.

B. Finance and Labor Relations Committee Report.
(1). Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Roberts, to accept the Water & Light bills as presented in the amount of $674,319.21. Motion approved 7-0 on a roll call vote.

(2). Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Roberts, to accept the City bills as presented in the amount of $1,669,846.30. Motion approved 7-0 on a roll call vote.

(3). Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Roberts, to approve the Fund Balance Policy. Braunschweig explained that the policy applies to unreserved, undesignated funds in the general fund for cash flow and contingencies. Motion passed 7-0.

(4). Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Roberts, to approve Resolution 2010-09, Approving Mid-Year Budget Amendments to the 2010 Budget. The Council discussed the costs for preparing the former police station for sale. Braunschweig called the question. Motion passed 7-0 on a roll call vote.

(5). Wietecha presented the draft Financial Statements and Independent Auditor’s Report for the year ended December 31, 2009. He noted the City is in decent financial shape. He predicted a few items that would likely be included in the Management Letter in the final version of the Audit: the need to account for use of water impact fees, annually truing up interfund balances between the debt service and capital funds, difficulties with segregation of duties in a small department, and potential effects of upcoming GASB 54 compliance.

(6). The Council noted the calendar schedule for setting the 2011 Budget. Department heads have been given a budget target of 0% increase in operating expenses. A meeting will be set in mid to late September to hear the requests of each department.

C. Plan Commission Report. None.

D. Public Safety Committee Report. None.

E. Public Works Committee Report.
(1). Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Roberts, to approve Resolution 2010-10, Documenting Review of the 2009 Compliance Maintenance Annual Report (CMAR) and Indicating Actions to be taken to Prevent Effluent Limit Violations. The improvements to the wastewater treatment facility address the concerns identified in the CMAR. Motion passed 7-0.

F. Water & Light Committee Report. None.

G. Economic Development Committee Report. Wyse said the committee heard the Chamber of Commerce proposal.

H. Redevelopment Authority Report. None.

I. Parks and Recreation Board Report. None.

J. Historic Preservation Commission Report. None

K. Fire District Report. None

L. Police Commission Report. None

M. Evansville-Union Implementation Committee Report. None

N. Energy Independence Team Report. Decker said approximately $40,000 of the $50,000 grant was used to establish a baseline of all municipal energy use and identify priority projects to achieve 25% renewable energy use by the year 2025. About $333,000 (over 11% of the operating budget) was spent on energy in 2008 with about a third being for gasoline and diesel fuel. Priority projects included efficiencies and wind turbine at the wastewater treatment facility, upgrading the pumps at the wells and lift stations, lighting and heating upgrades at the public works garage, use of renewable fuels in vehicles, and LED street lights.

O. Library Board/Liaison Report. None.

P. Board of Appeals Report
(1). Wietecha noted that the board had heard two appeals last month and has an upcoming hearing regarding floodplain development standards.

7. Unfinished Business.
A. Braunschweig presented the Second Reading and made a motion, seconded by Roberts, to adopt Ordinance 2010-07, An Interim Ordinance for a Temporary Prohibition of Land Divisions within the City of Evansville and Its One-And-One-Half Mile Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Area. Bob Janes asked the reason for the ordinance. Decker noted that the Plan Commission is reviewing the Implementation Committee’s recommendations for revisions to the future land use maps, particularly with an eye to regional stormwater planning, utility service extensions, and the Highway 14 corridor. Janes asked that the Implementation Committee be able to provide input in the Plan Commission’s review. Motion passed 7-0.

8. Communications and Recommendations from the Mayor.
A. Mayor Decker presented a Proclamation in Recognition of the 100th Anniversary of Dave Mosher & Associates Insurance.

9. Communications from the City Administrator. None.

10. New Business. None

11. Introduction of New Ordinances. None.

12. Meeting Reminders
A. Next meeting is Tuesday, August 10.

13. Adjournment. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Wyse, to adjourn at 7:47 p.m. Motion approved 7-0.

The minutes are not official until approved by the Common Council at their next regular meeting.