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Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Minutes: Planning Commission: October 2006

Plan Commission
Regular Meeting
Monday, October 2, 2006, 6:00 P.M.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI


The meeting was called to order by Mayor Decker at 6:00 PM. Present were: Mayor Decker, Ald. Braunschweig, Ald. Hammann, Cheryl Dickert, Dave Sauer, Gil Skinner, and Jeff Vrstal Staff present: Tim Schwecke, City Planner, and Jim Beilke, Clerk/Treasurer. Alderpersons Sornson and Cothard were present in the audience.

Approval of Agenda
Motion by Braunschweig, seconded by Skinner, to move agenda Item 8, Preliminary Development Presentations, to follow agenda item 5, Citizen Appearances, or when Mike Robinson arrives. Motion carried.

Approval of Minutes
Motion by Hammann, seconded by Braunschweig, to waive the reading of the September 5, 2006, minutes and approve them as printed. Motion carried.

Citizen Appearances Other Than Those Agenda Items Listed - None

Unfinished Business.
Mayor Decker reported on the update on the traffic impact analysis of Highway 14, County M and J. Lindemann intersections. The City is coordinating meetings with the Department of Transportation and community.

In regards to the update on determining break-even point (tax revenue equals tax expenditures) for housing in Evansville, work is pending.

In regards to the update on adopting a requirement that prior to annexation, the petitioner pays for a fiscal impact analysis of the proposed annexation, work is pending.

In regards to the discussion relating to new official zoning map, the City Attorney is reviewing this matter.

New Business
Motion by Hammann, seconded by Braunschweig, to recommend to the Common Council the approval of Council Resolution 2006-39. This resolution would authorize the City to purchase real estate, which is needed to obtain street right-of-way, so that the intersection of South Madison Street and Water Street can have wider turn lanes. Motion carried.

Motion by Hammann, seconded by Braunschweig, to recommend to the Common Council the approval of Council Resolution 2006-40. Again, this resolution would authorize the City to purchase real estate, which is needed to obtain street right-of-way, so that the intersection of South Madison Street and Water Street can have wider turn lanes. Motion carried.

Motion by Hammann, seconded by Braunschweig, to recommend to the Common Council the approval of the pre-annexation agreement with Landmark Services Cooperative. Motion carried.

Mr. Schwecke led the discussion on the zone code map amendment, John Gishnock applicant (Application #2006-29).

The Commission determined the zoning classification is consistent with and furthers the intent of the zoning code as provided for in Section 130-2 of the Municipal Code, the proposed zoning classification would not be contrary to any rule or regulation of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, the subject property is not located within a floodplain and does not contain or contribute to other known natural hazards, this rezoning action is being requested to conform to the recently amended future land use map, and this parcel is best classified as rural residential.

Mayor Decker opened the public hearing at 6:17 PM and closed it at 6:18 PM.

Motion by Hammann, seconded by Braunschweig, to recommend to Council the adoption of Ordinance #2006-33 as drafted, based on the findings as contained in the staff report and on the conclusion that the public benefits of the proposed zoning classification outweigh any and all potential adverse impacts, if any. Motion carried.

Preliminary Development Presentations (Mike Robinson arrived at 6:14 PM)
Mike Robinson, President of North Prairie Productions LLC, presented the preliminary Site Plans for the Proposed Biodiesel Facility and answered questions from the Commission.

New Business
Tim McGee from McGee Construction Company presented the site plan for 128 East Main Street, Sophia X Huang applicant (Application #2006-30). Because the applicant has not had adequate time to review final costs related to this project and because there is a possibility the project may change in response to these final costs, the consensus was to table this motion.

Motion by Hammann, seconded by Skinner to table the motion to approve the application with conditions as contained in the staff report (and other conditions as may be imposed by the Commission). Motion carried.

Mr. Schwecke led the discussion regarding the comprehensive plan amendment, City of Evansville applicant (Application #2006-32). Currently, the subject property has a new dentist office in full operations, and they want to advertise with a sign on the front of their building. They cannot put up a sign because it would violate current zoning code. This resolution requests that Council change the interim future land use map and future land use map. After theses changes on the maps, the property would request rezoning on the subject property. After the property is rezoned, the new dentist office would be allowed to advertise with a sign on the front of their building.

Motion by Hammann, seconded by Braunschweig, to adopt Plan Commission resolution #2006-10 recommending the City Council change the designation of the subject property from Government/Institutional to Commercial/Retail/Office on the interim future land use map and future land use map. Motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.

Mr. Schwecke led the discussion on zoning code text amendment relating to completion of a traffic impact report for development projects exceeding a specified threshold. The Commission reviewed the threshold of other communities and noted their thresholds were as follows: 1) Traffic impact report is required when the number of trips per day for the existing and proposed development is 750; and 2) When the number of trips per day is 500 or more but less than 750, the city may require a traffic report. The consensus was to change this ordinance to match above information.

Mayor Decker opened the public hearing at 7:03 PM and closed it at 7:04 PM.

Motion by Hammann, seconded by Braunschweig, to recommend to Council the adoption of Ordinance #2006-30, and to change the numbers on line 30 as follows: “300” in the proposed ordinance with “500;” and “500” in the proposed ordinance with “750”. Motion, as amended, carried.

Mr. Schwecke led the discussion on the zoning code text amendment relating to completion of a traffic impact report for land divisions exceeding a specified threshold. The report for this ordinance is the same as the above ordinance.

Mayor Decker opened the public hearing at 7:06 PM and closed it at 7:07 PM.

Motion by Hammann, seconded by Braunschweig, to recommend to Council the adoption of Ordinance #2006-31 and to change the numbers on lines 30 and 31 as follows: “300” in the proposed ordinance with “500;” and “500” in the proposed ordinance with “750”. Motion, as amended, carried.

Mr. Schwecke led the discussion on the zoning code text amendment to allow city planner to review and act on minor site plan amendments. The current policy is the Plan Commission is the only authority who can act on site plan amendments. This ordinance would allow the city planner to review and act on minor site plan amendments and report to the Plan Commission.

Mayor Decker opened the public hearing at 7:09 PM. Ald. Wyse and the Commission reviewed the checks and balances in this ordinance. Mayor closed the public hearing at 7:14 PM.

Motion by Hammann, seconded by Braunschweig, to recommend to Council the adoption of Ordinance #2006-32 as drafted. Motion carried.

Mr. Schwecke led the discussion on the draft ordinance for regulating outdoor furnaces. This ordinance is very restrictive in the type of materials burned, performance of outdoor furnace, furnace certification, blower required, heat exchanger, placement of furnace, venting stack, installation requirements, location of burnable stockpiles, storage of corn, building permit, and annual permit required. Alderperson Hammann and Braunschweig would be sponsors.

Mr. Schwecke led the discussion on the draft ordinance amending the requirements for Board of Appeals so as to comply with 2005 Wisconsin Act 34. Alderperson Hammann and Braunschweig would be sponsors.

Mr. Schwecke led the discussion on the financial impact of maintaining a comprehensive lighting ordinance (Note: the Finance Committee considered the Plan Commission’s recommendation to budget funds to pay for an outdoor lighting ordinance and has requested further input on the long-term costs of such an ordinance). He reported there are two ways to write the ordinance: 1) Prescription measurement would dictate lighting equipment, which is easy to enforce, but requires more ordinance changes to keep up with technology, 2) Performance measurement would dictate lighting performance, which is harder to enforce, but less ordinance changes. The Commission discussed what kind of ordinance would be feasible for the city. Their consensus was to explore other municipalities’ lighting ordinances to see if we could use them.

Motion by Hammann, seconded by Braunschweig, instructing staff to research other municipalities lighting ordinances and report back to the Commission. Motion carried.

Report of the Evansville Redevelopment Authority - None

Report of the Evansville Historic Preservation Commission – None

Report of the Traditional Neighborhood Development/Residential Design Study Committee
Ald. Hammann reported the Committee toured Middleton Hills on their September 9th meeting.

City Planner’s Report
Mr. Schwecke reviewed his report on the updates on Common Council actions relating to Plan Commission recommendations.

Motion by Braunschweig, seconded Hammann, to adjourn at 7:52 PM, carried.

Prepared by:
James A. Beilke
City Clerk/Treasurer

The minutes are not official until approved by the Plan Commission at their next regular meeting.

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