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Sunday, January 15, 2006

Minutes: Historic Preservation: September 2006

Evansville Historic Preservation Commission
Wednesday September 20, 2006 7:00 P.M.
2nd Floor, City Hall

Present: Dennis Wessels, Steve Culbertson, Rich Modaff, Steve Christens, Betsy Ahner
John Decker, Susan Finque Others Present: Mayor Sandy Decker

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by chair Rich Modaff. Motion by Christens, second by John Decker to waive the reading of the August 16, 2006 minutes and approve them as written. Motion carried.

Susan Finque was welcomed as the newest member of the HPC. She is filling the vacancy left by the resignation of Louise Keely.


109 S. First Street – Chair Modaff explained, the owner of this home called him the day after the August meeting and asked what to do because his roof was leaking and needed replacing as soon as possible. After Rich consulted with the building inspector, the owner was told to do what he needed to do, but to follow up with an application to the HPC. Consequently this project has been completed. Members commented that it did look nice and appreciated the fact that he used architectural shingles. Motion by Christens to approve the application. Second by Wessels. Motion carried.

129 W. Church Street –Little information was provided on the application for this project and the owners were not present to answer questions. The replacement of windows, doors, and siding are key elements of historic preservation. Motion by Decker to approve the application. Second by Christens. After a discussion it was decided that the commission would be negligent in its duty if it acted with so little information. Motion by Wessels to table acceptance of the application, second by Finque. Motion Carried. Commission members asked Chair Modaff to write a letter to the homeowners and explain the type of information that the HPC needed to make a decision. He should also state that their attendance to answer questions would be much appreciated.

15 N. Second Street – Commissioner Christens removed himself from the table, since this is a property he owns. He explained the work to be done. The home has been abused and he wants to restore it for his family. He wants to minimize the prominence of an addition to the home by adding windows that match those in the rest of the house and replacing the wide siding with 3-inch wood siding. The windows will be Anderson windows with vinyl outside and wood inside. A small kitchen window will be replaced with one of the original size. He will replace a sliding patio door with French doors and has found a vintage door to replace the inappropriate metal back door. The repair work on the front porch will be done in wood, but at this point he can’t tell exactly what the extent of the repairs to the porch decking will have to be. A deck at the back will be repaired and an outside stairway to the second floor will be removed. He will retain the landing and door at the second floor level because they will provide a fire escape. Motion by Finque to approve the application, second by Decker. Motion carried with Christens abstaining.

Mayor Decker was invited to address the Commission. She stated that on Monday a young woman came into City Hall and told her she has purchased a house on Garfield St. She works in Janesville and her parents live in Madison and this is a good in between point for her. Her parents have done home restoration in Madison. This is another example of people purchasing homes here in Evansville because they appreciate older homes and the historic character of our community.

The Wisconsin Association of Historic Preservation Commissions has asked us to host their April 2007 meeting, 60 – 90 attendees would be expected. It would be held on a Friday and Saturday and we would be expected to help with the meeting location and tours. The lack of a motel was discussed. Commission members agreed with Mayor Decker that the fall meeting would be best because the Main Street reconstruction and Eager building would be almost finished. She will indicate we are interested and inquire about hosting the fall meeting.

Several other conferences are being held this fall. October 20 in Milwaukee, Sensitive Design and Historic Properties. October 26 in Wausau, Recapturing Your Downtown.

Copies of the Intensive Survey were distributed. Tim Heggland is proposing two new districts, Lake Leota Park is listed as a “designed landscape”, and the standpipe is deemed eligible to be placed on the National Register. There was a discussion on homeowner’s reactions to being placed in a historic district. It benefits them because they are able to apply for tax credits for work done on their homes. Mayor Decker will address a letter to the 25 homeowners in the proposed districts and invite them to the meeting at the Masonic Temple on September 28 to hear Tim’s report. She also noted, we have received permission to give $660 remaining from the project to the library for the purchase of books on restoration.

Another community has offered us $2,000 remaining from their grant project to have an application for the National Register of Historic places written for the standpipe. This would give the pipe protection from removal by the Public Service Commission. HPC members voiced their concern about the process of getting approval from the National Parks Dept. for repairs and maintenance. Mayor Decker will visit with Joe DeRose about this. Motion by Culbertson that the Mayor talk to the Evansville Water and Light Department and encourage them to approve the submission of an application to place the standpipe on the National Register of Historic Places. Second by John Decker. Motion carried.


a. Intensive survey – this has been covered in the previous discussion. The city has a new movie screen that can be used and the Grove Society will provide cookies and beverages.

b. Bricks – we got the grant! Evansville ranked 13 out of the 26 projects that were funded. The money will pay for bricks on Main Street from the Grange Store to Maple Street. It also includes signage for the bike path, benches, trees, planters, bike racks, etc. Fundraising efforts continue to raise additional money so that bricks can be installed from First Street to Railroad Street. We have received a letter from the WI Historical Society inviting us to apply to be a Preserve America Community. This would make us eligible to apply for additional grants. The brick project will make our application very strong because it is a public-private effort. It was the consensus of those present that this should go to Council with our recommendation that application be made. John Decker will follow up with the WI Historical Society.

c. Grove Society – nothing new to report

d. Baker Building – Steve Culbertson has constructed back steps to allow easy access to the building. R & A Heating is donating and installing the HVAC.

e. Redevelopment Authority – nothing new to report

f. Easement Form Draft- Motion by Christens that John Decker forward the proposed easement to the city attorney for review. Second by Wessels. Motion carried with Finque abstaining because as a new commissioner she has not had time to review the document herself.

g. Plaque Program – HPC members briefed Finque on the program.

No additional correspondence. No other comments or concerns. Motion at 8:30 p.m. to adjourn by Wessels, second by Culbertson. Motion carried.

These minutes are not official until approved by the Historic Preservation Commission at the next regular meeting

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