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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Minutes; Redevelopment: Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Evansville Redevelopment Authority
Board of Commissioners

Regular Meeting
Tuesday, July 15, 2008, 7:30 pm
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin


I. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by Chair John Decker. Present: John Decker, Betsy Ahner, Tony Wyse, Barb Jacobson, Roger Roth and Tom Calley. Absent: Chris Eager. Also present: Executive Director Dan Wietecha and Mayor Sandy Decker.

II. Quorum. There being a majority of the commissioners present at call to order, a quorum was declared.

III. Agenda. Jacobson made a motion, seconded by Wyse, to approve the agenda as presented. Motion approved unanimously.

IV. Minutes. Wyse made a motion, seconded by Ahner, to approve the June 17 minutes as presented. Motion approved unanimously.

V. Old Business.
a. Advertising TID #5. The Board discussed plans for a promotional lunch for TID #5 property owners, entrepreneurs and prospective businesses. The best location is likely in UB&T’s conference room; the menu would likely be buffet-style, finger foods; presentation materials need to be prepared; and RSVP’s would help with a head count and any dietary restrictions.

VI. New Business.
a. Transit Oriented Development. John Decker reported on the South Central Wisconsin Commuter Transportation Study. Infrastructure and real estate decisions impact future development; planning is essential for future transit needs, both short- and long-term. Jacobson made a motion, seconded by Wyse, to explore funding opportunities and possible consultants for a transit-oriented development study. Motion approved unanimously.

b. Historic Murals. Jacobson mentioned seeing a number of historic murals done by a Black River Falls artist. Similar murals in Evansville could contribute to the pedestrian environment by bringing public art to the downtown while maintaining an appreciation of our local history. Calley made a motion, seconded by Jacobson, to refer the opportunity to the Economic Development Committee to consider as part of marketing of the Economic Development Plan. Motion approved unanimously.

VII. Suggestions for Future Agenda. No new items.

VIII. Adjournment. With no further business, Jacobson made a motion, seconded by Calley, to adjourn at 8:40 pm. Motion passed unanimously.

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