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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Minutes: Evansville Youth Center: June 19, 2008

June 19, 2008

• CALL TO ORDER 5:30pm

• ROLL CALL – Sandi Konkel, Erin Savaske, Rob Savaske, Desh Sherman Moeller and Tracy Schroeder
• APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Reviewed and approved as printed.
• Fundraiser Planning—The board finalized all details for the 4th of July fundraiser. Rob will order any food he can then email Tracy with the list. Tracy will then purchase anything else at Sam’s Club. The board and all kids riding in the parade will meet at the center at 9am on the 4th. Tracy will be getting a truck from Symdon to use in the parade. Tracy will get candy and already has ducky bracelets to throw. Everyone helping for youth day should be at the park at 12:30pm. We will be offering kickball, bounce house (from the Y), face painting (Tracy) and games. Concession list will be sent out and everyone should signup for what they can. The YMCA staff will be helping to cover Saturday and Sunday.

• Quacking update – Our new fundraiser has been going very well. The community has received it very well and there has been a lot of interest. Dave and Tina did all the duck patrol work until they left for vacation. Erin and Rob have taken over the majority of the moving and have reported that on one occasion all the ducks were ‘stolen’ and put at the pool. Erin and Rob did contact the police department to let them know what had happened—our main concern is just that the ducks are returned and not damaged so we can continue to use them.
• Financials—Desh presented the financials with nothing new to update. Everything came through as expected and there were no ‘surprises’ on either side of the budget. Desh presented the board with our revised 2008 budget. There had to be some cuts to salary (no raise for director), lower starting wage for assistant, program cuts (very minimal in this area), training costs cut and meeting costs cut. This will still leave us with a small over in revenue for the year, as long as fundraising goes as planned.

• Director’s report—Tracy presented the board with July’s calendar and May’s summary. Tracy focused on the upcoming 4th of July and what needed to be done. Tracy will work with the kids for what they need to do for the 4th.

• ADJOURN 6:30pm
These minutes are not official until approved by the EYC Advisory Board at the next meeting.

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