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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Minutes; Economic Development: Special Meeting: July 23, 2008

Economic Development Committee

Special Meeting
Tuesday, July 23, 2008, 10:45 am
City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin


I. Roll Call. Chair Tony Wyse called the meeting to order at 10:45. Present: Tony Wyse, Dave Olsen, Roger Berg, Janis Ringhand, and Rebecca DeMarb. Absent: Gene Bass and Matthias James. Also present: City Administrator Dan Wietecha and Dick Woulfe.

II. Approval of Agenda. Ringhand made a motion, seconded by Olsen, to approve the agenda as presented. Motion approved unanimously.

III. Minutes of July 15, 2008, Meeting. Olsen made a motion, seconded by Ringhand, to defer the reading of the minutes until the next regular meeting. Motion approved unanimously.

IV. Citizen Appearances. None.

V. Economic Development Plan. The Committee noted that the latest draft of the Economic Development Plan reflects the comments made at the last meeting and that it was good to see the actual draft rather than voting on revisions. The Committee indicated that the consensus had been that the overall, number one goal is to decide on an organizational structure to actually be charged with the responsibilities of implementing the Economic Development Plan. The Committee intends to have that structure determined in the near future but did not want the entire plan to be delayed in the meantime, so several specific items have been slated for immediate action. DeMarb made a motion, seconded by Ringhand, to approve the Economic Development Plan as drafted. Motion approved unanimously.

VI. Adjournment. Berg made a motion, seconded by Olsen, to adjourn. Motion approved unanimously at 11:05.

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