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Friday, June 25, 2010

Minutes; Historic Preservation: June 2010

Evansville Historic Preservation Commission
Wednesday, June 16, 2010 7:00 P.M.
3rd Floor, City Hall

Present: Rich Modaff, John Decker, Rick Schuch, Steve Culbertson, and Dennis Wessels

Absent: Steve Christens, and Betsy Ahner

Also Present: Dave Mueller, Greg Ardisson and Roger Berg

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by chair Rich Modaff. Motion by Wessels to waive the reading of the May 19, 2010 and May 26, 2010 minutes and approve them as read. Second by Culbertson. Motion carried.

Applications - Appearances

a. 2 E. Main Street – Union Bank & Trust Company would like to build a second enclosure behind the man bank building to cover up a generator. The structure will be identical to the one that already exists behind the bank. Motion by Wessels to accept the application. Second by Decker. Motion carried 5-0.

b. 245 W. Church Street – The owner would like to restore the two windows on the west side of the house with windows that match the original design. The owner was not present. Motion by Culbertson to accept the application. Second by Decker. Motion carried 5-0.

c. 33 N. First Street – The owner has already replaced the windows on this property. The information on the application was lacking description and detail. The owner was not present. Motion by Wessels to accept the application. Second by Culbertson. Motion denied 0-4, Modaff abstained.

d. 22 Montgomery Court – The owner would like to replace the shingles on the roof above the kitchen, on the north side of the house, and the back portion of the house. The owner was not present. Motion by Culbertson to accept the application. Second by Decker. Motion carried 5-0.

e. 19 E. Main Street – The owner of the Night Owl was present to explain the renovation project currently under way to the exterior and interior of the building. Greg Ardisson explained the project; preferring to use cement board on the exterior with aluminum clan windows street side. The second floor windows will be shorted up to make the windows work but every effort will be made not to disturb the original construction so in the future any historic renovations can be easily made. Roger Berg was present to talk on behalf of Greg in support of the project and to encourage him to preserve the historic character of the building. Greg wants to be a part of the West Main Street block and downtown renovations. Motion by Wessels to accept the application. Second by Schuch. Motion carried 5-0.

f. 116 E Main Street – Dave Mueller, the owner was present to explain how he would like to build a second floor wood deck off the back of the building which will be supported by wood 4 by 4s, and the post will not interfere with the garage. The deck will not be visible from East Main Street. The deck will measure 8’x 6’. Motion by Culbertson to accept the application. Second by Schuch. Motion carried 5-0.

g. 116 E Main Street – Dave Mueller, the owner was present to talk about the custom made wood windows he plans to put in on the east side and front of building. Motion by Culbertson to accept the application. Second by Decker. Motion carried 5-0.

Old Business
a. Discussion and Review HP Ordinances. No new news.
b. Public Hearing on Survey results for the tow new Historic Districts. Tim has still not completed survey and John it having discussion with him to make sure everything is in order.

a. Grove Society: John Decker stated that the Baker Building Museum will be open every Saturday from 11-3 until some time in September.
b. No news on the management of HPC Documents and Records.
c. Remembrance Day Planning, John Decker was part of the Liberty Pole Hill dedication on Memorial Day weekend in Brooklyn Township. John also stated the First Brigade Band has been booked for May, 2011, for Remembrance Day.
d. Discover Wisconsin Community Kick-off Review: John said the consensus was that a great time was had by all. The Discover Wisconsin Team said they have never had an outdoor kick-off and was impressed by the community turn out to support Evansville.

Other Business
a. Rick Schuch reminded the commission about an earlier decision to put a flyer with the Water & Light Bill about building permit applications within the Evansville Historic District. Chairman Modaff said he would meet with John Decker and the City Administrator to come up with a flyer.
b. Rich Modaff suggested the HPC application be amended to include a space for an e-mail address of the property owner so an agenda and a reminder could be sent to the applicants.

There was no correspondence.

Motion by Culbertson to adjourn. Second by Schuch. Motion carried.

The minutes of the Evansville Historic Preservation Commission are not official until approved by the Commission.

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