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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Minutes: Historic Preservation: March 2010

Evansville Historic Preservation Commission
Wednesday, March 10, 2010 7:00 P.M.
3rd Floor, City Hall

Present: Rich Modaff, Rick Schuch Steve Culbertson, Dennis Wessels, Steve Christens and John Decke,r
Absent: Betsy Ahner
Also Present: Shawn Miller

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by chair Rich Modaff.

Motion by Culbertson to waive the reading of the February 17, 2010 minutes and approve them as read. Second by Wessels. Motion carried.

209 W. Main Street - Amato. The Amato’s are constructing a barrier free addition to the back side of their house. Shawn Miller will be doing the general contracting and he explained the exterior addition will be a stucco type finish to match the rest of the house. Motion by Christens to accept the application. Second by Culbertson. Motion carried on a unanimous vote.

1 E. Main Street - Davis. Plans for the façade of Jan Davis’ building where approved by the National Park Service and State Historical Society, and the Commission was being asked to approve any changes from the original plans approve by the HPC last September. Motion by Decker to accept approve the plans. Second by Culbertson. Motion carried on a unanimous vote.

116 Grove Street - Sinshack.. Application to make repairs to the roof. Motion by Christens to accept the application. Second by Culbertson. Motion carried on a unanimous vote.

204 W. Main Street - Farnsworth.. Application to make repairs to the roof. Motion by Christens to accept the application. Second by Wessels. Motion carried on a unanimous vote.

Old Business:
a. Discussion and Review of Historic Preservation Ordinances – John Decker will report next month

a. Grove Society – the building is complete and is now occupied by the Evansville Community Partnership (ECP). ECP is renting the west side of the building for office space and will provide supervision at certain times for the museum. There will be an open house on April 17th for the publics to view the building.
b. Nothing new on HPC documents and records.
c. Landmark and Historic Districts – Tim Heggland is expected to have his work completed in Spring. There is nothing we need to do until that time.
i. Plaque program applications – once the districts are in place there will be more activity in this program.

Other Business:
John Decker is now on the board of the WAHPC and was congratulated on winning that election. He stated that the Spring Conference will be held in Oregon at the headquarters of Gorman & Company, on April 23 & 24. The keynote speaker will be William Schmickle who is from Baltimore. He has published a book titled, The Politics of Historic Districts.

There being no other business a motion to adjourn was made by Culbertson at 7:45p.m. Second by Christens. Motion carried.

The minutes of the Evansville Historic Preservation Commission are not official until approved by the Commission.

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