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Monday, February 23, 2009

Minutes: Evansville Economic Development: February 17, 2009

Economic Development Committee

Regular Meeting
Tuesday, February 17, 2009, 5:30 pm
City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin


I. Roll Call. Acting Chair Janis Ringhand called the meeting to order at 5:40. Present: Janis Ringhand, Gene Bass, Rebecca DeMarb, and James Otterstein. Absent: Tony Wyse, Dave Olsen, Roger Berg, and Matthias James. Also present: Mayor Sandy Decker, City Administrator Dan Wietecha, Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Ellen Brown, and Andy Peart.

II. Agenda. The Committee noted that without a quorum, it could not act on any of the agenda items. However, the agenda was expected to consist mostly of update and report items.

III. Minutes. Lacking a quorum, the minutes of the January 20, 2009, regular meeting were held until the next meeting.

IV. Citizen Appearances. None.

V. Chamber of Commerce. New Executive Director Ellen Brown was welcomed by the Committee. She said that several business have recently joined the Chamber. Their revamped website includes a community events calendar. The Business Directory & Community Guide will be going to press in the next couple weeks; they plan on printing 500-600 more copies than last year.

VI. Welcome Signs. Bass reported that Jim Kopecky, Betsy Ahner (Historic Preservation Commission), Mike Halvensleben (Chamber of Commerce), Ron Carlson (Park Board), and himself will be meeting in the next couple weeks.

VII. I&E Club. Wietecha reported that the Inventors and Entrepreneurs Club had 38 attending their last meeting. They’ve elected the following officers: President John Gishnock, Vice President Speaker Greg Hofmeister, Vice President Facilities Mike Hasz, Treasurer Lori Allen, and Secretary Cindy Hammer. They are now working with Evansville Community Partnership for fiscal agent services; expenses to date have been minimal. The Club will have a representative from the Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE) at its March meeting.

VIII. Economic Development Entity. Otterstein reported that representatives of the Economic Development Committee, Chamber of Commerce, Evansville Community Partnership, and School District met the day before. They discussed the general roles and responsibilities each organization currently serves related to economic development. They will be meeting again March 23 to discuss creating an “entity” to serve as a framework for collaboration and communication among the organizations. Wietecha will forward a copy of the meeting notes to Committee members.

IX. New Business: CEAP. Otterstein reported that the University of Michigan Community Economic Adjustment Program is working with communities that have had automotive manufacturing plant closures. CEAP will hold a workshop on March 16 so federal, state, and non-profit organizations can provide local organizations with an overview of their various programs and funding opportunities to help socio-economic recovery efforts.

X. Adjournment. With no further discussion, the meeting adjourned at 6:05 pm.

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