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Monday, November 27, 2006

Minutes: Evansville Finance Committee: May 2006

Finance and Labor Relations Committee
Regular Meeting
Monday, May 8, 2006 5:30 PM
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI


Chairperson Cothard called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM. Present were Chairperson Cothard, Ald. Braunschweig, and Ald. Juergens. Staff present: Bill Connors, City Administrator, Eric Jepperson, Finance Director; and Jim Beilke, Clerk/Treasurer. Ald. Sornson was present in the audience.

Approval of Agenda.
The agenda was approved as printed.

Approval of Minutes.
Motion by Cothard, seconded by Braunschweig, to waive the reading and approve the minutes for the regular meeting on April 10, 2006, as printed. Motion passed.

Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed. None

Water & Light Department Bills.
Motion by Cothard, seconded by Braunschweig, to approve the Water & Light bills in the amount of $416,965.87 and authorize their payment. Motion passed.

City Bills.
Motion by Cothard, seconded by Braunschweig, to approve the City bills in the amount of $287,787.03 and authorize their payment. Motion passed.

Unfinished Business.
The committee reviewed the status of insurance/collateral covering city’s deposits.

Mr. Connors reported that he has had very little time to work on the revised Employee Handbook.

Because there was nothing to report, the motion regarding Resolution #2006-8 remained on the table.

New Business.
Motion by Cothard, seconded by Juergens, to authorize Police Commission members to attend the course “The Role of the Police and Fire Commission” with understanding the conference is in Madison. Motion passed.

Motion by Cothard, seconded by Juergens, to recommend to Common Council to approve the Amended Agreement between City of Evansville Water & Light, Department of Public Works, and Clerical and Teamsters Local Union No. 579. Mr. Connors reported that under the current agreement, a retiring employee is entitled to receive a cash payment for 50% of the value of unused sick leave up to 90 days. The amended agreement would give the employee the option of having the city use the 50% of the value of unused sick leave to purchase post-retirement health insurance for the employee. This would reduce payroll taxes paid for both the retiring employee and the city. Motion passed.

Mr. Connors led the discussion on the Ordinance #2006-9, amending the Municipal Code relative to the Common Council’s order of business and rules of procedure. Ordinance #2006-9 would amend the Common Council’s order of business to allow citizens to appear near the beginning of each Council meeting and address the Council for up to five minutes on any subject, regardless of whether the subject is or is not listed later on the agenda. Currently, citizens are allowed to speak only about items not on the agenda. Regarding items on the agenda, currently, citizens are permitted to speak only at the discretion of the presiding officer, unless there is a public hearing.

Chairperson Cothard opened the public hearing at 5:46 PM. Ald. Sornson expressed concerns how this new ordinance would extend the length meetings because it gives an opportunity for citizens to talk both at the public hearing and Common Council meetings. He favors current procedures. Karen Aikman, 126 Garfield Ave., reported the new amendments would limit citizen appearances to 5 minutes, instead of the current rules of unlimited time. Her researched with other municipalities and schools revealed a five-minute limit works well. Chairperson Cothard closed the public hearing at 5:55 PM.

The Finance and Labor Relations Committee debated if 5 minutes was too much time and if 3 minutes would be adequate. The consensus was the five-minute limit works for other communities, and it would work for the City of Evansville. The Committee also discussed how the ordinance could regulate citizen appearances at the public hearings and Common Council meetings to control the length of meetings.

Motion by Cothard, seconded by Juergens, to recommend to Council adoption Ordinance #2006-9, amending the Municipal Code relative to the Common Council’s order of business and rules of procedure with an amendment that if the agenda lists a public hearing on the subject, citizens would be instructed to speak at the public hearing. If the agenda does not list a public hearing on the subject, citizens would be allowed to speak when Council addresses that subject. Motion passed.

Motion by Cothard, seconded by Juergens, to recommend to Council approval Resolution #2006-15, modifying procedures for the Building Improvement Grant Program. Mr. Connors reported the resolution would allow a grant for the creation or improvement of an “alternative” (i.e., side or rear) entrance to a business that will be impacted by the 2007 Main Street reconstruction project. The grant could be use for interior and exterior improvements. The resolution also would clarify that the cost of replacing a nonconforming sign in the Historic District is an eligible project cost for the grant. Motion passed.

Motion by Cothard, seconded by Juergens, to recommend to Council approval Resolution #2006-16, establishing the process for creating and adopting the 2007 City Operating and Capital Budgets. Motion passed.

Motion by Cothard, seconded by Juergens, to recommend to Council approval of Agreement for Coordination of Senior Services. Motion passed.

Motion by Cothard, seconded by Braunschweig, to authorize City Administrator to attend WCMA summer conference in Lake Geneva. Motion passed.

Motion by Braunschweig, seconded by Juergens, to adjourn at 6:17 PM. Motion passed.

Prepared by:
James Beilke
City Clerk/Treasurer

The minutes are not official until approved by Finance and Labor Relations Committee at the next regular meeting.

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