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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Public Safety: July 2, 2012: Minutes

Public Safety Committee Wednesday, July 2, 2012 6:30 P.M. Regular Meeting Evansville Police Department Conference Room 10 W Church St MINUTES 1. Chairperson Jacobson called meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. Roll call of committee and staff members present was: Chairperson Jacobson Alderperson Hayes, and Alderperson Fuchs, Chief Scott McElroy, EMS Coordinator Mary Beaver and City Administration Dan Wietecha. Others present: Kyle Allen, Ann Sellnow, Pam Ascencio, Raj Patel, Shea Casperson, Gene Cratsenberg, Joanie Sasse, Kari Myrland, Chamber Representative Mary Rajek and Fire Chief Terry Wendt. 3. Motion by Hayes, second by Jacobson, to move items 7e and 7f to 7a and approve the agenda with the amendment. Motion passed. 4. Motion by Jacobson, second by Hayes, to approve the June 6, 2012 regular meeting minutes as printed. Motion passed. 5. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed – Pam Ascencio, 441 Almeron and Ann Sellnow, 460 Almeron Street was present to speak regarding the dog issue at 435 Almeron Street. Ms Ascencio stated that one of the dogs is aggressive. Both speakers were advised to talk with the City Administrator Dan Wietecha. Chief McElroy spoke to the owner about this issue. She was advised to meet with the City Administrator. This is a planning issue. Chief McElroy state that all documentation went to the City Administrator. Gene Cratsenberg, 124 Highland, spoke regarding the trailers/campers being left on the street on Sherman Avenue and North Second Street and there are people living in them. Chief McElroy stated that they are to be moved within 48 hours. Kari Myrland representing the July 4 Fun Run talked about the run. This year there are 300 registered runners. 6. Old Business-None 7. New Business e. Jacobson motioned to open the Public Hearing at 7:19 pm. Jacobson motioned to close the public hearing at 7:20 p.m. f. Motion by Jacobson, second by Hayes, to approve the Street Use License for the Evansville Area Chamber of Commerce Second Annual Inside Out Days on August 4, 2012. Motion passed. a. Motion by Jacobson, second by Hayes, to approve the Operator’s License application for Christopher Jacobson. Chairperson Jacobson noted that she and the applicant having the same last name was no relation to the applicant. Motion passed. b. Motion by Jacobson, second by Hayes, to recommend to Council approval of an amendment to the Class “B” Beer/”Class B” Liquor License for Pete’s Inn Inc, Linda A Church, Agent, 555 S Fifth Street, Evansville WI 53536 d/b/a Pete’s Inn Inc, 14 N Madison Street, Evansville WI 53536 to include festivities for a Graduation Class Party with Live Band on July 28th and the Chamber of Commerce Inside/Outside Days with DJ from noon to 5 p.m. and Live Band from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Motion Passed. c. Motion by Jacobson, second by Hayes, to recommend to Council approval of the Alcohol Beverage License Application for a Class “B” Beer License for J S R Evansville LLC, Rajeshkumar M. Patel, Agent, 715 Brown School Road, Evansville WI 53536, d/b/a Cobblestone Inn & Suites, 715 Brown School Road, Evansville WI 53536. Motion was approved contingent upon all inspections and applicable fees being paid. d. Motion by Hayes, second by Jacobson, not to recommend to Council approval of the Alcohol Beverage License Application for a “Class C” Wine license for J S R Evansville LLC, Rajeshkumar M. Patel, Agent, as the applicant is not a restaurant and therefore not eligible for a “Class C” Wine license. g. Chief McElroy invited Fire Chief Terry Wendt and Kyle Allen to discuss the July 4th fireworks plan as well as consider a permanent “no burn” order until further notice. Fire Chief Wendt was present to address the safety and feasibility of the July 4th 2012 Fireworks display. The Cadman property will be used for the fireworks display in an area that has been pre-soaked. Kyle Allen spoke about the safety during the fireworks display. h. Motion by Hayes, second by Jacobson, to erect a 25 mile and hour speed limit sign at the intersection of Water Street and Windsor Drive. Motion passed with the correction to the street name from Windsor Drive to Windsor Lane. i. Discussion and possible motion regarding ordinance to limit the number of dogs was tabled. j. EMS did not have any information for the committee regarding their 2013 Budget at this time. Chief McElroy presented a handout to committee members with information on his 2013 operating and Capital budget. Chief McElroy went through each budget item in detail explaining the reason for the 2013 requests. Discussion followed regarding a Sergeant promotion, a new squad car, the part-time training and salary, Tasers, and squad video cameras. 8. Evansville Police Report – There were 961 calls for service for the month of June compared to 1123 for the same month last year. There were 61 license plate transactions for June 2012. The monthly report was completed using the LRMS system. Department range training was June 14, 2012. Taser training was complete in-house on June 26, 2012. The department purchased one Taser with plans to purchase a second one later in the year. The police department received $1775 in donations for 2012 equipment of which 1,424 was used to purchase one Taser. At the present time, the department has two certified Taser instructors on staff. The police department now has an ATM in their lobby. The machine dispenses cash only and is monitored by a security camera. As of June 27th, all radios are now operating digital. Officer Nankee completed instructor development training; and Officer Matt McElroy and Officer Laufenberg completed interview/interrogation training June 19. Court Officer McElroy completed courtroom security training June 5. Reimbursement for Officer Matt McElroy’s police academy training was received from the Department of Justice. The funds will need to be transferred by budget amendment. Chief McElroy and Lieutenant Koehler have two officer evaluations to complete. Officer Reilly is now working alone and will be taking over as court officer. Officer Matt McElroy has accepted a position with the Sun Prairie Police Department with his last day on July 4, 2012. Officer Zach Anacker is also working alone. Rachel Marx will be assisting with clerical duties beginning June 11th. The police department plans to have office hours until 5pm when scheduling permits. We will be monitoring office traffic and report back to the PSC. Accreditation continues. The Rock County Records Management System vendor has been narrowed down to one, “Spillman”, with final approval soon. The department has received reimbursement for the HIDTA (High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas Program) that we assisted with earlier in the year. 9. Evansville Medical Service Report- There were a total of 43 ambulance runs for the month of June 2012. Both ambulances will be in the July 4th Parade. The ambulance will be present for the Fun Run at the park on July 4th. With the assistance of Officer Reese, the bike rodeo went well. All children enjoyed it and all left with a gift. I would like to thank all of the sponsors for their generous donations and all of the volunteers who helped make this a huge success. On July 26th, EMS will be in the First Aid Tent at the Rock County Fair. License renewals have been completed for the new license period of July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2014. Mary and Zach attended the UW Trauma Symposium in Wisconsin Dells. The three day training was based on new rule updates along with case scenarios and upcoming EMS changes. Mary just completed Level 1 of EMS Leadership classes offered by the University of Wisconsin in conjunction with Rural Health of Wisconsin. There are three more to complete the whole course. They are spread out over Wisconsin and Mary attended the one in Jefferson. 10. Motion by Jacobson, second by Hayes, to adjourn at 8:13 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Barbara Jacobson, Chairperson These minutes are not official until approved by Public Safety at their next regular meeting

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