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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Historic Pres: February 2012: Minutes

Evansville Historic Preservation Commission Minutes Wednesday, February 15, 2012 6:30 P.M. Evansville City Hall Present: John Decker, Steve Culbertson, Rich Modaff, Steve Christens, Betsy Ahner Absent: Rick Schuch Also Present: Mayor Sandy Decker The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by Chair Richard Modaff. Motion by Culbertson to waive the reading of the January 18, 2012 minutes and approve them as read. Second by Christens. Motion carried. Applications – Appearances a. 15 W. Liberty St. - Motion by Christens to accept the application, second by Culbertson. Sarah Mosher was not present but had spoken to Chair Modaff earlier in the day. She has changed her plans to alter the size of several windows and will be replacing them instead. She also stated that there is no wood under the current siding, only some type of pressed wood. Christens amended his motion to state the application is accepted with window inserts with no modifications and siding per Sarah’s conversation with Rich Modaff. Culbertson concurred with the amendment. Motion carried. Old Business a. HP Ordinances – nothing new to report b. Antes Cabin – moving it is on hold until Spring Administrative a. Grove Society i. John has received Baker Mfg. molds that the Rock County Historical Society no longer wanted. ii. Old Home Group will meet on February 23. b. No new developments in HPC record management c. Landmark & Historic District i. Mayor Decker reported she had attended a meeting on a proposed extension of the ice age trail. Two of the proposed routes pass through Evansville. This would be a benefit to tourism. The comment period ends March 15 and she encouraged members to submit their comments. Other Business a. On April 28 there is a program in Madison for Historic Preservation Commissions. More information later. Motion by Christens to adjourn. Second by Culbertson. Motion carried. The minutes of the Evansville Historic Preservation Commission are not official until approved by the Commission.

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