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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Minutes: Evansville Finance: July 2012

City of Evansville Finance & Labor Relations Committee Regular Meeting Thursday, July 5, 2012, 5:30 pm City Hall, 31 S. Madison St., Evansville, Wisconsin MINUTES I. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 5:40 pm by Chair Mason Braunschweig. Present: Alderpersons Mason Braunschweig, Jim Brooks, and Josh Manring. Also present: Mayor Sandy Decker, Auditor Kevin Krysinski, and City Administrator Dan Wietecha. II. Approve Agenda. Brooks made a motion, seconded by Manring, to approve the agenda as presented. Motion approved unanimously. III. Minutes of June 7, 2012. Brooks made a motion, seconded by Manring, to waive the reading of and to approve the minutes as presented. Motion approved unanimously. IV. Citizen Appearances. None. V. Audit. Krysinski presented an overview of the audit for the year ended December 31, 2011. It is an unqualified opinion. The unreserved, undesignated general fund balance is approximately 44% of total general fund expenditures. All categories of general fund expenditures were fairly flat compared with 2010 levels. General fund revenues were less in 2011 than 2010. The rates of return on the water and light utility are low at 2% for water and 1.75% for electric; a rate adjustment for the electric utility is pending. The audit recommended the city consider a transfer from the Debt Service Fund to the Capital Projects Fund. VI. Bills. Brooks made a motion, seconded by Manring, to accept the City and Water & Light bills in the amount of $1,317,757.57. FLR had a couple questions about court procedures for collecting restitution. Motion approved unanimously on a roll call vote. VII. Unfinished Business. a. Limited Term Employee. Wietecha noted that the recently hired temporary help for the Finance Department may not work out; FLR agreed the position could be re-hired if necessary. b. Personnel Policy. FLR asked about the status of updating the Personnel Policy; Wietecha said a draft would be forthcoming. VIII. New Business: a. 2013 Budget. Brooks and Braunschweig said the Water & Light and Public Works departments were coordinating their proposals for 5-year capital plans. Braunschweig noted that the budget calendar is very tight for committees which meet late in the month, such as Water & Light and Public Works. FLR noted the importance of budget proposals actually being discussed at the committee level rather than simply rubber-stamping a department head’s budget request. IX. Adjournment. Manring made a motion, seconded by Brooks, to adjourn the meeting. Motion approved unanimously at 6:25 pm.

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