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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Plan: June 4, 2012: Minutes

City of Evansville Plan Commission Regular Meeting Monday, June 4, 2012, following the 6:00 pm Board of Appeals meeting City Hall (Third Floor), 31 South Madison Street MINUTES 1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 6:15 pm by Chair Mayor Sandy Decker. 2. Roll Call. Members present: Jim Brooks, John Gishnock, Mason Braunschweig, Matt Eaton, Sandy Decker, and Bill Hammann. Absent: Carol Endres. Others present: City Planner Ben Zellers, City Administrator Dan Wietecha, and members of the public. 3. Approval of Agenda. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Hammann, to approve the agenda. Motion approved unanimously. 4. Approval of Minutes. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Brooks, to waive the reading of the minutes from the April 30, 2012, regular meeting and to approve them as printed. Motion approved unanimously. 5. Citizen Appearances. None. 6. New Business. a. Site Plan: South Union Street. i. Zellers explained the Board of Appeals had approved a variance for setbacks earlier in the evening. The project would be for a 3450 square foot building with 8 parking stalls. Applicant Roger Berg asked to add a second driveway access to help traffic avoid guy wires in the middle of the parking lot. Wietecha noted that the property has been filled but the site plan should still include a condition that the building be two feet above the base flood elevation. ii. Plan Commission asked about landscaping requirements, handicapped parking, the floodplain, and directing stormwater run off to the stormsewer east of the property. iii. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Hammann, to approve the site plan for parcels 6-27-132.6 and 6-27-132.5, subject to the following conditions: 1. In order to ensure that parking for the proposed building is retained for use by building tenants, the applicant shall record a document against both parcels such that both parcels must be maintained under the same ownership, unless otherwise approved by the Plan Commission. Proof that such a document has been recorded shall be provided to the City Planner and Zoning Administrator prior to commencement of construction. 2. Colors of the building materials shall be specified on revised plans to be submitted to the City, and shall generally match with the maroon and beige colors shown at the meeting. 3. The 13 proposed Pyramid Arborvitae shall be at least five feet tall at installation and the proposed globe yews shall be at least 18 inches tall at installation. 4. Applicant shall provide an updated landscaping plan for staff review and approval that meets the points requirements for the site, lists the proposed canopy tree species prior to commencement of construction, and lists all plant sizes at installation. 5. All areas not specified for the building footprint, parking lot, sidewalk, or washed stone shall be seeded or sodded with a commercially available turf grass seed mix suitable for site conditions. 6. A concrete pad at least three feet wide shall be constructed immediately adjoining the east-facing doors. 7. The second access point to the parking lot proposed at the meeting shall be shown on the revised site plan to be submitted to staff. 8. The floor of the proposed building shall be at least two feet above base flood elevation. Motion approved unanimously. b. Certified Survey Map: Symdon Chevrolet. i. Zellers said that the proposed certified survey map (CSM) would combine parcels 6-27-835, 6-27-836, and 6-27-837. It has been recommended by the Public Works Committee. ii. Decker opened the public hearing at 6:45. The public spoke in favor of additional development and employment, said the houses previously on the site were not an attractive view entering the city, and asked about enforcement of site plan requirements. The public hearing closed at 6:46. iii. No further Plan Commission comments. iv. Brooks made a motion, seconded by Braunschweig, to recommend to Common Council approval of the preliminary and final certified survey map, finding that the CSM is in the public interest and meets the objectives contained within section 110-102(g) of the City Code. Motion approved unanimously. c. Site Plan: Symdon Chevrolet. i. Zellers explained that the proposed site plan would modify the site plan approved last month by adding parking to the south. As an expansion of the earlier site plan, some prior requirements such as landscaping and stormwater would need to be reviewed. ii. Applicant Rick Symdon asked to have three driveway curb cuts to allow easier semi-truck maneuvers. Plan Commission discussed the residential property to the south which had previously been using a shared driveway; Symdon indicated that they do not have an easement and he had spoken with them about installing a chain link fence. Plan Commission asked about counting existing perimeter vegetation and adding several tall shrubs along the back tree line to meet the landscaping requirements. Plan Commission said a lighting plan would need to be submitted for the entire site to ensure lights shine inward. iii. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Brooks, to approve the site plan for the new parking layout to the south of the building and the change to the angled parking along the north side of the building, subject to the conditions 1 through 6, A, and D in the May 31, 2012, staff report with revisions to conditions 1 and 3. Hammann made a motion, seconded by Gishnock, to amend the motion regarding condition D. Amendment approved 5-1 with Braunschweig against. Original motion, as amended, approved unanimously with the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall remove one curb cut and driveway apron to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director, so that the site has three access points from Union Street instead of the current four curb cuts and driveway aprons. 2. The applicant shall submit specifications for the proposed fence that comply with section 130-540 of the zoning ordinance for staff review and approval. 3. The applicant shall confirm in writing that parcel 6-27-834 to the south of the project either has no legal rights to driveway access from parcel 627-835 to the rear yard garage on parcel 6-37-834, or that the owner of the property has relinquished any rights that may be in place. 4. The applicant shall provide specifications for site lighting on the additional parking area, if any. 5. The pavement setbacks from lot lines for the additional paved area shall be dimensioned to illustrate compliance with B-3 pavement setback regulations (5 feet for the side lot line and 10 feet for the front lot line). 6. The applicant shall provide a revised site plan to staff showing that all conditions have been addressed. 7. Provide an updated landscaping plan for staff review to address the shortfall in landscaping points and specify ground cover for setback areas. 8. Work with the City Engineer to ensure relevant City stormwater management regulations are fully addressed; any major modifications, including a pond, to the site plan that are necessary to address stormwater management shall be submitted for review by the Plan Commission. 7. Permitting Activity. No report. 8. Unified Land Code Advisory Committee. Zellers said ULDC did not have a quorum for its May 24 meeting. 9. Historic Preservation Committee. Decker said she had inquired into the status of Leonard-Leota Park’s nomination for listing on the National Register of Historic Places; the National Park Service is way behind schedule. The Antes Cabin has been moved to its permanent location near the Local History Museum at the park entrance; the Park Board is looking into funding for its rehabilitation. 10. Common Council. No report. 11. Board of Appeals. Approved variance from setback requirements for property on South Union Street immediately prior to this meeting. 12. Enforcement. Wietecha explained several complaints had been received about a doggie day care operating on Almeron Street. Commercial animal boarding is not permitted as a home occupation; however, at this time there is not sufficient evidence of a zoning code violation. The issue will be monitored. 13. Meeting reminder. Next regular meeting is Monday, July 2, 2012. 14. Adjournment. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Brooks, to adjourn the meeting. Motion approved unanimously at 7:45 pm.

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