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Monday, August 6, 2012

Minutes: Econ Development: Tourism: July 2012

City of Evansville Economic Development Committee Subcommittee on Tourism Tuesday, July 17, 2012, 6 PM Creekside Place, 102 Maple St., Evansville, WI MINUTES 1. Call to order at 6 p.m. 2. Roll call. Present: Sue Berg, John Decker, Mary Rajek, Dave VanDerHaegen; Ex Officio Sandy Decker, Jim Brooks. Guest: Sarah Bauer. Absent: Susan Farnsworth. 3. Motion to approve agenda. Rajek/Decker. Unanimous. 4. Motion to waive the reading of the minutes from June 5, 2012, and approve them as printed. Rajek/Decker motioned to amend minutes. Unanimous. 5. Citizen appearances. None. 6. 2012 and 2013 tourism budget. a. The committee reviewed expenses against the 2012 budget of $12,000 from room tax dollars. Committed to date: $3500 for Discover Wisconsin 2-year extension; $1500 for Ice Age Trail/Discover Wisconsin program participation; $1350 for downtown floral baskets; $500 Civil War event; $500 fireworks; $250 Plein Aire support; $1197 barn quilt brochure; $571.43 tourism conference; $800 Rock County Guide, and $225 for State Fair expenses, or approximately $10,400. b. The committee discussed an updated Evansville/Discover Wisconsin brochure, estimated at $1500 for 1000 copies, and producing a table cover for booth use, estimated at $300. c. The committee heard a report that projected 2013 room tax dollars ranging between $6000 and $7000. d. A preliminary review of 2013 projects included these expenses: $1500 for downtown flower baskets; $800 for Rock County Guide; $500 Civil War event; $500 fireworks, and $500 Plein Aire support. The committee discussed implementation of the tourism study, as well. e. Committee members plan to continue the discussion at the next tourism committee meeting, set for August 7, 2012. Recommendations from the committee are due to Economic Development Committee Chairperson Jim Brooks prior to the August 20, 2012, meeting date for the EDC. 7. Advertising opportunities a. Mary Rajek shared information about two advertising programs and associated costs. WEKZ radio (Monroe) offers sponsorship programs starting around $4800 a year. Gatehouse Media offers online banner advertising programs starting at $7200 a year. b. Dave VanDerHaegen mentioned that Home Pages offers an opt-in advertising texting program starting at $1000 a year. 8. Bridge Historical Plaque application and update a. Sue Berg reported that money to pay for the plaque has been raised; still needed is support to affix the plaque to the bridge. She will make calls to ask for support. b. John Decker will work on the application for the Wisconsin Historical Marker program. The size of the plaque will be 16 x 24 inches. 9. JEM Grant a. The committee decided to proceed with an application for a JEM grant in the “existing event” category for the Civil War / Rally ‘Round the Flag event set for May 2013. The goal is to submit a grant application November 1, 2012. Working on the grant application is a subcommittee consisting of John Decker and Jim Brooks, with possible assistance from Doug Zweizig. 10. Discover Wisconsin a. Aug. 3, Discover Wisconsin will share its state fair space with several communities, including Evansville. Representing Evansville will be Jim Brooks, Dave VanDerHaegen and Blase Strobl. Larry Dobbs and Phil Woodworth donated a small barn quilt square painted in Green Bay Packer colors as a door prize. b. Website banner advertising offer was declined by ECP and The Chamber. c. Sandy Decker reported about 350 Discover Wisconsin/Evansville brochures remain. When updated brochures are printed, the new DW logo needs to be used. 11. Tourism activities a. Plein Air contest: This new event was a success with 21 participating artists, 9 paintings sold to date, and enormously positive feedback. There will be an event next year. b. Fourth of July: It was hot. Sales were down. Those who attended or participated enjoyed themselves. c. Inside Out Days: Aug. 4 will have a new punch card program to drive patrons to businesses for a chance to enter a drawing for a prize; the Chamber is actively recruiting more participants as external vendors, too. d. 14 South Artists Tour: Sept. 15-16, 2012. e. Oktoberfest: Oct. 13, 2012, in the evening at Creekside Place. Business Expo is during the day. f. Barn quilt brochure distribution: Dave’s Ace Hardware has a stack of brochures for distribution. g. Historic Preservation Conference: John Decker will have a booth at the conference, Sept. 28-29 at the Madison Sheraton. h. Rock County Fair: Mary Rajek and an assistant from The Chamber will run the community booth on July 26 (the day assigned to Evansville). Dave VanDerHaegen will be on hand for a few hours, too. Rajek will recruit donations for a prize drawing; included will be an Oktoberfest package of tickets for two, from Creekside Place. 12. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Rajek/VanDerHaegen.

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