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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Park Board: July 2012

City of Evansville, Wisconsin Park & Recreation Board Regular Monthly Meeting Evansville, City Hall Monday, July 9thh, 2012 – 6:00pm Minutes 1. Call to Order & Roll Call @ 6:02pm. 2. Motion by Courtier , Second by Merrit to approve Agenda as printed. 3. Motion by Courtier, second by Fuson to waive reading of June 11thh, 2012 minutes and approve as printed. 4. Refund to Becky Hurley from rental fees paid and not utilized was sent by city hall. Matter closed. 5. Chris Eager, citizen appearance, explained the Peace Park concept, brought pictures from other communities. There is a group of people gathering info and interest in the project to bring ideas forward in the future. They have a proposed site location, near entrance of park , northeast. 6. West Side Park moving forward, building trades class will begin work in September. 7. Aquatic report from Rick, daily numbers are up. Pool Party was successful. 8. Antes Cabin exterior work completed, first brick patio installed. Nice looking addition to the park. 9. Fourth of July Celebration and activities went well. Attendance down overall due to weather (high heat) 10. Clarity test done on the lake had a past 4’6” level, later test down to 2 Feet. Algae blooms still an issue. Fishing interest has increased, more people & families taking part. 11. Motion to Adjourn by Merrit, 2nd by Kreuger at 6:41pm Next Meeting Aug 13th , 6:00pm 2012 at City Hall

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