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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Historic Preservation: January 2012: Minutes

Evansville Historic Preservation Commission Minutes Wednesday, January 18, 2012 6:30 P.M. Evansville City Hall Present: John Decker, Steve Culbertson, Rich Modaff, Steve Christens Absent: Rick Schuch, Betsy Ahner Also Present: Shawn Sweet The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by Chair Richard Modaff. Motion by Decker to waive the reading of the November 16, 2011 minutes and approve them as read. Second by Christens. Motion carried. Applications – Appearances a. 103 W. Main Street – The owners are looking to replace the exterior siding of the Carriage House which is in disrepair due to dry rot and weather. Materials to be used are Vinyl Siding. The exterior being replaced is texture plywood which was not original to the building. Motion by Christens to accept the application. Second by Culbertson. Motion carried. b. 143 W. Church Street – The owners are looking to replace the garage door. Motion by Decker to accept the application. Second by Culbertson. Motion carried. c. None Old Business a. There was nothing new to report on the HP Ordinances b. Antes Cabin, Decker reported the concrete slab is poured but the cabin may not be moved to its new location near the Baker Museum until spring. Administrative a. Grove Society i. The museum is closed for the winter. b. Document management – nothing new to report c. Landmark & Historic District i. no new discussion on Historic Districts ii. Plaque program – members were asked to think about additional ways to encourage homeowners to get into the program. Other Business d. None Motion by Culbertson to adjourn the meeting, and Second by Christens. Motion carried.

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