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Monday, August 27, 2012

Minutes: Library Board: July 31,2012

Eager Free Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes From July 31, 2012 1. Call to Order Board President Susan Kruser called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Trustees present: Susan Kruser, Eloise Eager, Gwen Clendenning, Bob Flaherty, Vicki Lecy-Luebke. Kim Miller arrived at 5:32. Absent: Wally Shannon Also present: Megan Becker, Assistant Library Director 2. Approval of Agenda Eloise Eager moved to change the order of the agenda to “accept the slate of officers as presented for July 2012-June 2014.” Gwen Clendenning seconded. Motion passed. 3. Approval of Minutes Bob Flaherty moved to approve the June 6 minutes. Eloise Eager seconded. All in favor; motion carried. The June 26 minutes needed some revisions. Revise to: 5e. Savings Update—The Leonard Eager Trust CD matured and is worth $2,000. Eloise is to move the new art appraisal into the safety deposit box. 6b. Safe Deposit Box—The current signatories for the safety deposit box are Susan Kruser and Eloise Eager. 7f. History Room Maintenance—Eloise Eager is to be added to the list of volunteer organizers of the room. (John Willoughby, Ruth Ann Montgomery, Vicki Lecy-Luebke are the other three.) 5b. Circulation Statistics—to read “not very successful in borrowing and lending ratio” With these changes, Eloise Eager moved to approve the June 26 minutes. Gwen Clendenning seconded. All approve; motion carried. 4. July Bills Kim Miller moved to approve the July bills as presented. Eloise Eager seconded. Roll call vote: Aye-Kruser, Eager, Clendenning, Miller, Flaherty, Lecy-Luebke None opposed. Motion carried. 5. Librarian’s Report a. Budget Update/Circulation Statistics We are on target for expenditures. Megan prepared a preliminary budget for 2013 year. Circulation is slightly less than last year at this time—37,573 items in circulation. b. Summer Reading/Programming Update Summer reading program has ended, very successfully. Participation increased from 300 members in 2010 to 355 members in 2012. Discussion about large number of children for some of the sessions; looking for alternatives for next year. Henna sessions had good attendance; ideas for expanding the experience noted for next year. Megan has expanded communication with the public: Facebook, Twitter, Blog! Suggested she put in Evansville Review with access instructions. c. Pest Control Sightings of mice, centipedes, ants have prompted the search for control options. Megan will check into this. d. Collecting Excessive Fines Excessive fines are those over $100. Police are unable to do anything if materials have been returned. Megan reports any fines of $50 or more to police department. Anyone with fines over $10 is not able to check out materials. e. Maintenance of Bench Bench in front of library needs sanding and staining. Megan will check with local resident who may be able to help. 6. Old Business Time frame for hiring new director was tabled for discussion in closed session. Megan found lock for personnel files for parttime personnel. Discussion ensued about storage for Director and Assistant. Bob Flaherty moved to “use a cabinet or storage area that is lockable for the Director and Assistant Director evaluations as well as other sensitive material. The key will be kept by the Board President who is responsible for the content of the drawer.” Kim Miller seconded. All in favor. Motion passed. 7. New Business Wally Shannon will attend the city council meeting in August and on a regular basis as our City Liaison. Gwen Clendenning reported on the Robert Porter-May Holmes Richardson Trust. Questions arose concerning the purpose of the gift; Gwen will contact the city to clarify the issue. Eloise Eager moved to “update the Fidelity business account representatives.” Bob Flaherty seconded the motion. All approved. Motion carried. Gwen Clendenning spoke about the three accounts that EFPL has and that we should recognize those individuals who donated the monetary gifts as the money is used. Signatories include Clendenning, Kruser, and Shannon. Thank you cards will be sent to Ruth Ann Montgomery, Bridget Rolek, and Tina Kakuski for their guidance and mentorship of Megan Becker. The “No Build Easement” item was postponed until our next meeting. Megan will resume the search for a student worker after checking with Wally Shannon about age discrimination issues. Note: Minutes of the Library Board of Trustees are not official until approved by the Library Board of Trustees at a meeting called and noticed for that purpose.

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