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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Minutes; Park Board: April 2011

Regular Meeting
Tuesday, April 26, 2011, 6:00pm
Public Works Garage, 535 S Madison St, Evansville, WI


1. Call meeting to order at 6:04pm.

2. Roll call- Fuchs, Braunschweig, Sauer, Wartenweiler, Culbertson, Mayor Decker and Wietecha.

3. Motion to approve the agenda as presented by Fuchs, seconded by Culbertson, passed.

4. Motion to approve the minutes from the March 21st, 2011 regular meeting, by Culbertson,
seconded by Fuchs, passed.

5. Citizen Appearances- None

6. Construction Updates-
a. 6th street detention pond project/ ‘Public Informational Presentation’- City engineer,
Dave Sauer outlined the project in detail using the construction/elevation maps for the
public members and committee members/city officials who were present. (Note: 2
members from the 6th St./Vision Dr. neighborhood were present.) Questions were taken from the public and answered in regards to; certain elevations (100 year event elevations versus drain tile elevations), the current back-up pump in the pond at 6th and Vision (it will be removed), if connecting to the western tributary will back-up (it won’t) and if implementing this project will affect the current system which seems to be working (it will not and the current success can be partially attributed to the berm that is north of the pond or south of Westfield Meadows, although this project will help to fix the overall problem).

7. Site plan reviews-
a. Westfield Meadows- LOMR did get DNR approval and now goes to FEMA for approval.
After that it will come back to the city.

8. Communications from the City Engineer-
a. WWTF update – City Engineer Sauer handed out the memo that was given to individuals that took the WWTF/Wind Turbine tour during the energy fair. The plant is running very good and it is way below State mandated return limits. Financially the total contract amount will be about $5.8 million and our budget was approximately $12,000 less than that. Keeping in mind that $3.2 million dollars were derived from stimulus funds.

b. East Main Street Bridge update to include rail road discussion – RT Fox is the
recommendation from the city engineer for the water utility work under the bridge due to their experience. That will be decided tomorrow night at the Water & Light committee meeting. DOT is using Concrete Structures as bridge contractor out of Janesville, WI. During that time it was thought to be wise to see if work could be done at the rail crossings just east of the bridge due to the wear and tear at that point. City engineer informs that contacting the railroad takes anywhere from 2 to 3 months from the railroad. The railroad does have a cost-sharing program but does not pay on the whole thing as they may have in the past. City Administrator brought up the fact that this has not been anticipated in the project budget while engineer replied that it was more of an FYI due to the fact that we may not even hear back from the railroad by the time the project has commenced. Committee still wants the information when available as it is a terrible piece of roadway on Main St.

9. Communications from the Public Works Director-
a. Discussion on wood chips, yard brush – Currently the city gives wood chips away at the yard waste site, however in the future the Public Works department will have a wood-burning furnace which would then require that wood for fuel in order to save the city’s and ultimately tax-payer’s energy costs. This policy will be further discussed once we have the furnace.

b. Discussion on picnic table inventory – at this point it has been determined that we do not have a large enough inventory to rent or lend any of the picnic tables at the park for any extended period of time.

10. New Business-
a. The energy efficiency grant is up at the end of June and the Mayor had questioned if we have enough time to get our planned projects done to use the grant money available. PW Director has said that it will be done.

11. Old Business-

12. Parks and Recreation Report- Park chair, Todd Culbertson, summarized events from the last
meeting which included his motivation and the committee’s initiative in direction of the shore
restoration project at Lake Leota.

13. Motion to adjourn meeting made @ 7:38p.m. by Culbertson, seconded by Fuchs, passed.

Faithfully submitted by: Mason Braunschweig, Chair Public Works Committee

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