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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Minutes; Evansville Park Board: August 2009

Monday, August 17, 2009, 6:00 p.m.
Evansville City Hall

Call to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Ringhand.

Present: Jerry Krueger, Jeff Farnsworth, Rich Modaff, Ron Carlsen, Rich Modaff, Janis Ringhand, Sue Merritt. Staff: Rich Hamacher, Ray Anderson, Dan Wietecha (6:10-6:40).

Approved the agenda as printed on a Farnsworth/Modaff motion, unanimous.

Approved the minutes as printed on a Juergens/Carlsen motion, unanimous.

No Citizens appearances.

Connor Williams, 126 Grove St., present with an Eagle Scout project. Connor is seeking support and approval for a fishing pier on Lake Leota. Connor has spoken with SOLE about their assistance and financial support. The pier will be wheel chair accessible, using cedar poles from a school project, adult supervision will be available for the entire project. Questions – permits from DNR – Dan Wietcha stated piers do not require DNR permits. Connor has 2 years to complete the project, may need to expedite process for any permits that are required. Request City donation of funds to help with project. City will take over maintenance on completion. Ray stated that Public Works Director would prefer to wait until next year. Modaff/Juergens motion to approve the planning of a handicap fishing pier in Lake Leota, unanimous.

Discussion regarding donations of equipment and memorials. Juergens presented a plan for Park donations, will revise and update for next meeting. One bench has been donated, Ray helped selection process with donor, will be installed at Westside Park.

Update on Wetland Shoreland – we did not receive the DNR Grant for lake plantings, but we have been notified of another Foundation. The Antes Fund is available annually for Lake Leota and Leota Park beautification and improvement, not maintenance, in the amount of $4,670.00. Approved projects would include landscaping of flowers & trees, lake plantings, improve existing historic picnic structures, Baker Bldg grounds. Ray suggested replacing the entry door at the Antes Cabin. Juergens suggested using Foundation money for matching grant for handicap fishing pier. Requests should be made annually by July 1 for payout in September, an itemized list of purchases with cost will be submitted to the Evansville Fund, which oversees the Antes Fund.

Ray asked about moving the Antes Cabin in the park, Historic Pres & Grove Society are talking about the possibility. Nothing concrete at this time.

Discussion on Lake safety, recreation & liability – Dan Wietecha stated several items came up at a joint meeting of Public Safety Services – Police, Fire & EMT’s. Co-operation between the departments, water rescue equipment and experience – Albany FD will train our staff for inflatable raft, throw ropes, buoys, rescue board; all 3 departments will have the opportunity to train on equipment; a location in park where equipment can be stored securely – all departments would have access. Recognizing whatever rules or policies are made by PRB, so they know what the policy is. Winter “ice” policy for lake, FD has some training for ice rescue, will involve PD & EMS in training. Policy work will be ongoing, would like to have something in writing by spring. We will work jointly with all three Public Safety entities to assure the best policies that are practical and enforcable get into place.

Discussion and action on Park Seller’s Permit for Lions Club Circus – no action necessary, already approved in June.

Chair’s report on City actions - Every property update.

Park Maintenance Supervisor report – graffiti is worse than it’s ever been. Many building have been broken into, police are doing their best to patrol. Bathroom in lower park is in bad shape, new bathrooms are getting hit as well. Cameras should be installed, internet & electricity are needed to operate camera. Ray checked into cameras – they range 300’, couple dummies and couple real camera’s, cost is $600-700 each for real cameras at Gander Mountain. Ray will contact Mark Smith, Alarm Smith, for cost estimate. A suggestion to close bathrooms from 7-9:00 p.m., use Pool bathroom if necessary, by Hamacher.

Aquatic Report – Rick Hamacher will keep budget at the same level as last year, no increase in part-time wages. Season will start one week later, eliminate the Sunday evening swim, some adjustment to swimming lesson schedule, to keep within budget. Discussed refund policy, will continue with the current NO refund policy that is in place and widely visible. Two requests for refund will not be considered as they were informed of the no refund policy at sign up time.

Budget will go to Finance as written for aquatics. Public Works addressed the maintenance budget at their last meeting.

Old Business – advertising in park will be removed from future agenda’s for lack in interest.

New Business – none.

Motion to adjourn by Juergens/Modaff at 7:15 p.m.

Next meeting September 14, 2009, 6:00 p.m., City Council Chamber.

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