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Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Minutes: Evansville Redevelopment Authority: December 20, 2005

Evansville Redevelopment Authority
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, December 20, 2005, 7:00 PM
City Hall, 31 S. Madison St., Evansville, WI


Chairperson Hagen called the meeting to order at 7:07 PM. Present were Chairperson Hagen, Ald. Aikman, Betsy Ahner, and John Decker. Vice-Chairperson Eager, Ald. Anderson, and Dean Arnold were absent. Bill Connors, Executive Director, also was present.

The agenda was approved as presented by the executive director.

There was a discussion of the minutes of the November 15, 2005, meeting. Motion by Ahner, seconded by Decker, to approve the minutes November 15, 2005, regular meeting as presented by the executive director with the following correction: the last sentence of the penultimate paragraph on page 3 is changed to read as follows “The commissioners discussed what Mr. Connors or other city staff should say if they are asked a question about the Redevelopment Authority’s policies, but there was no consensus, except that Mr. Connors or staff should encourage the person asking the question to attend the next meeting of the Redevelopment Authority and promptly make the commissioners aware of the inquiry if permitted to do so by the person asking the question.” Motion passed.

There were no citizen appearances on items not listed on the agenda, and no public hearings.

Unfinished Business

Mr. Connors provided each commissioner with an 11” X 17” map of TID No. 5 after the recent enlargement, but noted that the map contained an error, and that he would provide corrected maps at the next meeting. He also distributed a spreadsheet from the Amended Project Plan for TID No. 5 and memorandum explaining the spreadsheet. The spreadsheet shows projected cash flow for TID No. 5. The memorandum identifies some “threats” that might prevent achieving the financial results shown in the spreadsheet. This memorandum and spreadsheet will be discussed again at the next meeting.

The commissioners discussed possible changes to the statement of Redevelopment Authority’s policies and application form. There was consensus that the text in the description of the Property Loan Program and the Façade and/or Interior Loan Program should include a reference to a more extensive list of criteria drafted by John Decker and each of these sections should contain a paragraph called “Conditions” in which the applicant is informed that the Redevelopment Authority will consider negotiating additional performance criteria with the applicant that would allow for some or all of the assistance to be in the form of a forgivable loan or grant. The commissioners also agreed with a suggestion by Ald. Hammann that the application form should be amended to provide a rough calculation of the amount of tax increment that will be generated each year as a result of the proposed project. Executive Director Connors will make these revisions for review and approval at the next meeting.
New Business

No one appeared to discuss a possible project involving the Neuenschwanders’ property at 13 S. Madison St.

Motion by Ahner, seconded by Decker, to convene into closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. Sec. 19.85(1)(e), deliberation or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reason requires a closed session, to discuss possibly pursuing the purchase of or acquisition of options to purchase property located within TID No. 5, subject to approval by the Common Council, and not to reconvene into open session. Motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.

Motion by Decker, seconded by Aikman, to adjourn. Motion passed.

The meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM.

Prepared by William E. Connors, Executive Director

The Minutes are not official until approved by the Authority.

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