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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Minutes; Plan Commission: June 2011

City of Evansville Plan Commission
Regular Meeting
Monday, June 6, 2011, 6:00 pm
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street
Evansville, WI


1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Chair Mayor Sandy Decker.

2. Roll Call. Member present: John Gishnock, Jim Brooks, Mason Braunschweig, Sandy Decker, Matt Eaton, Carol Endres, and Bill Hammann. Others present: City Planner John Stockham, City Administrator Dan Wietecha, and members of the public.

3. Approval of Agenda. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Endres, to approve the agenda as presented. Motion approved unanimously.

4. Approval of Minutes. Brooks made a motion, seconded by Eaton, to waive the reading of the minutes from May 2, 2011 regular meeting and approve them as printed. Motion approved unanimously.

5. Citizen Appearances. None.

6. New Business.
a. Site Plan Review: Praiseworthy Flowers & Gifts, 515 East Main Street. Stockham presented the site plan application. The proposal is to build a new building which incorporates an existing block garage and removes an existing shed. He noted zoning is B-1 Local Business District and the proposal was not out of character with other properties in the area transitioning from residential to commercial uses. Property owner Jeff Porter said sewer would be extended to the new building.

The Plan Commission asked a number of questions. Parking would fit seven cars. The sloped driveway would be plowed and/or salted in the winter. A wall sign would require a separate permit; a sandwich board sign is not permitted in this district. There would be no new employees. The current business would be moving out of its space in the Care Closet building enabling their expansion there. The building would be ADA accessible. It would be on a slab with frost walls. The exterior would likely be a plaster finish. Braunschweig made motion, seconded by Hammann, to approve the waiver of certain submittal requirements, as recommended by city staff, and to approve the site plan for the proposed flower and gift shop building, subject to submittal of an erosion control plan as part of the building permit application. Motion approved unanimously.

7. Old Business.
a. Comprehensive Plan Implementation Report. Stockham noted that the Plan Commission and individual committees had reviewed and updated the Implementation Report over a year ago but a compiled copy had never been distributed. It was suggested that the Implementation Report be reviewed later this summer with the new planner for any action items still needing attention.

8. Permitting Activity. None.

9. Planner Solicitation. Wietecha said there were eleven applicants. The proposals are being reviewed. Finalists will be interviewed in the coming weeks.

10. Unified Land Development Code Committee. The committee meets tomorrow to review the landscaping point system.

11. Historic Preservation Commission. The Grove Society has been notified that the Baker Office Building is being recognized by the Madison Trust for Historic Preservation. This is a nice community award since the restoration needed passionate work by a lot of volunteers.

12. Evansville-Union Implementation Committee. The committee is inactive with the City Council and Town Board meeting directly.

13. Common Council Actions. None.

14. Board of Appeals. None.

15. Enforcement Report. None.

16. Next Meeting. Next regular meeting is Tuesday, July 5, 2011.

17. Adjourn. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Hammann, to adjourn the meeting. Motion approved unanimously at 6:25.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Minutes; Historic Preservation: June 2011

Evansville Historic Preservation Commission
Wednesday, June 16, 2011 6:30 P.M.
Evansville City Hall

Present: John Decker, Dennis Wessels, Steve Culbertson, Rick Schuch, Rich Modaff
Absent: Steve Christens, Betsy Ahner
Also Present: None

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by Chair. Richard Modaff. Motion by Wessels to waive the reading of the May 18, 2011 minutes and approve them as read. Second by Decker. Motion carried.

Applications – Appearances

a. 40 W. Liberty Street – Motion by Culbertson to accept the application by Michael Batinich to remove the slate siding and replace the exterior with Vinyl Siding. Second by Wessels. Neither the owner nor representatives were present to explain the work being completed on this house. The commission members discourage vinyl exterior siding. Motion failed by a 0-5 vote.
b. 30 W. Church Street – Motion by Decker to accept the application by Tony Ryerson to replace the current asphalt singing roof with a new asphalt shingle roof. Second by Schuch. The owner was not present to explain the work being completed on this house but received an emergency approve by Building Inspector David Wartenweiler due to a leaking roof. Motion passed on a voice count of 5-0.
c. 133 S. Fourth Street – Motion by Wessels to accept the application by Greg Whitmore to construct a wrought iron fence in his front yard. Second by Culbertson. The owner was not present to explain the work being completed. The Commission members stated they could approve application as long as the fence meets the current setback stated within the City of Evansville Ordinances. Motion passed on a voice count of 3-2.

Old Business

a. Antes Cabin – The committee decided to move forward with physical moving of the cabin but we need to decide exactly where to place it and how high the elevation should be to avoid future flooding.
b. National Register of Historic Places Nomination – Motion by Wessels to recommend to the City of Evansville and the Wisconsin State Historical Preservation Review Board for the placement of St John’s Lutheran Church and the Leonard-Leota Park in the National Register of Historic Places. Second by Culbertson

There being no other business, A motion to adjourn was made by Wessels. Second by Culbertson. Motion Carried by a 5-0 voice count.

Next meeting is tentatively scheduled for July 20, 2011.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Minutes: Eager Free Library Trustees: May 2011


1. Call to Order.
Board Vice President Gwen Clendenning called the meeting to order at 5:35pm. Present: Library Trustees - Gwen Clendenning, Vicki Lecy-Luebke, Susan Kruser, Kim Miller, Johanna Lema. Library Director Kathi Kemp. Trustees absent: Walter Shannon and Eloise Eager.

2. Approval of March revised and April meeting minutes
K. Miller moved to accept the March revised and April meeting minutes. S. Kruser seconded. All in favor, none opposed. Motion carried.

3. May Bills.
Director Kemp reviewed the bills with the City to make sure they are coded correctly.

The Friends are also paying for the paperbacks for One Book, One Town.

Few summer library programs for ages 12 and up. There will be a program featuring the art of henna drawing on hands for middle and high school students in July. Cost is $350 with half from the Friends and half from the gift fund. G. Clendenning made a motion to use $175 from the gift fund for half the cost of the Henna More program. S. Kruser seconded. Roll call vote. Aye: G. Clendenning, K. Miller, V. Lecy-Luebke, S. Kruser, J. Lema. None opposed, motion carried.

V. Lecy-Luebke moved to accept the May Bills as presented. J. Lema seconded. Roll call vote. Aye: G. Clendenning, K. Miller, V. Lecy-Luebke, S. Kruser, J. Lema. None opposed, motion carried.

4. Personnel Policy.
Will vote at the next meeting.

5. Librarian’s Report.
When gift funds are used they are attributed to a specific donation and K. Kemp is following up with the donor to let them know how the funds are used. G. Clendenning will work with K. Kemp on revising the savings account and gift list format.

The staff designed and made the passports to tie in with the global theme of the summer reading program.
Circulation numbers are up each month as compared to the previous year. Several programs are scheduled for June- Wright Influence, One Book One Town, High School study night prior to final exams and Donuts with Daddy. Muffins with Mommy was a big hit with 48 people attending.

K. Kemp has been talking with patrons and sending information to the Review regarding library services to help make people aware of all that is available.

Director Kemp received a free receipt printer just like the one we have off a library listserve. Had to be repaired but the repair cost was still much cheaper than buying a new printer.

Reviewed chapters 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the Trustee Handbook. Board members summarizing chapters 1 and 2 were absent and will be put on the June agenda. All Trustees need to read Chapter 3- “Bylaws- Organizing the Board for Effective Action” for discussion at the June meeting. We are already doing many of the things outlined in Chap 4- Effective Board Meetings. There were a few suggestions to follow up on such as receiving all information/ handouts prior to the meeting, review agenda at the start of the meeting, and create a Library Board Calendar of monthly activities. Chapter 5 reviewed hiring a library director. We are pretty much in line with the suggestions in Chapter 6 for evaluation library staff. For the next meeting J. Lema – Chap 7, G. Clendenning Chap 8, K. Miller Chap 9 and S. Kruser Chap 10.

Discussed 2011 budget to-date and 2012 budget Board members discussed both the internal tracking and the expenditure detail receive from the City. K. Kemp and G. Clendenning will work on formatting the internal tracking budget and savings/cds tracking spreadsheets. Discussed where the budget is at, with what percentage of budget is left. Board discussed the materials budget remaining for this year and how to proceed for next year. To date we have spent $13,900 on materials and need to spend another $24,499 on materials by end of this year. We have $2,500 from book fundraiser in bank, a carry over from last year. The total available for materials is $38,399 (includes fundraiser, carryover of 2010 budget). Our minimum effort t is $29,966 for materials purchase for 2011. The question is, how much do we want to spend this year: do we save for next year and do the minimum for 2011 and carry over $4,000 (from book budget) for next year (if we can, K Kemp will check with city, whether we can reserve the funds) or do we spend $33-34,000 on books this year. We do not want to fall below $30,000 for acquisitions. Discussion carried over to next meeting when K Kemp will have info on ability to carry over dollars.

6. Closed Session.
V. Lecy-Luebke moved we go into closed session to discuss to discuss employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the government body had jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. S. Kruser seocnded. All in favor. Board was updated on personnel matters.

7. V. Lecy-Luebke moved to exit closed session. S Kruser seconded. All in favor. V. Lecy-Luebke moved to adjourn, S Kruser seconded. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 1900 hrs.

Meeting minutes prepared by K. Miller and G. Clendenning. Next meeting Tuesday, June 28, 2011.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Minutes; Evansville Plan Commission: May 2, 1011

City of Evansville Plan Commission
Regular Meeting
Monday, May 2, 2011, 6:00 p.m.
Evansville High School, Performing Arts Center
640 South 5th Street, Evansville, WI


1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Mayor Sandy Decker.

2. Roll Call. Members present: Mason Braunschweig, Jim Brooks, Sandy Decker, Carol Endres, John Gishnock, and Bill Hammann. Matt Eaton was absent. Others present: City Administrator Dan Wietecha, City Planner John Stockham, City Clerk Judy Walton and several members of the public.

3. Approval of agenda. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Brooks to approve the agenda. Motion approved 6-0.

4. Approval of minutes.

A. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Endres to waive the reading of the minutes from the April 4, 2011 regular meeting and approve them as printed. Motion approved 6-0.

5. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed. None

6. New Business

A. Site Plan Review – LiteWire Internet Services. Stockham presented his staff report and power point presentation which described the applicants request and explained the zoning, parking, stormwater management and landscaping. Dave Mueller of LiteWire, thanked city staff for their help through the site plan process.

Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Hammann to approve the site plan for the LiteWire Internet Service office building.

Gishnock asked several questions of the applicant including whether an alternative driveway plan was considered, if they were going to have a dumpster (as that would require screening), and what type of lighting would be used on the building. He suggested alternate plantings and adding architectural detail to the building. Marty Howard of LiteWire responded that it was determined that the driveway plan presented was needed to handle the traffic flow, they were switching to city pickup for trash, and he explained the soffit lighting for the building. Decker confirmed with the applicants that the tower would not be moved. In response to a signage question from Endres, Stockham explained that they would be using a previously approved ground sign.

Motion approved 6-0.

7. Old Business.

A. Comprehensive Plan Amendment. Stockham presented his staff report and power point presentation which included population projections, growth in single family homes, vacant platted lots, and limitations in the direction that the city can grow.
He explained several maps including potential sewer service areas, Evansville-Union Implementation Committee recommendations, future land use plan, town subdivisions, growth phasing plan, future transportation plan, sanitary sewer facility plan, water utility facilities plan, and extraterritorial jurisdiction.

Stockham stressed that annexation can only occur if a majority of the property owners petition for annexation or if the city and town had a boundary agreement and both agreed to annex.

He explained the reasons for city expansion; the city is expected to grow, development on public utilities is more efficient and less expensive in the long-term, denser development consumes less farmland and is more environmentally efficient, and there is a large inventory of land in the town suitable for rural residential development – consumers will continue to have housing choices.

He concluded by outlining the steps that would be taken after the following public hearing if the Plan Commission approves the resolution recommending Council adoption; there would be another public hearing at the June Common Council meeting and if the ordinance is adopted the notifications and publications required by state statute would be completed.

Decker noted that some citizens arrived during the presentation and had Stockham re-display the town subdivision map and repeat that portion of his report, which included a repeat explanation of how annexations can occur.

Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Hammann to take from the table the Comprehensive Plan Amendment Public Hearing. Motion approved 6-0.

Decker opened the public hearing at 6:48 p.m. and the following people spoke:
Eric Larsen, 13535 W East Union Road, Evansville
Randy Tadych, 12943 W Woodworth Drive, Evansville
Doug Zwiezig, 6037 N Finn Road, Evansville (presented a prepared statement)
Bob Janes, 8739 N Territorial Road, Evansville
Elaine Strassburg, 16826 W County Road C, Evansville
Kendall Schneider, 8104 N Evansville Brooklyn Road, Evansville
Janet Johnson, 6130 N Hyne Road, Evansville
Dolores Rohloff, 7538 N Territorial Road, Evansville
George Franklin, 13847 W State Road 59, Evansville
Doug Lee, 17535 W Emery Road, Evansville
Rich Templeton, 9808 N Evansville Brooklyn Road, Evansville
Renee Exum, W17532 County Road C, Evansville (presented a prepared statement)
Alvin Francis, 17226 W County Road C, Evansville
Charles Belk, 8035 N Ridge Court, Evansville
Kim Gruebling, 13396 N Forest Hollow Lane, Evansville

Decker closed the public hearing at 7:28 p.m.

The Commission discussed items from the public comment period including; the effects of tabling the amendment – which could ultimately result in starting the entire process over, adding language to the proposed motion to address annexation concerns, the upgrade to the wastewater treatment plant and the large effect that had on the proposed amendment, and the overall need for a long range growth plan.
Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Brooks to approve Plan Commission Resolution #2011-01 recommending that the Evansville Common Council amend the City of Evansville Comprehensive Plan, as described in the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment dated February 8, 2011. Hammann made a motion, seconded by Braunschweig to amend the motion by adding an annexation can only occur if a majority of the property owners petition for annexation or if the city and town have a boundary agreement and both agree to annex. Amendment approved 6-0. Main motion, as amended, approved 6-0.

B. Land Division Ordinance Amendment. Stockham reviewed the proposed amendment which, if adopted, would be incorporated into the city’s land division ordinance as the policies for land divisions in the long-range growth area.

Decker opened the public hearing at 8:02 p.m. Eric Larsen, 13535 W East Union Road, Evansville, stated he was very pleased with the amendment.

There being no other comments, Decker closed the public hearing at 8:03 p.m.

Hammann stated that the amendment was good for both the City of Evansville and Developers in terms of getting the maximum value of the land.

Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Brooks to recommend to the Common Council amendment of Chapter 110 Land Division Ordinance as proposed by staff and dated March 31, 2011. Motion approved 6-0.

8. Report on other permitting activity by City Planner. None

9. Report on Planner Solicitation. Wietecha stated he has met with some individuals and companies that requested more information and the deadline to respond is May 27th.

10. Report on the Unified Land Development Code Committee. Stockham reported that they met a month ago and he would like to meet again prior to his retirement to review the landscaping code.

11. Report of the Evansville Historic Preservation Commission. Decker reported that she was at the Wisconsin Association of Historic Preservation Commissions Spring Conference and learned that it is likely the nominations for the Park and St. John’s Lutheran Church will go before the state review board in August.

12. Report of the Evansville-Union Implementation Committee. None

13. Report on Common Council actions relating to Plan Commission recommendations. None

14. Report on Board of Appeals actions relating to zoning matters. None

15. Enforcement Report. None

16. Next regular meeting date. Monday, June 6, 2011

17. Adjournment. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Endres to adjourn at 8:07 p.m. Motion approved 6-0.

Prepared by Judy Walton, City Clerk

The minutes are not official until approved by the Plan Commission at their next regular meeting.