Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Minutes: Park Board: October 2008

Evansville City Hall Council Chamber
Monday, October 20, 2008, 6:00 p.m.

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Ringhand. Present were Jerry Krueger, Ron Carlsen, Sue Merritt, Jeff Farnsworth, Rich Modaff, Janis Ringhand, Ray Anderson, Rick Hamacher. Fred Juergens was absent.

Motion by Modaff/Carlsen to approve the agenda as printed, unanimous.

Motion by Modaff/Krueger to waive the reading of the September 15, 2008 minutes and approve as printed, unanimous.

No citizen appearances.

SOLE Committee report - Gib Wiedenhoeft was present for SOLE, signs for “Vote Yes for Lake Leota” are available, efforts to get voters out is in progress. Ringhand shared 3 letters of support and 1 against the lake that she has received.

Discussion on ball field reservation policy. Motion by Farnsworth/Modaff to approve a standing precedence for the 4th of July Committee to have first right to reserve the park and ball fields for the annual 4th of July celebration, with timely notification to the city, as long as there are scheduled events, unanimous.

Motion by Modaff/Carlsen to eliminate the 29 day clause in Sec 86-6 for ball field reservations for leagues. Leagues must provide a schedule of all games to be played during the season at time of sign up to verify days and times, unanimous.

Discussion on park & rec fees for swimming pool, athletic playing fields, pavilions, etc., no motion at this time. Further information needed from league participants.

Request for name change of West Side Park to memorialize Arthur Phillips was tabled for future consideration. Suggestions were made for naming the future pavilion or boulevard entry way after Phillips.

No report from Chair regarding council action for park & rec board.

No report or update on parks, season is winding down and bathrooms will be closed soon.

No aquatic report, season is over.

Old business – will continue to seek information on advertising in parks. Received a letter from ECP, they donated $150.00 to the park for installation of sink and water in the press box.

No new business.

Motion to adjourn at 7:30 p.m. by Modaff/Ringhand, unanimous.

Next meeting November 17, 2008, 6:00 p.m.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Minutes: Finance: October 9, 2008

City of Evansville
Finance & Labor Relations Committee

Regular Meeting
Thursday, October 9, 2008, 5:30 pm
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin


I. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm by Chair Tom Cothard.

II. Roll Call. Present: Alderpersons Tom Cothard, Mason Braunschweig, and Diane Roberts. Also present: Mayor Sandy Decker, Finance Director Lisa Novinska, Administrator Dan Wietecha, and Municipal Judge Tom Alisankus.

III. Approve Agenda. Roberts made a motion, seconded by Cothard, to approve the agenda as presented. Motion approved unanimously.

IV. Minutes of September 4, 2008, Meeting. Cothard made a motion, seconded by Roberts, to waive the reading of and to approve the minutes as presented. Motion approved unanimously.

V. Citizen Appearances. None.

VI. Water and Light Bills. Cothard made a motion, seconded by Braunschwieg, to approve the Water and Light bills in the amount of $748,031.88 and authorize their payment. Motion approved unanimously on a roll call vote.

VII. City Bills. Cothard made a motion, seconded by Roberts, to approve the City bills in the amount of $637,779.07 and authorize their payment. Motion approved unanimously on a roll call vote.

VIII. Unfinished Business.
a. 2009-2013 Capital Budget. Novinska walked the committee through the capital budget recommendations with her written memo. Additional revisions by the committee included: delaying tuckpointing of city hall, reducing the amount for park projects, and reducing the amount for public works equipment replacement. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Cothard, to recommend to Common Council approval of the revised 2009-2013 Capital Budget. Motion approved unanimously on a roll call vote.

b. 2009 Operating Budget. Novinska walked the committee through the operating budget recommendations with her written memo. Additional revisions by the committee included: increasing dog and cat license fees, imposing soccer field rental fees, increasing picnic shelter rental fees, increasing cemetery interment fees, increasing funding for the municipal judge salary, reducing building inspector training expenses, reducing the youth center programming contract, and eliminating funding to Evansville Community Partnership. Cothard made a motion, seconded by Roberts, to recommend to Common Council the First Reading of Ordinance 2008-19, Adopting 2009 Operating Budget and Setting Levies. Motion approved unanimously on a roll call vote. Cothard made a motion, seconded by Braunschweig, to recommend to Common Council publication of the proposed 2009 Operating Budget. Motion approved unanimously.

IX. New Business.
a. Historical Society Subgrant Application. Decker explained that the grant is to cover expenses associated with nominating additional properties for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. The grant does not require a local match but is only paid on a reimbursement basis. Motion by Cothard, seconded by Braunschweig, to recommend to Common Council approval of Resolution 2008-19, Authorizing the City Administrator to Apply for a Certified Local Government Subgrant from the Wisconsin historical Society.

b. Lake Leota Financing. Wietecha walked the committee through several alternatives prepared by Ehlers & Associates regarding potential financing for the Lake Leota dredging project. Cothard made a motion, seconded by Roberts, to recommend to Common Council utilizing Option #4, level principal and interest payments over 20 years, as the potential debt structure for the proposed project. Motion approved unanimously.

X. Adjournment. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Roberts, to adjourn. Motion approved unanimously at 7:50 pm.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Minutes; Common Council: September 2008

Common Council
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, September 9, 2008 6:30 p.m.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI


1. Call to order. Mayor Sandy Decker called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

2. Roll call. Members present: Mayor Sandy Decker, Alderpersons Mason Braunschweig, Todd Culbertson, Barb Jacobson, Janis Ringhand, Diane Roberts, Dennis Wessels and Tony Wyse. Tom Cothard was absent. Staff present: Dan Wietecha, City Administrator; Judy Walton, City Clerk; and Mark Kopp, City Attorney. Several members of the public were also present.

3. Approval of Agenda. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Roberts to approve the agenda with the removal of item 7B(3). Motion approved unanimously.

4. Approval of Minutes. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Roberts to waive the reading of the minutes of August 12, 2008, regular meeting and August 16, 2008, meeting as the Committee of the Whole and to approve them as presented. Motion approved unanimously.

5. Citizen appearances. None

6. Proposed Lake Leota dredging project

A. Public Comment. John Sornson, 249 Franklin St; Prentice Eager, 249 Eager Ct; Harlin Miller, 123 N Fifth St; Rodney Courtier, 240 Kinsey Ct; spoke in favor of the project citing recreational needs, historic value, and the need to remove the negative look due to the present condition. Milford Frome, 230 Garfield requested that funds for this project be placed in the budget without a referendum; Ann Wiedenhoeft, 256 W Main St; Kelly Gildner, 8409 N Hwy 14; stated their support but without a referendum. Jack & Sceone Gard, 263 E Main St, stated their support for the project and the referendum. Jeff Farnsworth, 125 Garfield, stated that the Lake is one of the reasons people are drawn to Evansville. Diane Bailly, 680 W Main St, questioned the affordability of the project. Randy Rinehart presented a petition with 34 pages of signatures urging the Mayor and Common Council to support this project.

B. Recommendation from Public Works Committee
Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Roberts to place the following language for a referendum regarding the future of Lake Leota on the November 4, 2008, general election ballot: “Shall the Evansville Common Council approve spending an amount not to exceed $1.75 million in order to restore Lake Leota?” Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Roberts to amend the motion by striking $1.75 million and inserting $2 million. Council discussed the pros and cons of adding the construction of the culvert under the railroad tracks to the cost of the project. Amendment approved 4-3 with Braunschweig, Jacobson, Roberts and Wessels in favor; Culbertson, Ringhand, and Wyse against. Main motion, as amended, approved unanimously on a roll call vote.

C. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Ringhand to approve terms of agreement with Every Survivors Trust for easement and use of property for placement of soil materials from the Lake Leota dredge project. Motion approved unanimously on a roll call vote.

D. Ringhand made a motion, seconded by Roberts to approve terms of agreement with Rod Courtier for easement during the Lake Leota dredge project. Motion approved unanimously.

E. Ringhand made a motion, seconded by Wessels to approve hiring Vierbicher Associates to prepare bid documents and contract specifications for the Lake Leota dredge project at a cost of approximately $8,000 to $10,000. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Ringhand to amend the motion by striking of approximately $8,000 to $10,000 and inserting not to exceed $10,000. Motion approved unanimously. Main motion, as amended, approved unanimously on a roll call vote.

7. Reports of Committees
A. Plan Commission Report. None

B. Finance and Labor Relations Committee Report
(1.) Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Roberts to approve Water & Light bills and authorize their payment in the amount of $710,709.83. Motion approved unanimously on a roll call vote.
(2.) Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Ringhand to approve the City Bills and authorize their payment in the amount of $344,698.14. Motion approved unanimously on a roll call vote.
(3.) Motion to approve revision of agreement with Teamsters Local Union 579 regarding Lineman and Line Foreman wage rates.
(4.) Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Ringhand to approve terms of Landmark Services Cooperative to assume obligations of North Prairie Productions. Wietecha reviewed his recommended terms as outlined in his memorandum. Motion approved unanimously on a roll call vote.

C. Public Safety Committee Report. None

D. Public Works Committee Report
(1.) Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Ringhand to adopt “red-flag” policy pursuant to Section 114 of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act of 2003 [16 CFR 681.2]. Motion approved unanimously.

E. Water & Light Committee Report. None

F. Economic Development Committee Report. None

G. Redevelopment Authority Report. None

H. Parks and Recreation Board Report. None

I. Historic Preservation Commission Report. None

J. Fire District Report. None

K. Police Commission Report. None

L. Evansville-Union Implementation Committee Report. Ringhand stated they are reviewing boundary agreements from other communities.

8. Unfinished Business.
A. Braunschweig made a motion, seconded by Ringhand to approve Ordinance 2008-15, Amending the Chapter 46 of the Municipal Code Regarding Noxious Weeds and Rank Vegetation. (Sponsors: Braunschweig and Ringhand). Motion approved unanimously.
B. Roberts made a motion, seconded by Ringhand to approve Ordinance 2008-16, Relative to Speed Limits on Park Service Roads. (Sponsors: Cothard and Roberts). Motion approved unanimously.

9. Communications and Recommendations from the Mayor
A. Decker reminded Council of the League of Wisconsin Municipalities Annual Conference, October 22-24 in Stevens Point, and the Early Bird Registration Deadline is September 30.
B. Decker presented her Mayoral Proclamation Congratulating St. John’s Lutheran Congregation on the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Dedication of their Church at 312 South Third Street.

10. Communications from the City Administrator
A. Wietecha reminded Council of the 2009 Operating Budget Presentation Meeting on Wednesday, September 24, 6:00 at the Fire Hall.

B. Wietecha stated the Audit for the Year Ending December 31, 2007 is complete and the Auditor’s recommendations are being worked on with some items already completed.

C. Wietecha stated the Request for Proposals (RFP) for the City Planner would be sent by the end of the week.

D. Wietecha reviewed the Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Senior Services Coordinator.

11. New Business. None

12. Introduction to New Ordinances
A. Roberts presented the First Reading of Ordinance 2008-17, Annexing Territory of the City of Evansville, Wisconsin. (citizen initiated ordinance, no sponsor necessary – two parcels adjoining Celtic Ridge)
B. Braunschweig presented the First Reading of Ordinance 2008-18, Amending the City’s Zoning Map as Adopted in Chapter 130. (citizen initiated application, no sponsor necessary – rezone Curves property at 504 East Main Street)

13. Adjournment. Roberts made a motion, seconded by Braunschweig to adjourn at 7:47 p.m. Motion approved unanimously.

Prepared by:
Judy Walton
City Clerk

The minutes are not official until approved by the Common Council at their next regular meeting.

Minutes; Historic Preservation: September 2008

Evansville Historic Preservation Commission
Wednesday, September 17, 2008 7:00 P.M.
3rd Floor, City Hall

Present: Rich Modaff, Dennis Wessels, Betsy Ahner, John Decker, Steve Christens, Steve Culbertson Absent: Rick Schuch
Also Present: Chris Stephenson

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by chair Rich Modaff, he noted there was an error in the agenda. It stated the date of the last meeting was July 16 and it should have read, August 21. Motion by Dennis Wessels, second by Steve Culbertson to waive the reading of the Aug 21, 2008 minutes and approve them as read. Motion carried.

Applications – Appearances:

8 W. Main - Evansville Chamber of Commerce, the chamber would like to put its name on the awing. The sign ordinance says it needs to be on the vertical flap. Motion by John Decker to approve the application provided it meets our adopted design review standards and is limited to print on the vertical flap. Second by Dennis Wessels. Motion carried.

Old Business:

There is no old business.


a. Budget – firm figures on money that has been committed were not available but include, 3 dvds of the Bob Yapp video on fixing windows in historic buildings, $600 for the Arrowhead Library System to digitize records in the History Room, banners for downtown, membership in the Wisconsin Historic Preservation Commission, and the History Hunters. The City will not cut checks for these amounts unless Rich specifically directs them to, so he will make sure it has all been done. John pointed out that if our application for funding to make an application for the new Historic Districts is successful, the City would have to pay the bills and submit an invoice for reimbursement. It may take up to 30 days for them to be paid. Motion by John Decker to request funding for the Historic Preservation Commission for 2009 at the same level as 2008 with the understanding that we will apply for up to $18,000 for the National Register Application. Should we get this grant the City will have to front the money and if we don’t get the grant we will not ask for any money for the Historic Register. Second by Dennis Wessels. Motion carried.
b. Grove Society – the Primetimers Woodchuck group is forming with 11 – 12 retired members who are interested in starting a woodworking shop as part of the Senior Center. The school district has offered space and they have received a donation of tools. They are interested in helping with the Baker Building project. Petterson Plumbing is donating the plumbing and Kaehler Electric is doing the electrical for a very good price. Paul Davis Restoration is donating the drywall work through the primer paint. Upcoming expenses include insulation, more lumber, electrical, carpeting for the ECP side, flooring for the museum half and the construction of the handicap ramp. One more interior door is needed and it looks like the school has one that is a match that we can have. There are also a roof repair, landscaping and storm windows to be done. The finish carpentry is being donated by Rick Schuch and the Woodchucks. We are currently negotiating a lease with ECP. We will not charge them rent in exchange for their staffing of the museum and payment of utilities. John would like to request fund from HPC for the project. Economic Development has voted to give $500. Also, a Grove Society member has announced a challenge grant and will match dollar for dollar up to $5,000. The Grove Society Annual meeting is October 30 in the Eager Building, lower level. We invite you to attend and see the museum display boards that have been built and mounted.
c. Redevelopment Authority – the luncheon for business owners is on hold. Conversations may be help with individual property owners in the district.
d. Plaque Program Applications – none
e. Management of HPC Documents & Records – nothing new to report
f. Additional Historic Districts – there will be an open house on Saturday at 10:00 am in the library. Joe DeRose and Tim Heggland will present information on the benefits of being in a historic district. John has written to everyone in the district and asks that HPC members make phone calls. He will send out an email with names and phone numbers.
g. Discussion of Historic Landmarks – nothing new to report

Other Business:

a. Correspondence- none
b. Comments and concerns – none

There being no other business motion by Dennis Wessels to adjourn. Second by Steve Culbertson. Motion carried.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Minutes: Plan Commission: September 2008

City of Evansville Plan Commission
Regular Meeting
Monday, September 2, 2008, 6:00 p.m.
City Hall (Third Floor), 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin


1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Sandy Decker.

2. Roll Call. Members Present: Jim Brooks, Sandy Decker, John Gishnock, Bill Hammann, Diane Roberts, and Gil Skinner. Member Absent: Mason Braunschweig. Others Present: City Administrator, Dan Wietecha; City Planner, Tim Schwecke. Several members of the public were also present.

3. Approve Agenda. Hammann made a motion, seconded by Skinner to approve the agenda as printed. Motion approved unanimously.

4. Approve Minutes. Hammann made a motion, seconded by Roberts, to waive the reading of the minutes from the August 4, 2008 regular meeting and to approve them as printed. Motion approved unanimously.

5. Citizen Appearances other than agenda items listed. None

6. Action Items. Items 6A & 6B were acted on after 6C & 6D to allow time for Fire Department representatives to arrive.

A. Conditional use to establish a communication tower at 425 Water Street, Evansville Area Fire Department, applicant (Application 2008-28). Fire Chief, Mike Halvensleben, explained the need for and the location of the tower. Their existing tower will remain in place for the Police Department, as that is the most cost effective option. Schwecke reviewed his staff report. Brooks suggested changing the staff recommendation by replacing fire department with emergency services providers. Decker opened the public hearing at 6:25 p.m. Bob Janes questioned the limitations of the antennas. Schwecke explained that towers are designed with a specific load and too many antennas would negatively affect the tower. Decker closed the public hearing at 6:27 p.m. Hammann made a motion, seconded by Roberts to act on the application (not defer to a later date). Motion approved unanimously on a roll call vote. Hammann made a motion, seconded by Skinner to approve the application with the conditions as contained in the staff report based on the findings as contained in the staff report and the conclusion that the public benefits of the proposed use outweigh any and all potential adverse impacts, if any. Hammann made a motion, seconded by Skinner to amend the motion by changing the staff recommendation by deleting the words fire department and inserting the words emergency services providers. Motion approved unanimously. Main motion, as amended, approved unanimously.

B. Site plan for 100-foot antenna at 425 Water Street, Evansville Area Fire Department, applicant (Application 2008-29). Fire Chief, Mike Halvensleben, stated the tower was to be placed close to the building to improve reception. Schwecke reviewed his staff report. Anti-climbing precautions, lighting and tower base support were discussed. Hammann made a motion, seconded by Skinner to approve the application with conditions as contained in the staff report (and other conditions as may be imposed by the Commission). Motion approved unanimously.

C. Conditional use to establish a 3-unit multi-family building at 28-30 Garfield Avenue, Eager Fox LLC, applicant (Application 2008-30). John Willoughby stated that the property has been a 3-unit since 1946 and therefore the applicant is not creating anything new. He added that use of the dwelling was discontinued for 12-18 months for repair and upgrades. Chris Eager, applicant, explained the property’s driveway and onsite parking. The dwelling is required to have a firewall added and cosmetic repairs need to be done. Schwecke reviewed his staff report with the Commission. Decker opened the public hearing at 6:10 p.m. No one spoke. Decker closed the public hearing at 6:11 p.m. Hammann made a motion, seconded by Brooks to act on the application (not defer to a later date). Motion approved unanimously on a roll call vote. Hammann made a motion, seconded by Skinner to approve the application with the conditions as contained in the staff report based on the findings as contained in the staff report and the conclusion that the public benefits of the proposed use outweigh any and all potential adverse impacts, if any. Motion approved unanimously.

D. Site plan for 3-unit multi-family building at 28-30 Garfield Avenue, Eager Fox LLC, applicant (Application 2008-31). Schwecke reviewed his written report, explaining the need for the conditional use was due to the period of time the dwelling was vacant. The Commission discussed the parking layout. Hammann made a motion, seconded by Roberts to approve the application with conditions as contained in the staff report (and other conditions as may be imposed by the Commission). Motion approved unanimously.

7. Discussion items.
A. Update on development agreement for Celtic Ridge Subdivision. Wietecha stated the first reading of the annexation ordinance will be presented to Council next week.

B. Report of Unified Land Development Code (ULDC) Advisory Committee. Hammann led the discussion regarding the sewer service maps. They have not received the southwest quadrant map.

C. City Planner Request for Proposals (RFP). Wietecha stated these should be mailed by the end of next week.

8. Preliminary development presentations. None.

9. Update and discussion regarding Rock County’s draft smart growth comprehensive plan. Decker directed the Commission to the Intergovernmental Cooperation Element information in the packet. The next meeting is 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 16th. It is anticipated that the draft of the Housing Chapter will be approved and the first drafts of the Intergovernmental Chapter and the Economic Development Chapter will be presented. The next meeting will be November 20th and the final meeting is scheduled for December 18th.

10. Update on administrative review of Site Plan Amendments. None.

11. Update on submittal of Community Rating Score (CRS) application. None.

12. Report of Evansville Redevelopment Authority.
A. Transit Orientated Development. Wietecha stated this is in early discussion, but on the radar screen.

13. Report of the Historic Preservation Commission.
A. Additional Historic Districts - State Historic Society Meeting September 20th. Decker stated there was an intensive survey done in 2006. There are potentially two additional areas identified as historic districts.

14. Future Utility Service Area Maps. Discussed previously under Item 7B.

15. Unified Land Development Code (ULDC) Advisory Committee. Hammann stated they are starting land use.

16. Update on Common Council Actions relating to Plan Commission recommendations. None.

17. Update on Board of Appeals actions relating to zoning matters. None.

18. Enforcement. None.

19. Upcoming Meetings. Monday, October 6, 2008.

20. Adjournment. Roberts made a motion, seconded by Skinner, to adjourn at 7:04 p.m. Motion approved unanimously.

Prepared by:
Judy Walton
City Clerk

The minutes are not official until approved by the Plan Commission at their next regular meeting.